UPDATE: The Relationship Between the Ambassador Intentional Cultural Foundation and the Worldwide Church of God UPDATE: The Relationship Between the Ambassador Intentional Cultural Foundation and the Worldwide Church of God
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  October 1975

Although the Ambassador Auditorium was built on the Ambassador College campus to serve the college, it was dedicated to the honor of the Great God. Therefore, at the beginning of construction I emphasized to our people that it must never be in any way commercialized. We have always wanted to sha ...

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St. Valentine's Day - where did it come from? St. Valentine's Day - where did it come from?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1965

Where did the custom of exchanging valentines originate? How did Christians come to inherit this ancient Roman custom? Why do we find no such practice commanded anywhere in the Bible? A Christian Custom? It is time we questioned why parents encourage children to celebrate St. Valentine's Day - whe ...

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Just one more thing: Courtesy, consists of little things Just one more thing: Courtesy, consists of little things
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  January 14, 1980

The smiling gentlemen leaned toward me, softly speaking in Chinese. The woman translator sitting next to him also leaned forward and said pleasantly: "Please sir, Mr. Wen would like the salt. Thank you." Recently the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation played host to a dinner in h ...

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The Book God Wrote for You The Book God Wrote for You
Ben Faulkner  -  Youth Magazine   -  September 1981

Looking for a book containing real-life drama, exciting adventure and suspense? Want a book that dares to write world news in advance, that reveals the secrets of health, how to live forever, how to acquire riches and honor and how to have loyal friends? There is such a book. In fact, it is the worl ...

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Parents Are People Too Parents Are People Too
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Parents would probably be the first to admit that they're human. Since they're not perfect, how should sons and daughters respond to them? They don't really love me they're always getting on my back!" At times it seems Mom and Dad can be unreasonable. Dad blows his stack or Mom becomes ...

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Never Give In! Never Give In!
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  June-July 1982

Jesus Christ promised salvation only to those who "endure unto the end" (Matt. 24:13). Will you endure? Or will you be overcome by this life's trials and simply give up? Never give in!" So declared Winston Churchill in his famous address at Harrow School on Oct. 29, 1941. "Neve ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 08, 1979 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 08, 1979
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 08, 1979

I'm in flight, just out of Bangor, Maine, where we cleared immigration and customs. We had a very successful trip to Morocco and Tunis in northwestern Africa. I had never been to either Morocco or Tunisia before. At Tunis, I not only met many V.I.P.s, including ambassadors from other countries, bu ...

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Worldwide News March 01, 1976 Headlines Worldwide News March 01, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  March 01, 1976

Applicants interviewed for ministry - Three-night Nassau campaign culminates week of activities - Feast Office lists sites, coordinators - Division heads in Australia for conference - Horowitz performance draws 'ecstatic' response - Tour of jungle longhouse life given to Australian ministers - A ...

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When Knowledge Doubles, So Do Troubles. Why? When Knowledge Doubles, So Do Troubles. Why?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1981

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - I am writing this "Personal" from the very shadow of the Great Pyramid in Egypt - on the outskirts of Cairo. I was the principal speaker at a large banquet held in my honor in Cairo night before last. About 300 of the top-echelon people of Egypt were pre ...

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The Building Fund The Building Fund
Ambassador College Production  -  Ambassador College Publication

Last year Ambassador College was presented the highest honor possible for grounds maintenance by the Professional Grounds Maintenance Society and Grounds Maintenance Magazine. Above is the award-winning Pasadena campus as it appears today: (1) the Hall of Administration, (2) the Ambassador Auditoriu ...

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Could YOU Be Denying Christ? Could YOU Be Denying Christ?
Robert C Smith  -  Good News   -  August 1984

Why did Jesus Christ express such concern toward those He called "lukewarm"? Why did He say He would rather they be "cold"? The young man's attitude and approach to Jesus Christ was not childlike! Jesus had just taken little children up in His arms, and blessed them. Jesus said ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1967

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - THIS IS the personal talk with our readers I had never even remotely expected I should be called on to write. It is a memorial in honor of the one dearest woman I have loved, respected, honored above all people - the wife of my youth. Fifty years ago, lacking only ...

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Jeff Calkins  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1981

Does your child's school encourage children to honor their parents? Is your child safe at school? Is he receiving a good education? Today, many public schools often unknowingly work against parents, failing to educate, even allowing violence and drugs to run rampant. It is time to take a long, har ...

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Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 9 Is JUDAISM the Law of Moses? - Part 9
Ernest L Martin  -  Good News   -  August 1961

The Pharisees seize authority from the priests, the "traditions of the elders" replace the Bible, laymen claim to be prophets - these surprising facts are discussed in this ninth installment. THE last installment revealed how laymen came to power through "Judaism" - how they called pagan customs the ...

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WORLDWATCH: Peace Forces on the March WORLDWATCH: Peace Forces on the March
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  June 21, 1975

"Alle auf die Strasse. Rot is der Mai. Alle auf die Strasse. Saigon ist frei. - "Into the streets. May (day) is Red: Into the streets. Saigon is free," "This little ditty, celebrating both this year's "May Day" and the nearly simultaneous Viet Cong victory in Saigon, ...

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