Thou Shalt Not! Thou Shalt Not!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July 1952

Are the Ten Commandments "NEGATIVE" and therefore a WRONG form of law? OFTEN we hear the basic Law of God impugned as negative, and therefore not good. God is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "THOU SHALT NOT!" God's truth is sometimes looked upo ...

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Thou Shalt Not! Thou Shalt Not!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1955

Are the Ten Commandments "NEGATIVE" and therefore a WRONG form of law? Often we hear the basic Law of God impugned as negative, and therefore not good. God is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "THOU SHALT NOT!" ...

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Thou Shalt NOT! Thou Shalt NOT!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1984

Are the Ten Commandments negative, and therefore a wrong form of law? Often we hear the basic law of God impugned as negative, and therefore not good. God is often conceived as a stern, wrathful God, who angrily says to us: "Thou shalt not!" God's truth is sometimes looked upon as a reli ...

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Angels - Servants of God Angels - Servants of God
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1974

There is a very real, but invisible world - another dimension, as some choose to call it - existing along with our own - but absolutely indiscernible to our five senses. It is the spirit world of God and angels. God tells us that He is a spirit (John 4:24); that spirit is invisible (John 3:8, Col. l ...

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Sevens & Twelves Sevens & Twelves
Worldwide Church of God  -  Study Tools

Seven Laws of Success, Seven Proofs God Exists, Seven Laws to Radiant Health, Seven Keys to Understanding the Bible, Seven Proofs of the Church of God, Seven Eras of God's True Church, Bible - Seven Fold, The Number Seven (7) in the Book of Revelation, Twelve Tribes and Who They Are, Twelve Apostl ...

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The Feast of Tabernacles - Its MEANING for New Testament Christians The Feast of Tabernacles - Its MEANING for New Testament Christians
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  August 1980

God gave seven annual festivals to ancient Israel to preserve for New Testament Christians. But ancient Israel did not understand the meaning of these days. We do. Why? Have you assumed that ancient Israel understood the plan of salvation because God gave to them, through Moses, His seven annua ...

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Pentecost Study Material Pentecost Study Material  -  Old Testament   
Herbert W Armstrong & Herman L Hoeh  -  Study Tools   -  1974

The Pentecost question is one that can be made very complex and complicated. Also it can, and I feel should (especially before brethren), be made quite simple. To simplify it, I do NOT like to say the issue is WHETHER we count 50 days from a Sunday inclusively or exclusively. In ENGLISH, 50 days FRO ...

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The Laying on of Hands The Laying on of Hands
Richard A Wiedenheft  -  Tomorrow's World   -  April 1971

The Bible leaves us in NO DOUBT as to what THE LAYING ON OF HANDS is and how the true Church of God should employ it. THE MOST basic doctrines of Christianity are listed in Hebrews 6:1 and 2 - repentance, baptism, faith, and the resurrection. Among them is the laying on of hands. Yet you have probab ...

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Happiness Is - Happiness Is -
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

What is true, lasting happiness and how can YOU have it? "Happiness is - a full tank of gas." "Happiness is - a winning home team." "Happiness is - finding a $5 bill." These and many similar definitions of happiness appear in novelty shops and on bumper stickers, greeting cards, T-shirts and ...

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Bible Literacy Test Bible Literacy Test
Ambassador College  -  Study Tools

Dividing the nations (Shem, Ham, Japheth) - Abraham - God's Covenant - Blessing of Tribes of Israel - Ten Commandments - My Sabbaths... a sign - Clean and Unclean Meats - Feast Days - Blessing and Cursing on Israel; four, seven - times punishment - Man's ways seem right, but lead to death. ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 01, 1935 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 01, 1935
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 01, 1935

The most solemn and sacred occasion of the year, the observance of the Lord's Supper, will take place on Tuesday night, April 16th. This is the eve, or beginning of Abib 14th of the sacred calendar, which is April 17th. Jeans, Alvadore, and Eugene churches will combine for the occasion, meeting at ...

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The Bible Superstition or Authority? The Bible Superstition or Authority?
Ronald L Dart  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1969

Man would like to get rid of the Bible. He's tried. for some reason, however, that ancient Book refuses to roll over and play dead. It keeps on impartially proclaiming, "Here is Truth," in face of a barrage of criticism unparalleled in the history of literature. There are those who will tell you t ...

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Pentecost Pentecost
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Pentecost   -  June 10, 1984

Greetings brethren, all of you. Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the observance of Pentecost by this church, since the Philadelphia era was founded. But since the church was founded, it is about the nineteen hundred and fifty-second anniversary. The church was founded a thousand, nine hundred fi ...

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What Is Jesus Doing Now? What Is Jesus Doing Now?
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  February 1983

Jesus is busy. He is active. But what is He doing? What has He been doing since His resurrection? It is vital that you understand! Jesus is on the job, standing ready to intervene in your life, to deliver you from trouble, to help you overcome your problems. Not only is He preparing to return soon t ...

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Looking Into the World Tomorrow Looking Into the World Tomorrow
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  August 19, 1985

Let's be sure we understand what our lives are all about! Here we are in the middle of the ninth decade of the 20th century. We know we are in the very last decades of the 6,000 years of human life on this earth. And at the end of that 6,000 years, Jesus Christ will come IN HIS GLORY AND SUPREME P ...

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