D-DAY! The Untold Story D-DAY! The Untold Story
Neil Earle  -  Plain Truth   -  July-August 1984

What was the key to Allied victory in World War II? More importantly, why are things now going so badly for the British and American peoples? June 6, 1944- just a brief 40 years ago this summer- was one of the decisive dates in history! On that day General Dwight D. Eisenhower from headquarters in s ...

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What Is The True Gospel? What Is The True Gospel?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1972

NBC News asked me, "Do you believe the world is going to end soon?" I had to say, "No, I don't. And as a matter of fact, the gospel of Jesus Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with the end of the world." Oh no, that's gonna be like a cold shower to some people. Why them fighting words, didn't ...

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Against the Gates of Hell Against the Gates of Hell  -  Chapter 5   
Stanley R Rader  -  Reference Book   -  1980

Late in 1978, several dissident, former Church members trooped into the law offices of Hillel Chodos in Beverly Hills with a list of so-called improprieties they said were occurring within the Church. After hearing them out, Chodos went to see Lawrence R. Tapper, deputy attorney general of the state ...

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The Plain Truth About The Waldensians The Plain Truth About The Waldensians  -  Chapter II   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1974

The problem of Waldensian antiquity to a modern scholar in research has been long since solved. To better understand the histories written by Protestant writers, however, it is very valuable to comprehend their materials in the light of this problem. So, first let us obverve the typical Protestant w ...

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Are We Ashamed of God's Truth? Are We Ashamed of God's Truth?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April-June 1973

"Strange, bizarre sect" was one magazine's appraisal. "They meet in secret," said another. "You can't find out anything about them," complained a newspaper. "They must be Communist, or something" says a bewildered citizen. Persecution? Or the natural reaction to our own "fear syndrome ...

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Paul W Kroll  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1969

Extinct three-toed horses in modern times? Fossils out of place? Supposed ancestors and descendants living together? Read about these problems which plague the assumed evolutionary history of the horse. Some years ago a noted scientist rose to challenge the commonly accepted evolutionary family tree ...

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What the World Needs Now Is... Hope What the World Needs Now Is... Hope
David Jon Hill  -  Good News   -  May 1976

A favorite song of recent years is titled "What the World Needs Now Is Love, Sweet Love" - but before the world can have love It must have hope! Every morning we wake up to a cacophony of fear and despair, chaos and cruelty, coups and corruption. In the newspaper over the morning cup of cof ...

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The Nature Of Law & Sin The Nature Of Law & Sin
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1975

Most people have an opinion about what sin is. But what does God say it is? The Bible says much about sin you may not have noticed. AH FLOO ovah Chicago, an' bruthern, ah sawr sin!" - wailed the itinerant tent-meeting evangelist. Everywhere this fiery "preachuh" went, he saw "s ...

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The United States And Britain In Prophecy The United States And Britain In Prophecy  -  Chapter 3   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

NATIONAL GREATNESS PROMISED ISRAEL - YET THE JEWS NEVER RECEIVED IT - WHY? PRIOR TO WORLD WAR II, THE American and British peoples had acquired more than two-thirds of the cultivated resources and wealth of the world. Yet, astonishing wonder though it be, we acquired nearly all of it rather suddenly ...

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Just What is God? Just What is God?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1960

Just what is God? Who and what is God? Anyhow. Do you believe you know? Is God a spirit? Is he a principle of good? Is he a mere theological or philosophical concept in the mind of man, a figment of man's imagination? Is God a Trinity? Is he in a certain place or is he everywhere? Is God in nature ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 15   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

There is as much confusion surrounding the message Jesus brought as there is about the personality of the man Himself - which is to say that there is an enormous lack of true understanding. Even the word gospel is usually misinterpreted or misunderstood - connoting to most minds something smacking o ...

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Dinosaurs Before Adam? Dinosaurs Before Adam?
Robert E Gentet  -  Special Topics   -  1963

What do the facts of science and the Bible reveal about dinosaurs — about the earth before Adam? Why is evolutionary geology unable to account for the sudden extinction of dinosaurs? Here are the answers! ...

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The Story of Adam The Story of Adam
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1964

Tomorrow's world will be a world of plenty, a world of increased brotherly love. In fact, infinitely richer and better than any world that ever existed. Exclaimed the science editor of a well-known New York magazine. And you know, he's right, he's absolutely right. But you know, the way in whi ...

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Dinosaurs Before Adam? Dinosaurs Before Adam?
Robert E Gentet  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1963

What do the facts of science and the Bible reveal about dinosaurs - about the earth before Adam? Why is evolutionary geology unable to account for the sudden extinction of dinosaurs? Here are the answers from the Geology Department of Ambassador College. Did you know that once literally MILLIONS of ...

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God Speaks Out on God Speaks Out on "The New Morality"  -  Chapter 1   
Ambassador College Department of Theology  -  Book   -  1964

TODAY THE WORLD is emerging from the age of hush. A moral revolution is sweeping the world. The professional authorities" - the psychoanalysts, the scientists, the doctors, the biologists and the marriage counselors - have decided that moral standards are in need of revision. And they are being revi ...

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