How Doors Are Opening Worldwide to the Good News! How Doors Are Opening Worldwide to the Good News!
Robert E Fahey  -  Good News   -  September 1976

Just how are doors opening wide for Herbert Armstrong to have private meetings with presidents, kings, emperors, prime ministers all over the world? Here is an interesting inside story of the South African campaigns. Having just spent one full month with Herbert W. Armstrong and Stanley R. Rade ...

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A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion  -  Chapter 4   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

IT SEEMS incredible indeed! Higher education teaches technical courses in human physiology, anatomy, anthropology and psychology. The universities take man apart and study him minutely inch by inch. They study every factor and phase of man. Yet they do not know WHAT man is or WHY he came to be here ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1978

Think very carefully and then, honestly and truthfully, count how many couples you know who are truly happily married. I don't mean families who are "sticking it out" for the sake of the children; I don't mean people who are putting their best foot forward for the sake of appearances; ...

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The Authority of the Bible The Authority of the Bible
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Can you trust the Bible? Are its prophecies, promises and teachings reliable? This collection of ancient writings claims to be the inspired and authoritative word of God. Is it really? How can you know? Agnostics doubt it. Most Christians vaguely believe the Bible is inspired. But can you absolutely ...

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Make This Feast a Family Affair Make This Feast a Family Affair
Richard J Rice  -  Good News   -  September 1982

By keeping the Feast of Tabernacles we celebrate God's Kingdom in advance. And the joy of God's Kingdom should be present, in type, in our physical families today. In this special section you will learn vital keys to building family harmony for this Feast. - Fine Tune Your Marriage NOW - How You ...

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Seven Proofs of God's Church: Proof 3 - The Truth About Pagan Doctrines Seven Proofs of God's Church: Proof 3 - The Truth About Pagan Doctrines
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1975

We have already seen two great proofs of the true Church of God. The first proof is one of the greatest principles of the Bible - that God is the Ruler in heaven and in earth, and that He actually rules in His own Church. We saw the threefold second point of the great sign God made betwe ...

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Teen Bible Study: Never Give Up! Teen Bible Study: Never Give Up!
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Youth Magazine   -  January 1984

"Nine in 10, at least once or twice in a lifetime, come to the place where they appear to be totally defeated! All is lost! - apparently, that is. They give up and quit, when just a little more determined hanging on, just a little more faith and perseverance - just a little more stick-to-itiven ...

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Prophecy Comes Alive! Prophecy Comes Alive!
Neil Earle  -  Good News   -  April 1985

The skillful structure of Bible prophecy has been largely ignored. Artistic craftsmanship, while adding force and beauty to the prophecies, also helps cloak God's message from the careless and disobedient. Sometimes menacing, sometimes sublime - yet always vivid and arresting - Bible prophecy spea ...

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YOU May NOT ESCAPE the Tribulation! YOU May NOT ESCAPE the Tribulation!
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  January 1962

Some who think they are going to a place of safety MAY NOT GET THERE AT ALL! Read WHY and whether this could include YOU! GOD's Church has heard many times the blunt warning of Jesus Christ: "Watch ye therefore, and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape" (Luke 21:36). We ...

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Outline of Prophecy 05 - Invasion of United States - Israel Outline of Prophecy 05 - Invasion of United States - Israel
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Did you notice the newspaper this morning? Well, I did.., and the news is not good. And that's the way it is. And there's no peace in this world now. And this world is going to go through a lot of troubles in the next few years. Now, as I read the newspaper this morning, you know what I read? We ...

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Human Vanity Human Vanity
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

The only solution for this world's ills is the change of human nature until human nature is changed. We will continue to have war. We'll continue to have divorce, crime, drug addiction. We will continue to have a series of heartbreaking tragedies which will be found in International crises of ev ...

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The Plain Truth About Christmas The Plain Truth About Christmas
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  December 4, 1981

Why Christmas? Why do people observe it? What keeps Christmas going? The Plain Truth about Christmas. It will open your eyes. At this season of the year, there is a phenomenon that is playing a big part in your life and the lives of other people all over this world. I refer to the phenomenon of Chri ...

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THE THE "SECRET RAPTURE": Lift-off or Letdown?
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1981

Some believe it will be the ultimate "great escape." And that it could take place at any moment. But what does the Bible say? Many an average person on the street may never have even heard of it until watching religious programs on television or reading the newspaper. The "rapture&quo ...

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Stories From The New Testament: Chapter 4 - The Messiah Is Identified Stories From The New Testament: Chapter 4 - The Messiah Is Identified
Shirley King Johnson  -  Good News   -  April 1981

When Jesus was sufficiently recovered from His long fast, He returned to the Jordan River where John was baptizing. Jesus stayed at the outer fringes of the crowd that had gathered, but His cousin caught sight of Him and immediately pointed Him out to the people. "There He is!" John exclai ...

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Prove All Things: Who and What Is God? Prove All Things: Who and What Is God?
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  February 1985

Everyone knows His name," observed one wise man, speaking about God, "but no one seems to know Him!" True words, those. And ironic words, too. For in a modern world packed with Bibles of every translation and description, and even having the Word of God on computer, millions have indeed heard God' ...

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