Emotions Emotions
Ray A Meyer  -  Sermon   -  1978

Keep your hearts with all diligent for out of this are the issues of life. Those words of wisdom are found back in Proverbs the 4th chapter and verse 23. Very short little sentence but its impact with an incredible amount of meaning which affects our lives daily, directly and both directly and indir ...

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Are We Living In The Last Days? Are We Living In The Last Days?
George P Ritter & Brian Knowles  -  Special Topics   -  1977

The Handwriting Is on the Wall: Over two millennia ago, during the twilight of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, a series of strange events changed the course of history. King Belshazzar held a mammoth banquet and invited all of his subordinate rulers to attend (Dan. 5:1). During the festivities, Belshazza ...

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The Bible Story - Volume V The Bible Story - Volume V  -  Chapter 110
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1987

TO PAY A DEBT to the king of Tyre, Solomon required that the Israelites pay more taxes. With this extra revenue he also built a part of the wall around Jerusalem and repaired and fortified several cities to the northwest and north. Most of the hard labor on the cities was done by Canaanites living i ...

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Clearing the Air on Healing Clearing the Air on Healing
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 11, 1978

There has been some confusion on the subject of healing due to STP teaching, with a tendency to place DOUBT regarding GOD'S WORD and His PROMISES - as well as MISUNDERSTANDING what I have taught and written. First let me say that, as I write these lines September 10, you have not yet read Part 5 o ...

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God Speaks Out on God Speaks Out on "The New Morality"  -  Chapter 3   
Ambassador College Department of Theology  -  Book   -  1964

But Was This Moral Code Christian? WHAT A PARADOX! Solomon spoke prophetically of our time: "Of making many books there is no end." Altogether too many books have been written, in the last thirty-five years, on this subject of sex and marriage. Yet it is true, as the Creator says through the prophe ...

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God's Vacation Plan For YOU! God's Vacation Plan For YOU!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  September-October 1971

God has instituted a special vacation for His people. It's the Feast of Tabernacles - and TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the vacations of this world. Read how you can really rejoice with God's people this fall. Did Jesus ever take a vacation? Would God have YOU take a trip and vacation? Has God in ...

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The Bible Story - A Kingdom Divided The Bible Story - A Kingdom Divided
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1968

Rehoboam, Solomon's son, had come before a public gathering to be proclaimed king officially (I Kings 12:1; II Chronicles 10:1), although he had actually been Israel's new ruler from the time of his father's death. (I Kings 11:43.) Rehoboam's attitude was that of a young man accustomed to wh ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1938

We live today in a babylon of confusion. Hundreds of denominations and sects, each teaching a different creed. The PLAIN TRUTH comes as a magazine of UNDERSTANDING to help those who honestly hunger and thirst after righteousness out of this modern confusion, into the knowledge of TRUTH. Solomon was ...

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Did Jesus Believe the Old Testament? Did Jesus Believe the Old Testament?
John R Schroeder  -  Good News   -  March 1974

Many modern theologians believe that the Hebraic Scriptures are merely a collection of mythical stories. And even many Christians suppose they have little relevance to Christianity today. But what did Jesus believe? WAS JESUS a creationist? A believer in evolution? Did He think that God created ...

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What Church Members should know about MASONRY - Part 5 What Church Members should know about MASONRY - Part 5
Jack R Elliott  -  Good News   -  April 1959

Where did Masonry originate? Some say Solomon originated it, others say Moses. Can this be true? Here is the shocking answer from the writings of the Masons themselves! MASONS place much stress on the statement that "Freemasonry is both honorable and ancient." But when we search into the recorded hi ...

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Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters? Did Jesus Have Brothers and Sisters?
John W Robinson  -  Special Topics   -  1960

Millions assume that Jesus Christ had no brothers or sisters in the flesh - that Mary, His mother, was a perpetual virgin. But is this idea true? WHEN Jesus came to His own hometown synagogue to preach, he astonished the people with His teachings. In their amazement, they asked, "Whence hath THIS ma ...

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Lesson 21 - II Samuel 21-24 & I Chronicles 21-29 & II Chronicles 1-9 & I Kings 1-11 Lesson 21 - II Samuel 21-24 & I Chronicles 21-29 & II Chronicles 1-9 & I Kings 1-11
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study 100-Lesson   -  November 1999

Well good evening; it is good to be here with you back for Bible Study once again. We are continuing on in this series on the historical survey of the Old Testament and this evening we are finishing up the reign of King David and are going through the time of King Solomon and we will cover that this ...

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Lesson 22 - II Chronicles 10-20 & I Kings 12-22 & II Kings 1-2 Lesson 22 - II Chronicles 10-20 & I Kings 12-22 & II Kings 1-2
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study 100-Lesson   -  December 1999

Good evening; it's very good to see all of you here, going on into the, getting into the Bible Study here this evening. We last time focused in on the reign of King Solomon and this evening we're getting into the time that begins with the split between Israel and Judah. Now if you will note on t ...

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Timeline: 6. The Exodus To Division or Mostly The Judges Timeline: 6. The Exodus To Division or Mostly The Judges
Worldwide Church of God  -  Reference Book

Moses - Joshua - Elders - Mesopotamian Oppression (Chushan-Rishathaim) - Othniel - Moabite Oppression (Eglon) - Ehud and Shamgar - Canaanite Oppression (Jabin) - Deborah and Barak - Midianite Oppression - Gideon - Philistine Oppression - Ammonite Oppression - Abimelech - Tola - Samson - Jephthan - B ...

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The Bible Story - Build a Temple? The Bible Story - Build a Temple?
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1967

CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED BUILD A TEMPLE? When thousands of Philistines poured into the valley just south of Jerusalem, David was uncertain as to what his battle strategy should be. He had to ask God what to do. When he was told that the Israelites would win if they were to attack the enemy, his usual con ...

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