This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1977

Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living - that in order to please God, they mus ...

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How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part One How To Solve Bible Difficulties - Part One
Robert C Boraker  -  Special Topics   -  1967

Puzzling problems and questions of many kinds crop up when you study the Bible - God's Word. You can find the answers if you search for them. This article shows why there are difficulties in understanding the Bible and how you can solve them. AGNOSTICS and atheists attack the Bible by claiming it ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

WHY DO religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living? — that in order to please God, they must endure a life of morbid gloom? ...

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This is the Life - Real Abundant Living! This is the Life - Real Abundant Living!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1982

Do you know how to live fully - abundantly? In this article you will learn how you may taste the joys of real abundant living. Why do religious people often seem to feel that their religious life must be one of giving up all the fun and the enjoyment of living - that in order to please God, they mus ...

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Are babies saved if they die? Are babies saved if they die?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 926   -  1953

Are babies saved if they die? God is working out a great purpose in our lives which very few people understand. We mortal human beings were not born with perfect characters. We came into this world with a carnal mind which from birth is enmity against God's way (Rom. 8:8). But God is developing pe ...

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How to Solve Bible Difficulties - Part One How to Solve Bible Difficulties - Part One
Robert C Boraker  -  Good News   -  March 1967

Puzzling problems and questions of many kinds crop up when you study the Bible - God's Word. You can find the answers if you search for them. This article shows why there are difficulties in understanding the Bible and how you can solve them. AGNOSTICS and atheists attack the Bible by claiming it ...

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This Generation SHALL NOT PASS... This Generation SHALL NOT PASS...
Alfred E Carrozzo  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1971

MEN HAVE been speculating on the return of Jesus Christ for millennia. There were those in Paul's day who thought the return of Christ was imminent. The apostle to the Gentiles had to warn the Church in his day not to be deceived by unfounded and unreliable information concerning the return of the ...

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When a Man From Space Visited Earth... - Part 2 When a Man From Space Visited Earth... - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1976

Exactly three days and three nights after His death on the stake, Jesus Christ of Nazareth stepped through a solid rock tomb, having been transformed instantaneously back into spirit life. Once again He was able to step back into space - a completely different dimension. But what has your Savior bee ...

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Is Jesus God? Is Jesus God?   Article 3         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1974

THE PUMPS and pipes of our human anatomy all send the same life-giving substance coursing through our fleshly bodies. In the English language, we call this precious fluid "blood" — the most critical ingredient of all of our human life-support systems. "... The life of the flesh is in the blood..." ( ...

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Was Jesus a JEW? Was Jesus a JEW?
Ambassador College  -  Special Topics   -  1956

Is it a SIN to be a JEW? This article dares to expose the hate-the-Jew campaign cleverly masquerading as a patriotic "Christian" crusade! ADOLF HITLER once said: "Tell a lie BIG enough and often and the people will believe it!" With diabolical cleverness, Hitler's "Big Lie" has been rearing its ug ...

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A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion: Part Nine A Voice Cries Out Amid Religious Confusion: Part Nine
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1981

How could the world have become so mixed up? Out of this spiritual wilderness, a voice cries out in clarity and power, with the reassuring truth of the world's only and sure hope! Editor's note: We are printing here, serially, the new book by Herbert W. Armstrong with the same title as this arti ...

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D Paul Graunke  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1978

The lifeblood of the modern economy is fossil fuel, particularly oil. Prosperity depends on plenty of it, and the cheaper the better. There is plenty of oil right now, a glut on the world market in fact. But it is no longer cheap, thanks to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oi ...

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Bible - Purpose of Each Book Bible - Purpose of Each Book
Dean C Blackwell  -  Study Tools   -  1970

Genesis - "Beginning", Beginning of the world, recreation, the flood, Israel as a family. EXODUS - "Going Out", Shows the bondage of Israel in Egypt, their coming out of Egypt and God making an agreement with them. The redeeming of Israel. LEVITICUS - "The Priesthood Tribe of Levi", Gives instructio ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Chapter IV   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

The Holy Temple which the Creator God has designed and planned for the millennium to come, is one of splendor and magnificence. It is almost impossible for us to visualize the beauty and grandeur that God has planned in this building and its courts and other structures. To view this properly we m ...

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How Different Societies Treat the Elderly How Different Societies Treat the Elderly
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1980

Why is it that societies which know the least about the Bible most often treat their elderly better than those which claim to know most about the Bible? "I sat up all night. I didn't close my eyes. I couldn't sleep," Mattie complained. "A woman in another cell was yelling all night, an ...

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