Mr. Rader explains commission in interview on Philippines TV Mr. Rader explains commission in interview on Philippines TV
Stanley R. Rader  -  Worldwide News   -  May 05, 1980

PASADENA - "The [Ambassador International Cultural] Foundation [AICF] is an outgrowth of the good works arm of the Worldwide Church of God," stated Stanley R. Rader, Church treasurer and executive vice president of AICF, in his interview on the Filipino Meet the Press nationwide broadcast ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1968

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - JUST WHAT IS BACK of The PLAIN TRUTH, The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast, and Ambassador College with its three campuses in California, Texas, and England? WHY do we have colleges? WHY do we broadcast (and now also The WORLD TOMORROW on TELEVISION)? WHY publish a magazi ...

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But Officer, Give Me a Break! But Officer, Give Me a Break!
Darris L McNeely  -  Youth Magazine   -  February 1985

I knew I was in trouble when I saw the flashing red light. He was pointing something at me! Sitting in the empty lot at the edge of town was a uniformed man pointing a large black radar gun at me. I quickly lifted my foot from the accelerator and slowed down - but I knew it was too late. As I passed ...

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Looking At The Life of David Looking At The Life of David
Ronald P Washington  -  Sermon   -  November 13, 1976

It used to be several years ago, belonging in choir back in New York, and I really learned to enjoy a different kind of music that I hadn't learned to appreciate prior to having joined the chorale. I think I finally determined that the baritone voices are some of my favorite voices to listen to in ...

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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 55 The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 55
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1963

Obstacles continually arose, threatening to prevent the opening of Ambassador College. The Queen Elizabeth docked in New York on March 21, 1947. For two days, in mid-Atlantic, she had weathered the worst storm of her career. And we had experienced the sight, the feel, and the sounds of an angry ocea ...

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Can a Person Be Homosexual and Christian Too? Can a Person Be Homosexual and Christian Too?
Patrick A Parnell  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1973

Churches are increasingly accepting homosexuals into their folds, even ordaining homosexuals into their ministry. What's the cause behind this modern trend? What does the Bible say about homosexuality? It is time we pulled back the curtain of secrecy and took a look at the upsurge in homosexuality ...

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Do you have the SUNDAY SPIRIT? Do you have the SUNDAY SPIRIT?
Jack R Elliott  -  Good News   -  December 1961

Is your spiritual growth being held back because you unknowingly still have a Sunday attitude? Few members have clearly seen the self-centeredness that Sunday-keeping has caused in their lives - and how to successfully combat this most basic human trait. SUNDAY observance is of Satan the Devil. It i ...

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The Bible Story - Volume I The Bible Story - Volume I  -  Chapter 19
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1982

PHARAOH had just started on a tour to view the livestock damage outside the city, when he was advised to turn back because an especially strong wind was driving the sand. At the same time the king saw two unwelcome but familiar figures carrying a large leather bag, standing on the palace steps. Mose ...

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Behind the Facade of Western Unity Behind the Facade of Western Unity
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1983

Economic recovery masks deep divisions that must eventually rip asunder the Atlantic Alliance. To borrow the title of the book of World War I vintage, "All's Quiet on the Western Front." But superficial impressions can be misleading. The moderate upswing in economic fortunes throughout m ...

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False Religion - Curse of Black Africa False Religion - Curse of Black Africa
Robert G Morton  -  Good News   -  March-April 1972

The greatest SINGLE factor that holds much of black Africa back is false religion. False religion is the major cause of Africa's problems, even as it is the cause of most of the world's problems today. The Bantus (the black Africans south of the Sudan) worship two things; Their gods and their an ...

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Just one more thing: Is your taproot in place? Just one more thing: Is your taproot in place?
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  September 12, 1983

Strategically placed on my desk is a beautiful dwarf tree. I had always wanted one. One day my youngest son surprised me with a juniper bonsai he purchased at a swap meet at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. I must admit, from time to time, when I'm deep in thought about planning an issue or thinking abo ...

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The Bible Story - At The Red Sea The Bible Story - At The Red Sea
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1960

As darkness closed in on the Israelites who were leaving Egypt, a strange thing took place. The peculiar, upright cloud that had gone before them by day took on a startling, different appearance. It began to glow! The darker the sky became, the brighter the cloud became. By an hour or so after sundo ...

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Why? Why?
Bruce Vance  -  Sermon   -  April 27, 1974

Well, good morning! I guess for a minute until the lights come on and you can see, I can talk about nothing, at least say hello. Oh, it seems to me my wife and I were discussing and trying to figure out the last time it was that we were here and I had the opportunity to be in the church, actually in ...

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IRAN TODAY: Nation With a Mission IRAN TODAY: Nation With a Mission
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1972

Dramatic changes are taking place in Iran. This ancient and oil-rich land - long a crossroads between East and West - has risen from a deep slumber to become a new force in the Middle East. "We have emerged from the world of the dead!" This triumphant "rebirth announcement" was heralded in the Kayha ...

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The Bible Story - God Calls Moses The Bible Story - God Calls Moses
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1960

"Why is it that you girls are back home so much earlier than usual?" Reuel asked his daughters. "An Egyptian was at the well where we go to water our flocks," said the daughters. "Evil shepherds rushed in to drive our herds away, but this stranger drove the shepherds away. H ...

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