Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 8   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Becoming a Publishers' Representative: IT WAS now the fall of 1915. By this time I had a considerable amount of valuable experience behind me. I had reached the age when most students had graduated from college - twenty-three. All this time I had continued my studies, delving into many subjects, i ...

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The Bible Story - God Calls Moses The Bible Story - God Calls Moses
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1960

"Why is it that you girls are back home so much earlier than usual?" Reuel asked his daughters. "An Egyptian was at the well where we go to water our flocks," said the daughters. "Evil shepherds rushed in to drive our herds away, but this stranger drove the shepherds away. H ...

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The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  January 1966

Question 1: Is God all powerful? Matthew 19:26 says God can do everything, but Judges 1:19 says He couldn't drive out the inhabitants of the valley. Why couldn't He, if He is truly all powerful? Question 2: My ten-year-old daughter is feeling bad because of her poor grades. Her teachers lowered ...

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Coping with Loneliness Coping with Loneliness
Carole Ritter  -  Good News   -  April 1976

The affliction of loneliness has reached epidemic proportions in our society. Striking both young and old without warning, it provides psychiatrist and huckster alike with a fertile field in which to work. Why so much loneliness? Is it due to some personal deficiency in lonely people, or is ...

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Your MARRIAGE Can be Happy Your MARRIAGE Can be Happy
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1972

It's becoming RARE to find truly HAPPY marriages today! Divorce is rending asunder marriages at an unprecedented rate — and for every divorce there are several other homes that are unhappy, miserable, wretched. It's about time we understood there are CAUSES for marital happiness. Put into practi ...

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EVOLUTION... Mysterious New Religion? EVOLUTION... Mysterious New Religion?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1970

You would hardly think of "dogma," "faith," "doctrines," and "mysteries" as being the language of evolutionists. But far from being uncommon, such mysterious and religious-sounding words are to be found throughout evolutionary thought, showing evolution to be ...

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The Tower of Babel The Tower of Babel
Lester L Grabbe  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July 1971

Emerging from the swirling mists of antiquity are many traditions and legends of a prodigious tower "... so high that - its summit should reach the sky...." Can these accounts be corroborated and verified? What does the Bible say about it? THE "TOWER OF BABEL" is not the exclusive property of t ...

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Man After the God Kind Man After the God Kind
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

God set before Adam the first man His way and His purpose in man and what man's ultimate fantastic potential really is, but Adam had to resist Satan and he didn't do it, he rejected God, and I'm coming to that a little later. God first put Angels on this earth, very few people realize that, bu ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 07, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 07, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 07, 1972

This must be an urgent emergency letter. We are Co-Workers in the MOST IMPORTANT MISSION ON EARTH. And we are in the midst of the MOST DIFFICULT month of the year, for the financing of the very Work of Jesus Christ! Every year at this Christmas shopping time, it seems so many people neglect their gi ...

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Five Ways to Love Your Mate - Part One Five Ways to Love Your Mate - Part One
Earl H Williams  -  Good News   -  May 1983

What is the quotient of love in your marriage? Stop and think about it: On a scale of I to 10, how much love are you giving in your marriage? Are you a 3? Maybe a 6? Perhaps a rare IQ? You know you have an IQ (intelligence quotient), but did you realize that (bear with me for the sake of argument) e ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1982

Geographic illiteracy is a disease of epidemic proportions! Here's how you can avoid it. Recently, the world of educators received the shock of their lives. The Gallup organization administered a nationwide test on world geography. Here are just a few of the many "interesting" but incorr ...

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Eugene M Walter  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1969

What is the cause of today's alarming increase in mental illness - and what is the cure? Here are primary answers to the crucial questions - with personal comments by eminent doctors and psychiatrists. Mental health is a priceless possession. But today all too many are losing this most precious gi ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1985

Geographic illiteracy has become a disease of epidemic proportions! Why? The world of education is still reeling from the shock! A report released just last December by the Association of American Geographers and the National Council for Geographic Education declared, in no uncertain terms, that t ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 25, 1968 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 25, 1968
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 25, 1968

As our older subscribers know, it has become custom for me, twice annually, by personally written letter, to answer the questions most asked by our readers. Right now there is special need for this letter. Since June, 225,000 new subscribers have been added. So I want now to answer the questions tha ...

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Teach Your Children About God Teach Your Children About God
Arch Bradley  -  Good News   -  July 1972

Never before has the younger generation been so ignorant about God and His Law. This article gives you concrete, usable guidelines for teaching YOUR small children about God, about creation, about His plan, about life. We receive many letters from perplexed parents who do not know how to g ...

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