Is suicide a crime? Is suicide a crime?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 909   -  1960

The question, "Is suicide a crime?" has puzzled many. A 56-page pamphlet, "Ought Suicide to be a Crime?" the work of a five-man committee appointed by the Arch-bishop or Canterbury, "primate of all England," was published and distributed recently. The committee members ...

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CHAOTIC WEATHER - Return of the dust bowl? CHAOTIC WEATHER - Return of the dust bowl?
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1984

Is another disastrous weather cycle about to begin? Devastating drought in North America's breadbasket. Millions threatened with starvation by protracted drought in Africa. Australia battered alternately by drought and floods. Europe suffers record heat. You thought these stories were of 1983? No, ...

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Notes Regarding Reigns of Kings Notes Regarding Reigns of Kings
Herman L Hoeh  -  Study Tools   -  1983

Flood 2325/2324 B.C. Tishri reckoning. Birth of Abram 1972 B.C. Covenant in 99th year 1873 B.C., Nisan 15. Exodus 1443 B.C., 430 years later. Note that the original Hebrew is to be translated "a son of" 99, which means 99th year, not 99 years old. Hence most translations (or all) err in keeping to " ...

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What Do You Mean - The End Of The World? What Do You Mean - The End Of The World?
Brian Knowles  -  Tomorrow's World   -  August 1971

Armageddon. DOOMSDAY. The End of the World. Heart-stopping terms! The language of religionists and self-appointed prophets of gloom and doom? Not anymore! Now erudite scientists and rational leaders in many fields freely use such expressions. Could it really happen? Is Doomsday just around the corne ...

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I Hold GOD Responsible! I Hold GOD Responsible!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1952

Millions are born into this unhappy world without their own knowledge or consent. Through ignorance and poverty and corrupt civilization millions exist in fear, suffering, starvation and frustration! WHY? Adam "fell"! Most of his children ever since have lived in superstitution, squalor an ...

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Your Child's Incredible Potential - Are You Helping Him Achieve It? - Part 2 Your Child's Incredible Potential - Are You Helping Him Achieve It? - Part 2
Ellis E LaRavia  -  Good News   -  December 1981

How may we best help our children attain their incredible potential in the coming Family of God? Here are practical guidelines. God does not give us a responsibility without revealing to us how to accomplish it. When God dealt with ancient Israel, He gave the nation His commandments, statutes and ju ...

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Ancient Israel - Lecture 1 - Overview of the First Semester Ancient Israel - Lecture 1 - Overview of the First Semester
Richard H Paige  -  Ambassador College Lecture   -  1986-1987

This is the tape of the first lecture of Ancient Israel. In this particular lecture I just want to cover a few points. First of all the purpose of the class, why do we feel it's necessary to have a class in this subject matter, when at least for the students here at the college you presumably or a ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1983

Do you have doubts about acquiring a job? Does the dread of illness or a nervous breakdown haunt you? Are broken friendships robbing you of health? Then here's what you need to do! Never in the history of the world have so many people enjoyed so many benefits from labor-saving devices and so many ...

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You Can Conquer Your Fears! You Can Conquer Your Fears!
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1955

Do you have doubts about acquiring a job? Does the dread of illness or a nervous breakdown haunt you? Are broken friendships robbing you of health? Then here's what you need to do! Never in the history of the world have so many people enjoyed so many benefits from labor-saving devices and so many ...

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When All Is Said and Done, Will You Hear the Words: When All Is Said and Done, Will You Hear the Words: "Well Done"?
Robert C Smith  -  Good News   -  January 1985

Are you using your talents? Or are you, like the wicked servant in the parable, burying what Jesus Christ expects you to put to work for Him? For salvation's sake, let's consider! Jesus Christ was not pleased when His servant told Him he had not used the talent he had been given. That servant fe ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1965

Money problems trouble more people than any other single problem, including health. Here's why - and how you can solve your financial worries. Too many people today assume there is a shortcut to financial security and prosperity. They want to take the easy road to quick gain, only to end up deeply ...

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DEATH Then What? DEATH Then What?
Patrick A Parnell  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1981

What happens at death? How final is it? Is there life after death? It's time we understand. No matter who you are whether the young girl down the street, the fellow on the block, the butcher or mailman, carpenter, maintenance man or secretary- sooner, or later, you are going to die! You may be bea ...

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HATE... but Why? HATE... but Why?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1964

What's HAPPENING to us? Why such venomous racial HATRED? What would YOU do about it? How would YOU propose to stop it? How much POWER would you need? Read, in this article, how the problem WILL BE SOLVED! "Kill 'em!" they screamed. With that, thousands of enraged, screaming, hate-filled Negroes ...

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Close Your Prayer With Power Close Your Prayer With Power
Harry Eisenberg  -  Good News   -  November 1973

THE CHANCES are you who are reading this article used a Hebrew word today and perhaps even more than once. It may well be the most universal word on earth, having found its way into the Spanish, French, German, Arabic and virtually every other language known to mankind. The word Amen is use ...

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In His Image... HEIRS Together In His Image... HEIRS Together
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1979

"In the beginning... God said, Let us make man in our image…in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them…heirs together of the grace of life…that as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God." God never intended there be any "battle o ...

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