The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 27 The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 27
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1960

This is installment number 27. The time is now late February, 1933. Back in the ministry, Mr. Armstrong encountered anew the sting of opposition from other ministers, recounts experiences with" pentecostalism." THE LAST detour from the true life purpose to which I had been called had ended ...

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The Work Ethic - What Is It? Do You Have It? The Work Ethic - What Is It? Do You Have It?
Victor Kubik  -  Good News   -  October-November 1984

As competition for available work grows, your job will increasingly depend on your work habits. Read why the work ethic is such an important quality. Layoffs and long-term unemployment are no longer fears for many of our readers. They are facts of life! Even if you hold a steady job - even in these ...

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Knowing The Laodicean Attitude Knowing The Laodicean Attitude
Edwin N Marrs  -  Sermon   -  February 2, 1982

Back a few years ago I wasn't aware of how serious Ministers took this, I know that a few years ago back I guess what they call the liberal period, there was certain things that I know that the leader of the Church would voice his disagreement with, I don't think it was Church doctrine, it had t ...

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Make Yourself at Home! Make Yourself at Home!
Colleen M Gus  -  Good News   -  October-November 1983

It's a welcome sight: your host and hostess standing at the door, holding it open wide as you get out of your car and head toward the house. "Come on in and make yourself at home!" your host calls, with a smile of welcome. Whose spirits wouldn't rise at such a sight? You know you're ...

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What You Need to Know About - Your Children's Toys What You Need to Know About - Your Children's Toys
David L Antion  -  Good News   -  September 1966

What is a toy? What are toys for? Just what should you look for in buying toys for your children? Is there a purpose to playing? Are toys wrong for children? Are toys all that important? TODAY the gun ranks as the biggest seller of the toy line! Matched six-guns of the Cowboy and Indian era are ofte ...

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The Man Who Couldn't Afford to Tithe The Man Who Couldn't Afford to Tithe
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  October-November 1982

It was late in 1933 - the very depth of the Great Depression. Ed Smith was a well driller by profession, but nobody seemed able to afford to have wells drilled. Ed and his wife Emma attended services I was then holding in a one-room country schoolhouse 12 miles west of Eugene, Ore. Ed made no profes ...

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Member says handicap is asset in overcoming Member says handicap is asset in overcoming
Mario Seiglie & Susan Karoska  -  Good News   -  October 9, 1978

Sabbath services had ended and I was in a hurry to get home, my mind savoring the pot roast and strawberry shortcake awaiting me there . Why are people bunching up in the aisle again, I asked myself, and what is holding up this line? Eventually weaving my way up toward the front of the line the ...

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Seven Rules to Right Decisions Seven Rules to Right Decisions
Albert J Portune  -  Tomorrow's World   -  June 1969

Life is a series of decisions leading to success or failure. How would you like to be able to make the right decision EVERY TIME. learn how, in this vital article that can change your life. HOW many times has your life, your happiness, your self-respect been upset and disturbed because you've made ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1967

My mother died, about midnight. I was holding her hand - praying for her, urging her to "hang on," as she grew weaker. But one moment she was alive - and the next, dead. What HAPPENED at death? What happens NEXT? Did my MOTHER die - or only a PART of her? Is she still CONSCIOUS? Are the de ...

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Sharing: Little Gifts of Greatness Sharing: Little Gifts of Greatness
Bernard W Schnippert  -  Good News   -  February 1985

Grass!" exclaimed my 9-year-old daughter, with flashing eyes and a buoyant grin. Grass? you may be thinking. His daughter became excited about grass? Well, not exactly. You see, she was not actually excited about the grass, but by what she intended to do with it. But to understand that, we must ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 31, 1959 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 31, 1959
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 31, 1959

GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! I'm sending you the special letter with news about the coming PASSOVER and DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD. And I have GOOD NEWS for you! This year, for the first time, we will be holding the full eight day's Feast at FOUR SEPARATE LOCATIONS! And, for the first time, the Pa ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1966

...and printed on our new presses, In three editions around the world - a dream of 39 years come true! YOU ARE holding in your hands something I envisioned thirty-nine years ago - a dream come true at last! This is the first edition of The PLAIN TRUTH to be published in FULL COLOR - inside as well a ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 18, 1980 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 18, 1980
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 18, 1980

The world this minute stands on the very brink of the FINAL NUCLEAR WORLD WAR! There has never yet been a nuclear war! It could ERASE ALL HUMAN LIFE FROM THIS PLANET! It won't happen. But we do need to know and UNDERSTAND the real GRAVITY of the world situation AT THIS MINUTE! For the past ten yea ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 26   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Caught in Newspaper Business Trap: GETTING back into the newspaper business was a tragic mistake. A too dear price now had to be paid to learn an important lesson: when God once truly calls a man into His ministry, he must "keep at it, in season and out of season" (II Tim. 4:2). And if he attempts, ...

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On The World Scene On The World Scene
Gene H Hogberg  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 23, 1978

The mounting crisis in Italy bears watching this week. Caretaker premier Guilio Andreotti is trying to piece together the 40th postwar Italian government. This time he is under intense pressure from the Communists to be included formally for the first time in positions of actual power, holding cabin ...

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