Lesson 3 - Where Is the Arms Race Leading? Lesson 3 - Where Is the Arms Race Leading?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1965   Revision 765

Make no mistake! - World War III is on the way. This cold war is the lull before the storm. It will DECIDE WHO WILL RULE the world. WHY A HOT WORLD WAR III IS COMING! World War I was supposed to have been fought to end all wars. But it did not produce a DECISIVE outcome. The nations did not have the ...

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Just What Do You Mean... Born Again? Just What Do You Mean... Born Again?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  October 1971

Don't be too sure you know! Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been "born again" — but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising — it is startling! — THE MOST IMPORTANT truth you can know, here made SO PLAIN you will UNDERSTAND! ...

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Just what do you mean... BORN AGAIN? Just what do you mean... BORN AGAIN?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1972

Don't be too sure you know! Many professing Christians sincerely believe they have been "born again" — but do not understand what Jesus meant by those words. The true answer is not only surprising — it is startling! — THE MOST IMPORTANT truth you can know, here made SO PLAIN you will UND ...

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The Seven Laws of Radiant Health The Seven Laws of Radiant Health
Roderick C Meredith  -  Booklet   -  1973

There are immutable laws governing the entire universe which act upon everything and everyone. Ignorance of them does not suspend or annul their effect. Painful penalties are reaped when they are broken; health and happiness result when we are in harmony with them. Health is not an accident - n ...

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You Can QUIT Smoking You Can QUIT Smoking
William F Dankenbring & Ambassador College Research Department  -  Booklet   -  1970

SMOKING is claimed to be the number-one preventable cause of disease. Yet, despite dire warnings, millions continue to puff away. Smoking advocates claim it is pleasing to the senses, enjoyable, fun. They claim it is relaxing, restful, and refreshing. Some even insist that smoking is harmless! What ...

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Lesson 44 - Countdown On Civilization Has Begun! Lesson 44 - Countdown On Civilization Has Begun!
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1966   Revision 10M1268

COUNTDOWN ON CIVILIZATION HAS BEGUN! WHAT FEW seem to realize is that we are now in the last half of THIS WORLD'S last generation! Do you know what this means? The final, IRREVOCABLE "countdown" on human society - on THIS world's systems - has already begun! Time is fast running out! M ...

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Principles of Healthful Living Principles of Healthful Living
Ambassador College  -  Booklet   -  1975

The physical world is governed by natural laws. Health and happiness are the direct result of cooperation with those principles. To be sick is to be out of harmony with natural law. This booklet will provide commonsense principles of good health derived from experience, accepted medical findings and ...

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The Jesus Trip - One-way Ticket to Nowhere? The Jesus Trip - One-way Ticket to Nowhere?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  June 1971

A furor of protest came flooding in over my recent article in The PLAIN TRUTH concerning the new "trip" among many of America's youth: "The 'Jesus Trip.'" Many were angry. But WHY? In the article, I challenged everyone to FIND THE TRUE JESUS CHRIST! Why should this make professing Christians a ...

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Building The Temple Building The Temple
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  February 14, 1981

Jesus said, in Matthew 16:18 I will build my church, and the gates of hell [which should be translated "the gates of the grave." That's what He meant. And the word "hell" there is Hades, which simply means the grave. It doesn't mean the kind of hell that Dante thought it mean ...

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Key to Northwest European Origins Key to Northwest European Origins  -  Chapter V   
Raymond F McNair  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1963

Before concluding our study of the Cimmerian branch of the dispersed Israelites, let us examine more closely the people who were known in history as the "Celts." We have already seen that the Gauls, Cimmerians, Cymry and the Celts are all simply different offshoots of the CIMMERIAN branch of th ...

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In the Beginning... Answers to Questions from Genesis In the Beginning... Answers to Questions from Genesis
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1980

Genesis is the "book of origins." It constitutes that part of the Bible which is commonly called the introductory book of the Old Testament. The name Genesis is derived directly from the Greek translation of the Hebrew word bereshith, meaning" in the beginning." The book of Genesis starts with a bri ...

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Key to Northwest European Origins Key to Northwest European Origins  -  Chapter VII   
Raymond F McNair  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1963

We have seen that the name Cimmerian or Gimiri, as mentioned on the Behistun Rock Inscriptions, referred to the people of the House of Omri, Khumri, or Ghomri. But what is the origin of the word "Scythia," as mentioned in the Persian and Susian languages on the Behistun Rock Incriptions? I ...

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What's behind the ENERGY CRISIS? What's behind the ENERGY CRISIS?
George P Ritter  -  Booklet   -  1974

THE ENERGY CRISIS. Is it a hoax, a fraud, something the oil companies manufactured? Or is the energy crisis for real? Is it just a temporary shortage that we can learn to cope with - getting by with only a few annoying inconveniences? Or will it have dramatic impact on our whole way of life - perhap ...

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Mystery Of The Ages Mystery Of The Ages  -  Chapter 6    Mystery of the Church
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1985

PERHAPS the greatest mystery of all will not seem, at first glance, to be a mystery to most readers of this volume. The reason that is true is the fact that the true purpose and meaning of the Church is as little understood as the Bible itself. The revelation of that mystery must come as a shocking ...

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The Authority of the Bible The Authority of the Bible
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Can you trust the Bible? Are its prophecies, promises and teachings reliable? This collection of ancient writings claims to be the inspired and authoritative word of God. Is it really? How can you know? Agnostics doubt it. Most Christians vaguely believe the Bible is inspired. But can you absolutely ...

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