PARENTS - What Today's Youth Wants From You PARENTS - What Today's Youth Wants From You
Scott Royer  -  Good News   -  April-June 1973

Most parents know what they want for their children. Parental advice and influence is tuned to direct the young toward what the parents honestly believe is best for them. But the "kids" don't always agree! Why are parental values sometimes rejected and spurned by the youth of our church ...

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Does Man Have God's Emotions? Does Man Have God's Emotions?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1986

God's purpose in creating human life is to reproduce Himself by adding spirit-born children to His Family (John 3:3, 6, 8). When God made us in His own image, He gave us the potential for the same basic emotions He Himself possesses: the ability to laugh when we are happy, to cry when sad, to beco ...

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Hebrews Series 02 - Man's Destiny Hebrews Series 02 - Man's Destiny
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

My friends, very few of us know anything about the world tomorrow. We don't know too much about the world today and the why of it and what's causing all of the eruption in this world today. You know, it's amazing when you come to understand. Why this world could be in so much darkness today an ...

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How to Be Truly Happy How to Be Truly Happy
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  August 1982

What is true happiness? How can we have it, now and in the future? Are you happy? Are you - really? Perhaps no other question penetrates past our superficial masks of contentment as this one does. For, when asked if we are happy, we are forced to dig deep into our hearts, past our goals, our problem ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Table of Contents   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

The perspective drawings in this book have been done by James E. Snook. He prepared these drawings from simple "line drawings" I had made. Since I did not have the expertise to make the more complicated type of drawing, he consented to do them for me. They give a much better picture of the build ...

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Teen Bible Study: What's in a Name? Teen Bible Study: What's in a Name?
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1985

Even though your parents probably gave you your name when you were born, during the years since then you have been giving yourself a name. Now when people think of your name, they also think of the reputation you've been building. Having a good name - a good reputation - can lead to many benefits ...

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Four Great Qualities of Leadership Four Great Qualities of Leadership
Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1984

Do you know what they are? It starts early in life. This quality called leadership. Do you remember as a youngster on the playground, someone would say, "Let's play a game"? Then another would say, "Yeah, let's do. Tommy and Johnny will be captains and choose sides." What was ...

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Seven Principles Revealing - How to Make Wise Decisions! Seven Principles Revealing - How to Make Wise Decisions!
Albert J Portune  -  Good News   -  September 1963

Success and happiness in life - EVEN finally achieving the KINGDOM OF GOD depends on making RIGHT DECISIONS. Here from the Business Manager - an ordained Evangelist in God's Church, are SEVEN RULES which will help YOU make the right decisions - EVERY TIME! HOW OFTEN do we find ourselves in trouble ...

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Why Was Elizabeth II Crowned Queen of ISRAEL? Why Was Elizabeth II Crowned Queen of ISRAEL?
Richard D Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1953

London, England. Should the British be condemned for such an elaborate coronation? The real truth is SHOCKING! Dick Armstrong was there. Here is the TRUTH. On the second of June, I witnessed the coronation procession of Queen Elizabeth II in London, England. I have just returned for a visit home fro ...

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Seven Rules to Right Decisions Seven Rules to Right Decisions
Ambassador College  -  Special Topics   -  1969

Life is a series of decisions leading to success or failure. How would you like to be able to make the right decision EVERY TIME. Learn how, in this vital article that can change your life. HOW many times has your life, your happiness, your self-respect been upset and disturbed because you've made ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1977

Time is the unique and universal element available to each living individual in exactly the same amount. Each day brings a full bank account of 24 hours - and the quality of your life depends directly on how you use those hours as they inexorably pass by. Don't just spend them - invest them. Time ...

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Seven Rules to Right Decisions Seven Rules to Right Decisions
Albert J Portune  -  Tomorrow's World   -  June 1969

Life is a series of decisions leading to success or failure. How would you like to be able to make the right decision EVERY TIME. learn how, in this vital article that can change your life. HOW many times has your life, your happiness, your self-respect been upset and disturbed because you've made ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Bibliography   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

The perspective drawings in this book have been done by James E. Snook. He prepared these drawings from simple "line drawings" I had made. Since I did not have the expertise to make the more complicated type of drawing, he consented to do them for me. They give a much better picture of the buildings ...

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The First The First "Christian Trinitarian"
Leroy Neff  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September-October 1970

THE central doctrine of most Protestant and Catholic churches for many centuries has been that of the trinity. This doctrine is so important that the Catholic Encyclopedia states: "This [the trinity], the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, ...

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A Key Toward Improving Family Relations: Walk a Mile in My Shoes A Key Toward Improving Family Relations: Walk a Mile in My Shoes
Leslie E Stocker  -  Good News   -  February 1979

Aw, come on, Dad. Why can't I have a car? This isn't World War II. All the other fellas have one, so what are you worried about? It won't cost that much." "But, son, you don't know what you're asking for. All you want to do is go chasing around town all night. Do you want to kill y ...

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