As in the Days of Noah As in the Days of Noah
George P Ritter  -  Good News   -  March 1976

"And the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth" (Gen. 6:11, 12). Philadelphia, 1971: Two boys aged 10 and 11 were put on probation following an orgy of beating, raping, robbing and burning in th ...

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Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1983

Here we focus on the two primary causes that contribute to violence. How do you explain the growing crime and violence in our world? The senseless street killings, rape and assault in so-called civilized societies? Why has the rate of violence surged skyward during the unparalleled prosperity of the ...

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Just What Do You Mean Christian? Just What Do You Mean Christian?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1979

A tremendous Delusion is gripping the Christian World. You need to know the TRUTH! Today over four hundred different denominations and sects call themselves Christian. Yet they ALL disagree on certain doctrines and practices or they would not be divided! ...

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What Is Sin? What Is Sin?
Charles V Dorothy  -  Good News   -  July 1975

Most people have an opinion about what sin is. But what does God say it is? The Bible says much about sin you may have been missing. AH FLOO ovah Chicago, an' bruthern, ah sawr sin!" - wailed the itinerant tent-meeting evangelist. Everywhere this fiery "preachuh" went, he saw " ...

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Come Help Humanity Come Help Humanity
Robert C Smith  -  Good News   -  March 1974

News of war, overpopulation, pollution, famine, crime and disease fills our newspapers and our minds. Educators, theologians, politicians, ecologists - all responsible men and speaking as with one voice - warn us that humanity needs help! Something must be done if humanity is to be saved. Read this ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1983

Where are we headed in the current revolution in sexual standards? Revolution has taken place in today's approach to sex. The swiftness of this sexual revolution makes it vital that every thinking person give it serious thought and consideration. For it does affect you. And it directly affects- li ...

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Needed - a World SUPER-GOVERNMENT! Needed - a World SUPER-GOVERNMENT!
Raymond F McNair  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1964

Khrushchev has just issued a letter to world leaders. He proposes a pact in which all states renounce force in settling territorial disputes. Here's why it will not work - and what the Bible says will bring us peace at last! Why does the threat of world annihilation hover ominously over all the na ...

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The United States And Britain In Prophecy The United States And Britain In Prophecy  -  Chapter 6   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

CHILDREN OF ISRAEL BECOME TWO NATIONS. THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL is not Jewish! Those who constitute it are not Jews, and never were! That fact we shall now see conclusively, beyond refute. After David's death, his son Solomon succeeded him to the throne over Israel. Solomon taxed the people excessively ...

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Outline of Prophecy 16 - Escape the Great Tribulation Outline of Prophecy 16 - Escape the Great Tribulation
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

My friends, do you understand why we can know the world tomorrow, we can know the future, we can know what's going to happen? No man of himself knows anything about it. Crystal ball gazers can't tell you anything, or astrologers or fortunetellers as I've said so many, many times! But God almig ...

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Just What Do You Mean... ANTICHRIST? Just What Do You Mean... ANTICHRIST?
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1981

Few religious topics are as misunderstood as this. Read here an eye-opening explanation of the real meaning of "Antichrist." YOU HAVE heard their names: Nero. Mohammed. Emperor Frederick II. Pope John XXII. Martin Luther. Hitler. Stalin. Mussolini. All these individuals have had one thing in common. ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1967

The House of Israel is not Jewish! Those who constitute it are not Jews, and never were! That fact we shall now see conclusively, beyond refute. After David's death, his son, Solomon, succeeded him to the throne over Israel. Solomon taxed the people excessively, and reigned in a gorgeous splendor ...

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Just What Do You Mean... ANTICHRIST? Just What Do You Mean... ANTICHRIST?
Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1981

Few religious topics are as misunderstood as this. Read here an eye-opening explanation of the real meaning of "Antichrist." You have heard their names: Nero. Mohammed. Emperor Frederick II. Pope John XXII. Martin Luther. Hitler. Stalin. Mussolini. All these individuals have had one thing in common. ...

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What Is Sin? What Is Sin?
Charles V Dorothy  -  Good News   -  June-July 1965

You who think you know what sin is, WAIT! The Bible says much about sin you have been missing. You must not miss this article! "AH FLOO ovah Chicago, an' bruthern, ah sawr SIN!" - wailed the itinerant tent-meeting evangelist. Everywhere this fiery "preachuh" went, he saw " ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1966

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - WHAT A WORLD WE live in! There are two ways of looking at it. They are totally opposite views. Each presents a true picture. Most people think this is a WONDERFUL world - a progressive world far advanced. They look at the THINGS the world has produced in the past ...

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Why So Much Injustice? Why So Much Injustice?
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1985

Why do dangerous criminals often go free? Why are the innocent sometimes imprisoned? How do we help the victims of crime? FRIGHTENINGLY, it happens again and again in the United States! Killers, muggers, rapists, sex molesters-many who even have confessed to their-grisly crimes-are released from pol ...

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