1975 In Prophecy 1975 In Prophecy
Radio Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1956

FANTASTIC push-button world by 1975? It is being planned by modern science and industry. But now you're going to take a peek into the surprising future, exactly as it will happen! Not what men PLAN - but what GOD SAYS! Here, in understandable language, is a quick SUMMARY of all prophecy - the negl ...

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Mystery Of The Ages Mystery Of The Ages  -  Chapter 4    Mystery of Civilization
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1985

FEW stop to think about it, but when you do, could anything be wrapped in more mystery than this world's civilization? How explain the astonishing paradox, a world of human minds that can send astronauts to the moon and back, produce the marvels of science and technology, transplant human hearts - ...

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How ROME Counterfeited Gods Holy Days! How ROME Counterfeited Gods Holy Days!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  April 1958

Easter and Lent were celebrated 4000 years ago in Babylon. Yet ROME introduced these customs into the Christian Church. How and when did Rome become the "modern Babylon"? THERE are over 750 million professing Christians in the world today - everyone of them, in greater or lesser degree, pr ...

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Microwave From Tucson Microwave From Tucson
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  March 2, 1981

But of all those multiple thousands who heard Jesus Himself, how many do you think really believed what He said? Only 120! Some believed ON Him, but they didn't believe what He said. You know, you have to AGREE with God to walk with Him. Can two walk together, except they be agreed? That's in Am ...

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Are You Converted? Are You Converted?
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon   -  1980

I'd like to go over something today that Mr. Herbert Armstrong has been emphasizing the last few times I've gotten to see him. So, I can't think of anything better to do than just pass on to you what he's been giving to us. We had a 25th anniversary in Chicago during the Days of Unleavened B ...

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A Handbook of Church History A Handbook of Church History  -  Chapter IV   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1973

Bible Description: This church is divided into two sections. The last stage was divided into the church of the Paulicians and the Bogomils. Verse 18 of Chapter 2, Revelation. And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of ...

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The Sabbath Question The Sabbath Question
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  October 23, 1981

The nation is in the doldrums. The world is in the doldrums, and in violence, and trouble. This nation is now in a recession. There's no question about it. I see even the government in the White House has finally admitted it this week, and there may be worse times coming. Now God has been holding ...

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Proof of the Bible - Part 1 Proof of the Bible - Part 1
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon

Today, I'd like to ask you, when you put your hands on the Holy Bible and you open the Bible, or you pick up your Bible, what attitude do you have? What does it do to you? What does it do for you when you pick up your Bible and open your Bible? Luke 8:18. It seems strange that people can sit in th ...

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Galatians 3 & 4 Galatians 3 & 4
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  December 5, 1980

Galatians 3:1 - O foolish Galatians... Oh, by the way, I might say this, they not only were listening to certain Jewish leaders that wanted to get back into some of Judaism and bring that in which had been a substitute for the Holy Spirit, which included circumcision as part of this ritualistic ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Chapter III       Festivals    II. Easter
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

Then look at Easter. What means the term Easter itself? It is not a Christian name. It bears its Chaldean origin on its very forehead. Easter is nothing else than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name, as pronounced by the people Nineveh, was evidently identical with ...

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The Plain Truth About Easter The Plain Truth About Easter
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1973

The Resurrection was not on Easter Sunday! Easter is not a Christian name, but the title of the idolatrous "queen of heaven." Here's an explanation of the true origin and meaning of Lent, Easter eggs, and sunrise services! WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chance ...

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The Plain Truth About Easter The Plain Truth About Easter
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1973

The Resurrection was not on Easter Sunday! Easter is not a Christian name, but the title of the idolatrous "queen of heaven." Here's an explanation of the true origin and meaning of Lent, Easter eggs, and sunrise services! WHY DO you believe the things you believe, do the things you do? The chance ...

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Lesson 23 - Why Christians Should Keep GOD'S HOLY DAYS Lesson 23 - Why Christians Should Keep GOD'S HOLY DAYS
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Why did God institute the WEEKLY Sabbath and, later, seven ANNUAL Sabbaths? What do they picture? Were GOD'S Holy Days for ancient Israel only, or are they also for the New Testament Church of God? ...

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I Corinthians 3-4 I Corinthians 3-4
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  July 25, 1980

In just continuing where we left off last Sabbath, and I brethren could not speak unto you, now he's speaking you remember to the Church at Corinth and remember as I said last week this is just a continuing of the letter, we just left off with part of the letter and we're going right on this is ...

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The Two Babylons The Two Babylons   Chapter VII       The Two Developments Historically and Prophetically Considered    II. The Beast from the Sea
Alexander Hislop  -  Reference Book   -  1858

The next great enemy introduced to our notice is the Beast from the Sea (Rev 13:1): "I stood," says John, "upon the sand of the sea-shore, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea." The seven heads and ten horns on this beast, as on the great dragon, show that this power is essenti ...

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