What Is Now Prophesied! What Is Now Prophesied!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1985

Will the next 15 years bring human extinction- or the dawn of a new world of peace and incredible achievement? Suddenly this world has become different! It was never like this before. Look at the change in the last 85 years-then LOOK at the change in the last 15. What will another 15 years be like? ...

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We're Creatures of Habit WHY? We're Creatures of Habit WHY?
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1983

Our new readers will be surprised at how much of what we do, think and feel is a matter of habit. Without habits we could not function - or perhaps even survive. That's the good side of habits. Habits allow us to perform an astronomical number of actions without significant conscious thought, effo ...

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ME? A Creature of Habit? ME? A Creature of Habit?
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1980

You will be surprised at how much of what you do, think and feel is a matter of habit. Without habits we could not function - or perhaps even survive. That's the good side of habits. Habits allow us to perform an astronomical number of actions without significant conscious thought, effort or undue ...

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Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1976

Surprisingly, this awesome and destructive natural disaster can strike almost anywhere. Here is how you can prepare to protect yourself and your family. Killer quakes have hit the headlines with disturbing frequency in recent months. "Guatemala's 39 Second Eternity of Terror." Death Toll ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 24, 1942 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 24, 1942
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 24, 1942

GREETINGS! I write this issue of The BULLETIN on the train, as we approach the Continental Divide along magnificent Glacier National Park, with its lofty peaks and scenic grandeur. It is inspiring to view the majestic works of nature which have been spread out by the mighty creative hand of God. Aft ...

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What Is Now Prophesied! What Is Now Prophesied!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1980

Will the next two decades bring human extinction - or the dawn of a new world of peace and incredible achievement? SUDDENLY this world has become different! It was never like this before. Look at the change in the last 80 years - then look at the change in the last 10. What will another 10 years be ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1964

When Paul preached the gospel at Rome, where was Peter? Why is the book of Acts strangely silent about the twelve apostles after their departure from Palestine? Here, revealed at last, is one of history's best-kept secrets! Why has the truth about the journeys of the twelve apostles been kept from ...

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Which is the True Church? Which is the True Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Where is the original true church today? Now, Jesus Christ had said, when he was on earth, "I will build my church," and he did build it. But he didn't say churches. He didn't say many different denominations, everyone speaking something different. He said one church, and it is one body, and the ...

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SCIENCE: NOAH'S FLOOD - Is it Believable? SCIENCE: NOAH'S FLOOD - Is it Believable?
Robert E Gentet  -  Good News   -  December 1973

Is the Flood merely a Hebrew myth? Does the biblical record of the Noachian Deluge and the Ark make sense in the light of modern, scientific findings? DURING the past few hundred years, the credibility of the Bible has come under serious question. Many have found it difficult to believe ...

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What is the History of the True Church? What is the History of the True Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  October 13, 1983

I speak as a voice crying out in the 20th Century wilderness of religious confusion showing what is soon coming on this world. The subject of Armageddon and the end of the world has been appearing in the public press more or less often in the last 25 years. The Disciples asked Jesus Christ for a sig ...

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The Sabbath Question The Sabbath Question
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  October 23, 1981

The nation is in the doldrums. The world is in the doldrums, and in violence, and trouble. This nation is now in a recession. There's no question about it. I see even the government in the White House has finally admitted it this week, and there may be worse times coming. Now God has been holding ...

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Galatians 3 & 4 Galatians 3 & 4
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  December 5, 1980

Galatians 3:1 - O foolish Galatians... Oh, by the way, I might say this, they not only were listening to certain Jewish leaders that wanted to get back into some of Judaism and bring that in which had been a substitute for the Holy Spirit, which included circumcision as part of this ritualistic ...

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The History of Europe and the Church The History of Europe and the Church   Part Three         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1983

ROME has fallen! The greatest power the world has ever known is trampled in the dust. The Empire that had conquered the world is herself conquered! Italy is overrun by Germanic tribes. Odoacer, a chieftain of the Germanic Heruli, has deposed the boy-monarch Romulus Augustulus. The great city is ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

Jesus commanded His disciples to observe the New Testament Passover, not by slaying a lamb in Jerusalem, but by washing one another's feet and partaking of unleavened bread and wine. But how many of us have realized that the New Testament Feast of Tabernacles is just as different from i ...

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HITLER'S Thousand-Year Plan versus GOD'S HITLER'S Thousand-Year Plan versus GOD'S
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May-June 1941

Here is revealed Adolph Hitler's amazing "NEW WORLD ORDER." compared, by contrast, to GOD'S PLAN for the next thousand odd years on this earth, as revealed in Bible Prophecy, So far, Hitler's plan is moving exactly on schedule! How much farther will he proceed? EDITOR'S NOTE: The a ...

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