Why So Many Denominations? Why So Many Denominations?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Is Christ divided? There are hundreds of denominations in America - and many other little groups and sects. WHY? When did this confusion originate? IT'S HARD to believe, but it's TRUE! The actual facts of history - both Biblical and secular - are astonishing! It's time we looked behind this cu ...

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Why So Many Denominations? Why So Many Denominations?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  May 1985

Is Christ divided? There are hundreds of denominations in Christendom - and many other little groups and sects. Why? When did this confusion originate? It's hard to believe, but it's true! The facts of history - both biblical and secular - are utterly astonishing. It's time we looked behind th ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1979

Is Christ divided? There are hundreds of denominations in America' - and many other little groups and sects. Why? When did this confusion originate? It's hard to believe, but it's true! The actual facts of history both biblical and secular - are astonishing! It's time we looked behind this c ...

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WHY So Many Denominations? - Part X WHY So Many Denominations? - Part X
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1953

There are more than 250 important denominations in America - and scores of little groups and sects. WHY? When did all this CONFUSION originate? Every denomination realizes that at some time in the history of the Christian Church there has been a great apostacy or falling away from the truth. Catholi ...

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WHY So Many Religious Denominations? WHY So Many Religious Denominations?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1955

Is Christ divided? There are more than 250 main denominations in America - and other hundreds of little groups and sects. WHY? When did this confusion originate? It's hard to believe, but it's TRUE! The actual facts of history - both Biblical and secular - are astonishing! It's time we looked ...

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WHY Such Confusion about Water BAPTISM? WHY Such Confusion about Water BAPTISM?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1955

Ten years ago the Atomic Age dawned - and with it, the threat of total destruction of human life! It has made people THINK! It has led to a "revival of religion," especially in America and Great Britain. Never has religion been so much in the news headlines. Yet, startling as it may seem, ...

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Why the Strange Customs of HALLOWEEN? Why the Strange Customs of HALLOWEEN?
Herman L Hoeh & Gerhard O Marx  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1970

Halloween is the strangest holiday of the entire year. On the eve of November 1, children in many lands dress as goblins, or as witches, knock on doors, announce "trick or treat," soap windows of schools and stores. Some tear down mailboxes, and give the police a great many headaches with their juve ...

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Why We're Unable to Answer All Your Letters Why We're Unable to Answer All Your Letters
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1956

Here is a frank explanation, giving you the reasons why we've been unable - despite earnest efforts - to answer personally each of your encouraging letters. This is a world-wide work, extending over five continents to a vast audience of more than 10 million radio listeners each week! In the United ...

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Will a Rearmed GERMANY Stop Russia? Will a Rearmed GERMANY Stop Russia?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1955

What is the real significance behind Dr. Adenauer's visit to Moscow? Here is a first - hand report of the little-known Russian strategy to wreck Western defense. I have just returned from Germany, New horizons of prestige and power are bursting forth upon the New Germany, Moscow was forced to INVI ...

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Will GERMAN Rearmament Stop Russia? Will GERMAN Rearmament Stop Russia?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  April 1952

American leaders have decided that Germany must be rearmed to save the world! Can Germany be trusted with a gun? Here's what prophecy says! COMMUNISM is spreading in Asia. Fear is gripping the world. Billions of American tax dollars - your tax dollars are being spent toward military and economic a ...

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Will the Churches Unite? Will the Churches Unite?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1960

Can Protestants and Catholics get together in the coming Vatican Council? What does prophecy say will happen? Here's the startling answer in this sequel to last month's article. One stumbling block is keeping Protestants and Catholics from uniting. Protestants usually refuse to face it. It is th ...

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Worst WEATHER Ever! Worst WEATHER Ever!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1955

For years we have been warning this nation - and the world - of the devastating weather changes which are occurring before YOUR VERY EYES! Science has no real solution - no guaranteed way - to protect your home from flood, drought or famine. Read, in this article, what is destined to result from the ...

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YOU Can Be a Success YOU Can Be a Success
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  February 1957

Learn the difference between success and failure. THIS past month has witnessed a great drama in England. It's a lesson to us. WHY did Sir Anthony Eden fail as prime minister? By contrast, WHY has Sir Winston Churchill been recognized as the great man of this century? Twenty-five years ago Churchi ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1983

Do you have doubts about acquiring a job? Does the dread of illness or a nervous breakdown haunt you? Are broken friendships robbing you of health? Then here's what you need to do! Never in the history of the world have so many people enjoyed so many benefits from labor-saving devices and so many ...

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