Stories From The New Testament: Chapter 4 - The Messiah Is Identified Stories From The New Testament: Chapter 4 - The Messiah Is Identified
Shirley King Johnson  -  Good News   -  April 1981

When Jesus was sufficiently recovered from His long fast, He returned to the Jordan River where John was baptizing. Jesus stayed at the outer fringes of the crowd that had gathered, but His cousin caught sight of Him and immediately pointed Him out to the people. "There He is!" John exclai ...

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Leadership in God's Church Leadership in God's Church
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1975

I have been thinking about a vital subject for some time now, and decided I should share those thoughts with all of our GN readers. That extremely important subject is leadership in God's Church - how it is something entirely different than executive leadership in an industrial corporati ...

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Why Do Some Pillars Fall? Why Do Some Pillars Fall?
Victor Root  -  Good News   -  January 1982

The apostle Paul wrote that God's people should be "stedfast, unmovable" (I Cor. 15:58). How can we develop this quality of stedfastness? Every visitor to the ruins of ancient Persepolis in southwest Iran is struck by the sight of 13 soaring stone pillars. Of 100 original columns in Dari ...

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Prove All Things: Who and What Is God? Prove All Things: Who and What Is God?
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  February 1985

Everyone knows His name," observed one wise man, speaking about God, "but no one seems to know Him!" True words, those. And ironic words, too. For in a modern world packed with Bibles of every translation and description, and even having the Word of God on computer, millions have indeed heard God' ...

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Will You Gain the Victory? Will You Gain the Victory?
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  September 1976

"To him that taketh the path of least resistance and floateth downstream like a dead fish, giving in to every whim and desire, will I grant to sit with me on my throne." That's not a quote from the Bible! It's not a quote from anything, but it's what some "Christians" seem ...

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Jesus' Teachings Turned Upside Down Jesus' Teachings Turned Upside Down
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Oh, my friends. It's a good thing. There is a world tomorrow coming, and that the news of tomorrow's world is good because the news of today's world is so bad. And there is a cause for it all, and there will have to be a reason if there's going to be a better world tomorrow, whatever we sow, ...

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What Makes The Bible Different? What Makes The Bible Different?
William H Ellis  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1964

The Bible is acknowledged by many as divinely inspired - yet others, including theologians, condemn it as unbelievable myth! If YOU have ever doubted, wondered or taken for granted God's Word - this message from our Correspondence Course Staff is for YOU! There is no other book on earth like your ...

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The Seven Laws of Radiant Health The Seven Laws of Radiant Health
Roderick C Meredith  -  Tomorrow's World   -  January 1972

Should you be sick or feel only "half alive"? You need to understand the WAY to a healthier, more dynamic life! DID YOU REALIZE that some thirty million Americans are yearly spending time in a hospital - 1,350,000 on any one day? Did you know that nearly half of all Americans, about 100 mi ...

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The SUEZ Crisis in Prophecy! The SUEZ Crisis in Prophecy!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1956

Will international control of Suez bring peace to the Middle East? Mr. Armstrong has returned from Egypt. Here is his second report - with a seldom-understood prophecy about what's going to happen NEXT! Not since World War II has the collapse of the British Commonwealth been so near! British leade ...

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Church Government Church Government
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 7, 1955

Before the message this morning, I feel I should say one thing. It generally is not regarded as proper to applaud a sacred song. I know we appreciate your attitude and spirit in doing it. And I'm sure the singers do, and it's quite all right to applaud something of a secular nature like we were ...

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The World Didn't Come to an END! The World Didn't Come to an END!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1962

But prisoners did escape from prison! Pagan astrologers in India, Malaya, and southeast Asia forecast that the world was coming to an end the night of February 2nd, or during the ensuing week-end. It became BIG NEWS, world wide. Millions in America, Britain, Australia, and around the world displayed ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 19, 1956 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 19, 1956
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 19, 1956

This will have to be a short, but URGENT letter. Never in all my experience have the problems of God's work come with more crushing weight upon my shoulders than now. Never have I been brought more fully to realize how earnestly, fervently, seriously and BELIEVINGLY we need to go to GOD in prevail ...

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Christ's Parables - Part 1 Christ's Parables - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 12, 1979

Now, in proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God, multitudes came to Jesus. They followed Him wherever He went. They crowded around Him because of the miracles that He had performed, but He never sought crowds. He didn't go out trying to drum up a crowd at all, but they followed Him, nevert ...

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Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  May 1964

History comes alive with the startling story of how Simon Magus - branded a FALSE PROPHET by the book of Acts - established HIS OWN UNIVERSAL Church! SIMON MAGUS was a Babylonian priest. He was a part of the Babylonian community that had been living in the land of Northern Israel ever since the Nort ...

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So Your Child's in School! So Your Child's in School!
Joan C Bogdanchik  -  Good News   -  January 1984

You can greatly promote your child's education if you will follow these simple principles. R-r-r-r-ring goes the school bell, signaling vacation's end. The important, much-anticipated event is now a reality. Your child has taken his first steps away from home. He has entered the new realm of sch ...

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