Romans 8:30 - Whom He Did Predestinate Romans 8:30 - Whom He Did Predestinate
Lester L Grabbe  -  Good News   -  July 1976

Romans 8:30 - a definitive scripture of profound implications! In a single passage, the apostle Paul sums up the entire Christian experience from predestination to glorification. Each keyword in this important passage is worthy of amplification. And that is exactly what this series of articles is d ...

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Lesson 47 - The Purpose of Prayer Lesson 47 - The Purpose of Prayer
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1967   Revision 15M467

PROFESSING Christians PROFESS to pray. But few actually do! And fewer, it seems, really know WHY they should pray, and WHAT TO EXPECT AS THE RESULT OF PRAYER! Prayer is stressed in the Bible, but neglected by many because so few realize the VITAL PURPOSE for prayer. EMPTY Prayer. Prayer today has de ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 10, 1968 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 10, 1968
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 10, 1968

TODAY I can ANNOUNCE THIS BIG NEWS AT LAST! Now It's OFFICIAL! I have said before I expected to announce it soon. But TODAY something else happened. Mr. Portune, our business manager just now came to my office and said, "TODAY THE BOTTOM DROPPED OUT!" He was talking about the income for ...

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Lawson C Briggs  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1978

I hope you understand," said a current editor of Scientific American, "that [our magazine] is under new ownership now, and we certainly wouldn't have published that article today. It was nonsense." He was referring to Scientific American's March 1937 article on the shroud of Turin ...

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Lesson 6 - What Is Lesson 6 - What Is "Hell"?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1977   Revision 5271/8002

Even if you are a faithful, believing Christian, you may go to hell! Many of your loved ones are right now in hell! But don't be alarmed. You probably have never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is — and where most ideas on the subject came from. Just what does the Bible teach ab ...

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The Plain Truth About The Waldensians The Plain Truth About The Waldensians  -  Chapter II   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1974

The problem of Waldensian antiquity to a modern scholar in research has been long since solved. To better understand the histories written by Protestant writers, however, it is very valuable to comprehend their materials in the light of this problem. So, first let us obverve the typical Protestant w ...

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As Millions Arm Themselves ...WHAT'S YOUR SOURCE OF PROTECTION? As Millions Arm Themselves ...WHAT'S YOUR SOURCE OF PROTECTION?
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1983

Here's the way to security from crime and violence - without guns! Handgun sales are soaring in the United States. And many are rushing out to buy shortened shotguns or rapid-fire rifles for self-defense. Others are learning martial arts such as judo, karate or kung fu. People around the world are ...

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An Open Letter To Our Newly Begotten Brethren Recently Baptized An Open Letter To Our Newly Begotten Brethren Recently Baptized
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1981

Personal From Herbert W. Armstrong - GREETINGS! newly baptized brethren in Christ Jesus: This year again there is joy and rejoicing among the angels in heaven over your repentance and having been begotten to a lively hope as children of God through Jesus Christ our Lord! And there is new joy in the ...

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Idolatry Idolatry
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And as I said before, when men have guns, they begin to use them, and when nations have hydrogen bombs, sooner or later, some madman and some tyrant is going to let go and use it. It's just a case of how many months or years do we have? And it isn't going to be very many. I think you'd better ...

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ORGAN TRANSPLANTS How far dare we go? ORGAN TRANSPLANTS How far dare we go?
Jeff E Zhorne  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1985

WHILE the anesthesia team battled to keep the patient's lungs working and his blood pressure steady, the surgeon skillfully guided his scalpel. The patient's punctuated vital signs hovered between life and death. Would his body turn against the newly transplanted organ? Medical advancements-comb ...

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What Is the Spirit of Real Christianity? What Is the Spirit of Real Christianity?
C Wayne Cole  -  Good News   -  May 1976

The world is full of "pseudo-Christians" - but what is the spirit and attitude of a true Spirit-led Christian? God has perfect character. He is consistent. He is an unchanging God (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8). You can count on God to fulfill His intentions and promises. He is reliable, trustworthy, ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 02, 1967 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 02, 1967
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 02, 1967

This is the MOST IMPORTANT letter I have ever written to YOU—and it is to go to all members of GOD'S CHURCH, worldwide! I'M sure most of you have heard, by now, of the very critical illness of Mrs. Armstrong—the wife of my youth whom God gave me, fifty years ago (lacking a few months) to be my h ...

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History Documents Jesus Christ! History Documents Jesus Christ!
Charles V Dorothy & Lynn E Torrance  -  Good News   -  December 1967

The real facts behind the birth of Jesus and the historic PROOF that Christ lived have been intentionally suppressed! Read these remarkable Bible-confirming records from all over the ancient world! HISTORIANS deny that Jesus Christ ever lived! "But then, historians are privileged LIARS" (W ...

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Ending Your Financial Worries Ending Your Financial Worries
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  May 30, 1984

Financial worries today plague almost everyone, the struggle to make ends meet is one of the greatest problems of the average person or family today. There is a reason and yet most people don't know anything about that reason they don't realize it at all, you can be free from it, there are laws ...

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Lesson 20 - In Training For RULERSHIP Lesson 20 - In Training For RULERSHIP
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Jesus Christ will soon return as Supreme Ruler to establish the world-ruling Kingdom of God. But what about YOU? Will you be one of Christ's assistants in the World Tomorrow? How can one be TRAINED to rule with Him? ...

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