Why Can't We Achieve World Peace? Why Can't We Achieve World Peace?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  October 5, 1983

A staggering turn in world events is soon going to erupt that will astound the whole world. As a matter of fact, two absolutely unthinkable world events are going to occur in the approximate future.

   First, the unthinkable nuclear World War III that could wipe every man, woman, and child o ...

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How Often Should We Partake of the Lord's Supper? How Often Should We Partake of the Lord's Supper?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1971

THE LORD'S SUPPER, like so many essential points of the original true doctrine, has fallen into the mire of erroneous tradition. Jude exhorts us "that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Today different church denominations take this sacred ordinanc ...

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Twelve Reasons Why Jesus' Trial Was Illegal - 1983 Twelve Reasons Why Jesus' Trial Was Illegal - 1983
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1983

If Jesus were tried in many of today's courts He would be found guilty. Read here why. The trial of Jesus was without legal precedent. He was fraudulently convicted by the courts of His day. He was executed by crucifixion even though His judge found Him innocent! Why? It is time we understood what ...

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Twelve Reasons Why Jesus' Trial Was Illegal - 1959 Twelve Reasons Why Jesus' Trial Was Illegal - 1959
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1959

If Jesus were tried in many of today's courts He would be found guilty and executed! - even though He were innocent! Read WHY. The trial of Jesus was ILLEGAL. He was fraudulently convicted by Jewish and Roman courts. He was executed by crucifixion even though His judge found Him innocent! Why? ...

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Did Jesus Wear Long Hair? Did Jesus Wear Long Hair?
Harry Eisenberg  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1971

WE RECEIVE many letters about long hair. One man wrote, "I can't see where you get this idea about it being spiritually wrong to wear long hair!" (Jim C., Champaign, Ill.) Another stated, "... I Corinthians 11:14 does not say Jesus wore short hair. It says, Why nature herself teaches you that long ...

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What Is True Liberty? What Is True Liberty?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1976

Free societies are gradually disappearing! Within a few months you have seen the world's largest democracy revert to a virtual dictatorship, with mass arrests and loss of personal freedoms. In free, democratic nations, including the United States, we see the loss of many personal freedoms we ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Introduction   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

It's time you met the real Jesus. It's time you knew Him as He was: sometimes brusque, abrupt and authoritative. Always thoughtful, philosophical and profound. It's time you knew that Jesus could be the kindest and most gentle human being on earth, showing boundless love, mercy and forgiveness ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 13   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

Shop around any bookstore and you can easily be convinced that the general public accepts the fact there is a devil, and demons too. Sometimes, it seems that whole sections of bookstores are given over to materials on witchcraft, demonism, satanism, demon possession, astrology, extraterrestrial phen ...

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Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection? Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1972

Christ did not rise on Easter Sunday! Here is an article explaining what Christ did command His Church to observe! HAVE you ever stopped to consider why you believe the things you believe? ...

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Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection? Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1985

Jesus Christ did not rise on Easter Sunday! Here is an article explaining what Christ did command His Church to observe! Have you ever really stopped to consider why you believe the things you believe? Where did you learn the custom of observing Easter? "I learned it from childhood," you r ...

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When You Sin - Do You REALLY Repent? When You Sin - Do You REALLY Repent?
Charles F Hunting  -  Good News   -  February 1967

Repenting is something many are doing the most and succeeding the LEAST! Too many of us CONTINUALLY sin. Do you have Godly sorrow or a worldly sorrow? You need to know the answer! How MANY times in frustration and hand-wringing despair have you said, "I've had to repent of this or that sin ti ...

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Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection? Does Easter Commemorate the Resurrection?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1979

Christ did not rise on Easter Sunday! This article explains what Christ did command His Church to observe! Have you ever stopped to consider why you believe the things you believe? Where did you learn the custom of observing Easter? "I learned it from childhood," you reply. Of course you l ...

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What Should the Passover Mean to You? What Should the Passover Mean to You?
William F Dankenbring  -  Good News   -  March-April 1972

The significance of the Passover almost transcends human understanding! Therefore, as this most solemn observance of the year approaches once again, we should review the meaning of the Passover, and consider the tremendous price Christ paid - FOR US - so we can partake of the Passover "in ...

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Did Jesus Have Long Hair? Did Jesus Have Long Hair?
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1971

We RECEIVE many letters about long hair. One man wrote that nobody living in the time of Jesus wore short hair. He also said that short hair was only a product of the last 150 years. But is this true? What is the history of short hair? Short hair has been with us far longer than most realize. It was ...

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How Does God Place His NAME? How Does God Place His NAME?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  September 1961

Some members are wondering WHY a second place for the Feast of Tabernacles. A few are wondering HOW God placed in this location for brethren west of the Rockies. HOW does God place His name? This article will surprise you! SOME of you brethren have read of the recent selection of Squaw Vall ...

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