Prepare Now To Be A King! Prepare Now To Be A King!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Tomorrow's World   -  November 1971

Do you realize what the specific JOB promised true Christians in the World Tomorrow is? Are you preparing for it intelligently and realistically? ...

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Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1981

Of all the diseases known to man, this is the worst. Only a miracle can save a person from it. Here is the story of such a miracle! Everyone hopes cancer won't strike. But for "Grandma" Peterson - really my mother-in-law and a wonderfully sweet person - it did. Cancer! That fearsome plag ...

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Are You Really A Christian? Are You Really A Christian?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  July 9, 1983

Brethren, I think there is one thing I think we need to be very especially concerned about, now we are at the very end time. There's only a very short time now before the Great Tribulation, and it's going to be a greater time of trouble than you've probably even imagined. Are you really a Chri ...

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Did God Create A DEVIL? Did God Create A DEVIL?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1973

The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a devil to tempt us and to lead us astray? Here are the answers from God's Word! IS THERE a devil? Many people talk about the devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it's just superstiti ...

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Armageddon in Your Lifetime? Armageddon in Your Lifetime?
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  July 1975

In popular usage the chilling words "battle of Armageddon" convey a grisly apocalyptic scenario of end-time military mayhem. Yet the term "Armageddon" is mentioned only once in the entire Bible. What is the truth about these terrifying words? The skeptic claims: "The apostle ...

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I Uphold My Integrity I Uphold My Integrity
Jerold W Aust  -  Good News   -  March 1984

It's human to try to justify ourselves - witness Job's example! But what does God require of us in terms of righteousness? Millions of professing Christians believe they can come to God "just as they are"! They reason that Jesus Christ "did it all" for them at the cross. All ...

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What Is a REAL Christian? What Is a REAL Christian?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1959

It's SHOCKING, but it's TRUE! Most professing "Christians" today are not REALLY Christians! Read this frank, vital article proving it - and find out what YOU need to be doing about it! WHAT IS A REAL Christian? Perhaps you've heard many different, conflicting definitions. ...

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Did God Create a Devil? Did God Create a Devil?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  June 1971

Is THERE a devil? Many people talk about the devil and Satan. Others scoff and say it's just superstition and imagination. But is there a devil? According to most Christians the Bible is supposed to teach that the devil is "the god of this world." Did God create a devil? What does the Bible actual ...

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Why the Land Is Full of Bloody Crimes Why the Land Is Full of Bloody Crimes
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1976

"Make a chain," God told Ezekiel, "for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence." No prophecy of your Bible any more graphically indicts our peoples than this one. Today the great, all-wise, divine and powerful Creator God has to look down at the incredible irony of th ...

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Will You Be ALIVE When Christ Returns? Will You Be ALIVE When Christ Returns?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  April-May 1965

Are you SURE? Are you almost DEPENDING on it? Many brethren have assumed they will live on and on - witness the collapse of this present world - be carried to safety, and remain alive until Christ returns. But will ALL? Will YOU? Here's what the Bible says about it. FRIDAY MORNING, May 14, I walke ...

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Be a POSITIVE Christian Be a POSITIVE Christian
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  January 1964

Having trouble with your neighbors? WHY? This will show you the REASON, and give you a POSITIVE PLAN to guide you in living the happy, abundant, and exemplary life that God intended. ENRAGED at the evangelists, the furious bloodthirsty mob brought them to the city officials crying, "These that ...

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Lesson 40 - Where Did This World's Holidays Originate? Lesson 40 - Where Did This World's Holidays Originate?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1965   Revision 8M468

VERY few professing Christians know why they observe the days they do. Why is it men all over the world observe so many different days of worship? So many foolish customs?  It is time you asked and ANSWERED the questions, "Where did this world's holidays come from?" "Were they ...

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Be a POSITIVE Christian Be a POSITIVE Christian
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  August 1960

Having trouble with your neighbors? WHY? This will show you the REASON, and give you a POSITIVE PLAN to guide you in living the happy, abundant, and exemplary life that God intended. ENGAGED at the evangelists, the furious bloodthirsty mob brought them to the city officials crying, "These that ...

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An Open Letter to the Apocalypse Generation An Open Letter to the Apocalypse Generation
Jeff Calkins  -  Good News   -  April 1976

First my credentials: I'm twenty-three years old and have been associated with the Worldwide Church of God long enough to know what's going on, or most of it anyway. So here goes: The most nettlesome thing most young people find about the Church is its teaching that the "world" (meaning ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter II   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

Many people come across difficulties in the Bible because they don't know how to study it. The apostle Paul said: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. 2:15). This study of the Bible should be with zeal! It is ...

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