Visions of the End Time Visions of the End Time
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  November 6, 1978

But there was a newscaster who foretold this same thing before the modern scientists were ever born, or before they thought about it, and that was 1900 years ago, and that newscaster was Jesus Christ. And he came with a message, and the message that he brought was called his gospel. Now the word "go ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Booklet   -  1957

ENOCH was "translated." Where did he go? Was he immediately taken to heaven? NO! Because Jesus Himself said: No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man" (John 3:13). Here are Jesus' own words that no man, except Himself, had ascended into heaven! And ...

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What Do You Mean - In Jesus' Name? What Do You Mean - In Jesus' Name?
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  May 1985

Jesus gave His followers the special privilege of using His name, and we must use it properly! "In Jesus' name." You've seen that often - probably too often. It is one of the most overused - and misunderstood - of the religious sounding phrases that are so casually used today. Sometime ...

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Will You Get to Heaven? Will You Get to Heaven?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July-August 1970

Do Christians GO TO HEAVEN when they die? Are there really "MANSIONS IN THE SKY" waiting for you? Read the surprising PLAIN TRUTH about these vital questions in your own Bible! "GONE to be with the Lord," it is said of dead churchgoing people today. Is this literally true? Do people really GO TO HEA ...

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There is a REAL HELL FIRE! There is a REAL HELL FIRE!
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1963

A leading Protestant theologian recently said, "It is doubtful whether many educated Protestants today believe in 'heaven' and 'hell' as literal physical places... "Yet to many millions hell is frighteningly real! Is there a real hell, a real fire, a real torment - what does the Bi ...

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40th Anniversary Conference of Drafting UN Charter 40th Anniversary Conference of Drafting UN Charter
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1985

Personal From Herbert W Armstrong - Forty years ago I attended the entire San Francisco Conference for the drafting and signing of the Charter for the United Nations. On June 23 to 26 of this current year, the 40th anniversary of that Conference was held In San Francisco. So far as I know, I was one ...

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Why We Proclaim a Message About GOVERNMENT Why We Proclaim a Message About GOVERNMENT
Michael A Snyder  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1982

Few know the awesome changes soon to take place in human affairs. Why do we announce the good news of the coming government of God to rule all nations? For that matter, why did Jesus announce to the world of His day, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; f ...

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WHY Foot-and-Mouth Disease Plagues Britain WHY Foot-and-Mouth Disease Plagues Britain
David R Bedford & Colin D Sutcliffe  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1968

Britain has suffered the worst epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in its history. England's Financial Times describes it as "the worst disaster of any kind to have befallen the farming community in living memory," "It's just like the war," commented one farmer recently on a T ...

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How Would Jesus Vote? How Would Jesus Vote?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1964

A new President in the Soviet Union and an election year in the United States, how would Jesus vote for president? If Christ were on earth today what would be His choice of a leader for the United States, or for Britain, or South Africa, or Australia, or for that matter for any nation? What type of ...

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The Bible Story - Volume V The Bible Story - Volume V  -  Chapter 125
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1987

THE armies of Israel, Judah and Edom had pursued the Moabite army to the Moabite capital city of Kir-haraseth. The king of that country, Mesha, was desperate. He had a fire built atop that wall for sacrificing his oldest son to the imaginary pagan god Molech, trusting that in return Molech would spa ...

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Lesson 10 - Symbol of Fulfilled Prophecy Lesson 10 - Symbol of Fulfilled Prophecy
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1966   Revision 666

PROPHECY IS THE PROOF OF GOD! THE startling headlines of WORLD NEWS for the next 10 to 15 years are ALREADY WRITTEN IN ADVANCE! Yet heads of governments - and most people - are totally oblivious to them! Tomorrow's News Today! TOMORROW'S news is ALREADY WRITTEN in Bible PROPHECY! It stands writt ...

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In Which World Are You? In Which World Are You?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  August 19, 1982

I had just turned on television, the NBC Tonight Show was on and Johnny Carson was interviewing a movie star and suddenly I thought will who else pray tell but a show biz personality could Johnny Carson interview anyway? Who else was of any importance, or would be considered of importance to the vie ...

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Angels - Servants of God Angels - Servants of God
Hugh M Mauck  -  Good News   -  November 1974

WHEN I was a teenager back in the late thirties and early forties, I wondered what it would be like to be invisible. I remember so well the movie The Invisible Man starring Claude Raines. It was the story of a chemist who had discovered a formula that made him invisible. Although invisible, he could ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1962

Is Christ REALLY ALIVE today? DID Jesus of Nazareth really walk out of His tomb? COULD it be possible? Today, vast percentages of professing "Christians" REJECT the resurrection and second coming of Christ! What about it? Can it be PROVED Christ is risen? Is IT INCREDIBLE that Christ was r ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1966

Why is it, despite continued prosperity, that millions of families are burdened with debts - worried about an insecure future? There is a cause - and here is the cure. Right now there is a major crisis in money. Interest rates are climbing. Inflation is ballooning. In the U.S., according to latest f ...

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