The Origin of Medical Practice The Origin of Medical Practice  -  Chapter I   
Charles S McMichael  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

By what authority do historians give GREECE credit for the origin of modern medical practice? This question may come as a surprise. Most early men of learning taught that ALL civilization began with a single people: the ancient Greeks. Until the Twentieth Century, few students of medical origins hav ...

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Mystery Of The Ages Mystery Of The Ages  -  Chapter 7    Mystery of the Kingdom of God
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1985

JUST what do you mean, "The kingdom of God"? That, too, is an unsolved mystery, not only to all in the world but to the world's churches, theologians and "Bible scholars" as well. Actually that mystery is connected with its associated mystery, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why do ...

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Rules of Success - Part 2 Rules of Success - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Why is it that so many people make a failure out of life? And yet, some make a success of it. This is the second of a series bringing you the Seven Rules of Success, for there are certain definite laws in motion that regulate success or failure, health or sickness, happiness or unhappiness. These th ...

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The Origin of Life The Origin of Life
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Special Topics   -  1956

Have scientists found evidence that life evolved from dead matter? Are the first fossils simple and primitive as the theory of evolution demands? You and I are supposedly end products of an evolutionary process. This concept is taught as truth in almost all of our educational institutions today. But ...

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Are You Qualified For Eternal Life - Now? Are You Qualified For Eternal Life - Now?
Charles F Hunting  -  Good News   -  August 1966

Can you say with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE, "I am NOW qualified for a place in God's Family?" NOTHING could be more important to you RIGHT NOW! It's the very reason for your existence! READ this article, and CHECK UP on yourself! ARE YOU AFRAID to answer the question in the title of this art ...

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Drugs - Who Needs Them? Drugs - Who Needs Them?
D Paul Graunke  -  Good News   -  March 1976

The primary problem with drugs is not what they do, nor who uses them - but why people abuse them. Until we can answer the why, drug abuse among teenagers - and adults - is here to stay. Drugs are not the problem - but symptoms of other problems. In many respects, the current drug scene is a repl ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 34   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Steady Growth of Work at Eugene: IT WAS now spring, 1935. Holding Sabbath morning services alternately at the Jeans school, twelve miles west of Eugene, and at the Alvadore school fifteen miles northwest of Eugene, and Sabbath afternoon services at our house in Eugene soon became untenable. Purchase ...

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What We Need Most Is Peace What We Need Most Is Peace
Adnan Abu Odeh  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1986

A Palestinian Speaks Out. From time to time, the editorial staff of The Plain Truth endeavors to bring to the attention of its audience the views and opinions of leading personalities who have, or will have, a significant impact upon the world in the months and years ahead. One such individual is Ad ...

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The Sabbath Was Made for Man The Sabbath Was Made for Man
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  October 1974

Many of our long-time readers have come to understand that the biblical Sabbath is the seventh day of the week. God has never given any ecclesiastical body the authority to change His day of rest. Nothing in the New Testament even remotely suggests that the Church Christ started ever kept any day bu ...

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SCIENCE: NOAH'S FLOOD - Is it Believable? SCIENCE: NOAH'S FLOOD - Is it Believable?
Robert E Gentet  -  Good News   -  December 1973

Is the Flood merely a Hebrew myth? Does the biblical record of the Noachian Deluge and the Ark make sense in the light of modern, scientific findings? DURING the past few hundred years, the credibility of the Bible has come under serious question. Many have found it difficult to believe ...

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How You Can Be Imbued With the POWER of God! How You Can Be Imbued With the POWER of God!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1979

The Church in apostolic days was filled with power! Today, Christians are spiritually lifeless. Why? What has happened that Christians seem cut off from the source of that power? News flashes constantly bombard us with reports of undreamed -of new powers unleashed by science. Never has the world had ...

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How You Can Be Imbued With The Power of God! How You Can Be Imbued With The Power of God!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1979

The Church in apostolic days was filled with power! Today, Christians are spiritually lifeless. Why? What has happened that Christians seem cut off from the source of that power? News flashes constantly bombard us with reports of undreamed - of new powers unleashed by science. ...

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Calendar and Eclipse Interrelationships Calendar and Eclipse Interrelationships  -  Chapter II   
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  June 1967

A markedly different system has remained practically unknown even among the educated elite of today. A few slighting comments refer to a "very complex... calendar (that) evolved through the ages for religious purposes" and "a grouping of days into weeks of seven days (that) has no sin ...

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God's People in Black Africa God's People in Black Africa
Robert G Morton  -  Good News   -  January-March 1973

Once again Mr. Harold Jackson and Mr. Robert Morton have returned from a baptizing tour of Black Africa. Here is the complete report of one of the most successful baptizing tours in the history of this era of God's Church! How WOULD you like to wait twelve years for your first visit by a repr ...

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What is the History of the True Church? What is the History of the True Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  October 13, 1983

I speak as a voice crying out in the 20th Century wilderness of religious confusion showing what is soon coming on this world. The subject of Armageddon and the end of the world has been appearing in the public press more or less often in the last 25 years. The Disciples asked Jesus Christ for a sig ...

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