Mankind, Knowledge and Life Mankind, Knowledge and Life
Arthur C Mokarow  -  Special Topics   -  1979

Speaking of the resurrection, Daniel 12:2 says: "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth [speaking about the dead] shall awake [in the resurrection], some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise..." - and the original Hebrew implies more th ...

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A Bridge Around the World A Bridge Around the World
John A Halford & Rod Matthews  -  Good News   -  August 1980

The island nation of Tonga sits astride the International Date Line in the South Pacific Ocean. When the sun sets Wednesday, September 24, the 25 Tongan members of the Worldwide Church of God will be the first people in the world to begin observing the 1980 Feast of Tabernacles. But only the ...

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The NUMBER of the The NUMBER of the "BEAST" ....666 Whose number is it?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August-September 1940

Where shall we find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope wear it on his crown, identifying him as the BEAST of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the Scriptures speaking directly of this number: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or th ...

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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 23 The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 23
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1959

At last, in this 23rd installment, we come to Mr. Armstrong's ordination into the ministry, with the account of his first funeral, and the first extended evangelistic campaign. The year 1931 dawned for Mrs. Armstrong and me, like those preceding, with dark and overcast skies. It was one more of th ...

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World at Rest World at Rest
John H Ogwyn  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  2000

Good to be back here with you, certainly enjoyed the special music, very beautiful selection, very well done. It's always one of the things that is so enjoyable at the Feast the opportunity to hear the music, the singing, that so much work goes into the preparation of. Well brethren we are here of ...

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The NUMBER of the The NUMBER of the "BEAST"... 666 Whose number is it?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1949

Where shall we find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope wear it on his crown, identifying him as the BEAST of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the Scriptures speaking directly of this number: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or th ...

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The NUMBER of the The NUMBER of the "BEAST" ...666 - Whose number is it?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1957

Where shall we find that mysterious number 666? Does the pope, as some claim, wear it on his crown, identifying him as the BEAST of Revelation 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere? Here are all the Scriptures speaking directly of this number: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had ...

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How to Avoid Ice How to Avoid Ice "Fallies"
Lowell Wagner Jr  -  Youth Magazine   -  January 1984

If you already know how to ice-skate, go ahead and turn the page. Nothing personal. This article just isn't for you. This article is only for those who feel that ice should be left in the freezer. That its only good and natural use is in the making of cold drinks. That it is only crazy people who ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1979

If by some supernatural power everyone on earth were forced to tell the truth, we would undoubtedly have worldwide chaos, the end of civilization as we know it-within an hour! What are poor Christian sheep to do in the midst of all these wolves? Sadly, too many, with wholesome sincerity, try to &quo ...

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What About Insurance? What About Insurance?
Arthur C Mokarow  -  Good News   -  May-June 1972

Should Christians purchase life insurance in today's society? What about other types of insurance? Is there really any need for God's people to have insurance today? Understanding what insurance IS can help you properly exercise both FAITH in God and solid GODLY WISDOM! "I've PAID insurance ...

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WHAT is THE GREATEST SIN that anyone could commit? WHAT is THE GREATEST SIN that anyone could commit?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1969

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - WHAT IS THE GREATEST SIN that anyone could commit? The most terrible sin of all is probably the very last one that most people would name. In fact, most people might not consider it to be a sin at all! I have known what this sin is for 42 years, but the GRAVITY of ...

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The Bible Answers Your Questions The Bible Answers Your Questions
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  August 1965

Question 1: Is it permissible to borrow from second tithe? I've heard that some scriptures say this is all right. Question 2: In Ecclesiastes 1:4 Solomon said that the earth abides forever. But in II Peter 3:10 we read that the earth will be burned up. I know that the Bible does not contradict its ...

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News & Reviews News & Reviews
Youth Magazine Staff  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1981

Proverbs: Messages for Today - Do Your Back (and Your Looks) a Favor: "Will Rogers said he never met a man he didn't like." remarked the eulogist at a funeral not long ago. "But when it comes to the man we're honoring today," he went on, "we could say that he never met a ...

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Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters? Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters?
John W Robinson  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1962

Millions assume that Jesus Christ had no brothers or sisters in the flesh - that Mary, His mother, was a perpetual virgin. But is this idea true? When Jesus came to His own hometown synagogue to preach, he astonished the people with His teachings. In their amazement, they asked. "Whence hath th ...

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Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part 1 Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part 1
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  August 1976

The Handwriting Is on the Wall: Did you ever wonder where that enigmatic expression originated? The answer does not lie in twentieth-century graffiti but in the pages of your Bible! Over two millennia ago, during the twilight of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, a series of strange events changed the ...

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