Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1955

WHY isn't the true gospel of Jesus Christ being preached today? Why haven't you heard Jesus' own gospel - the message He preached? Understand that Jesus came into the world not as a human philosopher or idealist, but as a MESSENGER direct from God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the One who ...

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Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1955   Revision 464

WHY ISN'T the true gospel of Jesus Christ being preached today? Why haven't you heard Jesus' own gospel - the message He preached? Understand that JESUS came into the world not as a human philosopher or idealist, but as A MESSENGER DIRECT FROM GOD, the Creator of heaven and earth, the One who ...

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Compendium of World History - Volume 1 Compendium of World History - Volume 1  -  Chapter Two   
Herman L Hoeh  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1967

How long has Man been upon earth? Where, and through whom, did civilization originate? What about "prehistoric man"? Can the history of the Bible be reconciled with ancient history? with Egyptian and Babylonian chronology? Historians and archaeologists are sharply divided over these questi ...

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Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1978

The U.S. dollar is on its way down and out as the free world's leading currency. Its place may soon be taken by a powerful European currency unit (ECU) heavily backed by gold and the mighty deutsche mark. When that happens a United Europe in command of world trade will be but a step or two from re ...

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Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven Lesson 2 - Here's good news...the MESSAGE sent from Heaven
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1955   Revision 962

WHY ISN'T the true gospel of Jesus Christ being preached today? Why haven't you heard Jesus' own gospel - the message He preached? Understand that JESUS came into the world not as a human philosopher or idealist, but as A MESSENGER DIRECT FROM GOD, the Creator of heaven and earth, the One who ...

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Who or What Is the PROPHETIC BEAST? Who or What Is the PROPHETIC BEAST?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1960

Bible prophecy reveals events of our time and world-shaking events soon to change your life. A major world-shaking event is foretold in the symbolic language of a mysterious world-dominating wild beast. The Bible is God's book of history, prophecy and revealed knowledge of God's purpose and mast ...

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The God Family and the Holy Spirit The God Family and the Holy Spirit
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Is God a Trinity or a family? Was Jesus Christ God, or merely a man? Was Jesus the born Son of God, or only an adopted "son"? Is the Holy Spirit a person or the creative power of the Godhead? The belief that God is one substance, yet three persons, is one of the central doctrines of the Ch ...

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How Old is MAN - 6000 years? or 600,000? How Old is MAN - 6000 years? or 600,000?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1962

Here's the truth about "prehistoric man." Remove from a library shelf any volume on ancient man. Examine its opening chapter. What will you find? Expressions as: "it is thought," "there appears to be some basis for believing," "it has been suggested," "it ma ...

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How The Worldwide Church Of God Came Into Being How The Worldwide Church Of God Came Into Being
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  November 6, 1978

We are really in the third generation of the present era of the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. Few are still living who remember how God started it. HERE IS EYE-OPENING NEWS to most members of God's Church TODAY. And it corrects a false rumor concerning Herbert W. Armstrong and the "Sardis" era of the C ...

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Gene H Hogberg & Paul W Kroll  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1969

Suddenly - in America and Brita in - there is a dramatic upsurge in astrology. It's big business. Even witchcraft has become respectable. Why - in this age of the computer? "SAY, BOB, did you see your boss about that great new idea you have on how to save the company money?" "Oh, no ...

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Just What Is The Church? Just What Is The Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1970

I will build my Church." What IS that Church - human organization, or spiritual organism? Of whom composed? How does one become a member? Does it have a divine Commission? - and if so, WHAT? - and HOW carried out? By organization, or by individuals acting independently? ...

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Lesson 2 - The Fate of Mankind? Lesson 2 - The Fate of Mankind?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1977   Revision 5037/7908

The search for world peace continues while arsenals of lethal weapons grow larger. Experts predict the earth will soon become an Incinerated relic - UNLESS world conditions are dramatically REVERSED. Exactly what does the future hold for mankind? This lesson reveals the ANSWERS in the prophecies of ...

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Even if you don't believe It... It's Still Going to Happen Even if you don't believe It... It's Still Going to Happen
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  December 1973

Millions know the story of "The Great Disappointment" when a denomination set a specific date for Christ's return - only to see the date pass, and their hopes frustrated. Millions know the Bible contains much prophecy, but fallible humans have time and again misinterpreted prophecies of ...

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Lesson 2 - World Peace - Coming In Our Time! Lesson 2 - World Peace - Coming In Our Time!
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1983

The search for world peace continues while arsenals of lethal weapons grow larger. Experts predict the earth will soon become an incinerated relic - UNLESS world conditions are dramatically REVERSED. Exactly what does the future hold for mankind? This lesson reveals the ANSWERS in the prophecies of ...

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The Occult Explosion - What Does It Mean? The Occult Explosion - What Does It Mean?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1973

Widespread occult interest has been both hailed as a break­through in knowledge and as a modern retreat into superstition. Some laud the occult as the only real hope in an age of technology and materialism; others lambast the occult as the most evil sign of the end of the age. What are the facts ...

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