Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  August 21, 1979

The living, active HEAD of this Church is Jesus Christ. Too many seem to have forgotten that. Eighteen months ago it seemed as if many of those active in the leadership of both Church and College had forgotten that. They seemed not to be conscious of the LIVING Christ's active presence in the Work ...

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God Speaks Out on God Speaks Out on "The New Morality"  -  Chapter 12   
Ambassador College Department of Theology  -  Book   -  1964

NOW YOU HAVE, in brief, the missing half of sex knowledge. In all books pretending to impart information about sex, the half from God's revelation should have come first, as, indeed, it has been placed first here. The Foundation, it has, in this book, been emphasized that the Holy Bible is the FOU ...

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Why We Have the Laying on of Hands Ceremony Why We Have the Laying on of Hands Ceremony
William H Ellis  -  Good News   -  April-May 1965

What is the purpose for this ceremony? What does it MEAN in baptism? - in healing? - in ordination? Do YOU KNOW? WHEN you were baptized, hands were laid on you by God's servants for a real purpose. When you are anointed for sickness or injury, why are hands laid on your head during the prayer for ...

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Jeff E Zhorne  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1983

Some justify obscenity as innocent escapism. You need to know the overlooked effects of pornography. You've probably heard the story about the frog and the kettle of water. Put a frog in boiling water and he will quickly leap out. But put him in a kettle of cold water, turn on the heat, and he'l ...

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Just one more thing: Being a good example Just one more thing: Being a good example
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  December 2, 1985

In the early years of the Christian Church the apostle Paul was inspired to write an encouraging letter of commendation to a group of people who were the right kind of examples to their family and neighbors. "We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, rememb ...

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The Final Authority The Final Authority
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  June-July 1979

Major religious thought today, at least in the Christian faith, regards man as a rational being, responsible for making his own decisions regarding religious matters. Does God agree with this reasoning, or is there a final authority that man can live by? "After years of study and prayer, Mr. Armstro ...

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Guide Your Children Toward God's Family Guide Your Children Toward God's Family
Robert E Fahey  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

Your child - just like you - has the incredible potential to become a perfect, immortal member of the God Family! How well are you as a parent helping him toward that goal? It will happen one day between you and your child. You will feel a resistance. To no particular thing - and to everything. ...

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Why Aren't You More Christ-Centered? Why Aren't You More Christ-Centered?
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  February 1976

Are you ashamed of Jesus Christ? Are you afraid to mention His name in conversation? Is Jesus Christ at the heart and core of your Christian life? Or have you relegated the name of Christ to the realm of maudlin, sentimental, mushy "religious" conversation? For whoever is ashamed of me and ...

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Space Wars Space Wars
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  October 13, 1982

I want to tell you about a real space war. Television fiction has shown a series called Star Trek. Now, there's a movie about space war, but is all space war, is it fiction? I want to tell you about a real space war that is not fiction at all. About a week ago, I said that Satan the devil is now o ...

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Don't Let Doubt, Despondency and Discouragement Ruin Your Life! Don't Let Doubt, Despondency and Discouragement Ruin Your Life!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  February 1971

Are YOU one of those millions suffering from FEAR? Are you despondent, morose, doubtful, and discouraged? Do you have an inner sense of timidity, inferiority, and a lack of self-confidence? Millions do! Here's the positive cure! EVERYONE wants to be happy. And life was meant to be happy - filled w ...

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Culture and Today's Youth Culture and Today's Youth
David J Albert  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September-October 1970

A NEW culture is capturing the imagination of today's youth! And few seem to see it for what it really is - a revolutionary set of ethical, moral, and political values. Current writers and commentators often refer to it as the "drug culture" or the "hip culture" in their attempts to define this ne ...

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JONAH the Reluctant Prophet JONAH the Reluctant Prophet
Norman L Shoaf  -  Good News   -  August 1979

Jonah was one of the most successful spokesmen God ever used, but he failed to appreciate his commission because he resented. what God was doing through him. Among the people God has called to thunder His messages to a rebellious mankind, the prophet Jonah may be unique throughout history. ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 22
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1961

AT THE RED SEA DARKNESS closed in on the Israelites who were leaving Egypt, a strange thing took place. The peculiar, upright cloud that had gone before them by day took on a startling, different appearance. It began to glow! The darker the sky became, the brighter the cloud became. By an hour or so ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 29, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 29, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 29, 1972

Another college year is beginning — the 26th here on the Pasadena campus. The new Freshman class is taking entrance exams today and tomorrow. Things have certainly happened this summer. The new DAILY television programs have been going out on the air. When we first discussed the possibility of DAILY ...

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I Corinthians 1-2 I Corinthians 1-2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  July 18, 1980

We had finished the Books of Romans and Galatians and they have been recorded so that they could go out to various Churches and I thought it would be good if we would start now at this time, in the Book of Corinthians; starting I Corinthians. First, I would like to preface it with a few notes, that ...

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