Are You a LIVING Sacrifice? Are You a LIVING Sacrifice?
Clayton D Steep  -  Good News   -  January 1982

Today we don't worship God by slaying a bull or a goat and offering it as a sacrifice. The sacrifice Christians are to offer is a living one. But what does that mean? In Romans 12:1 the apostle Paul wrote that we should present our bodies "a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God." A "living ...

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NOW - A New Kind of Revolution STALKS THE IRON CURTAIN NOW - A New Kind of Revolution STALKS THE IRON CURTAIN
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1966

In two fast-moving years a new kind of revolution has transformed the face of Eastern Europe. In 1964 life was drab, frustrating, hopeless. Now - at end of 1966 - "creeping capitalism" has accomplished what no previous revolt has been able to do. Read, in this firsthand report, how the new turn of e ...

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Children's Corner: Grandpa wears a crown Children's Corner: Grandpa wears a crown
Vivian Pettijohn  -  Worldwide News   -  January 7, 1985

"Oh, no!" Jeff objected, frowning as he and his family left the dining table following Sunday brunch. "Why does Grandpa Winfield have to come here to visit? He's old!" "Yeah, and he isn't much fun!" Rocky agreed. "Remember how he always looked sad when we went ...

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Lesson 43 - Major Prophets Isaiah 36-49 Lesson 43 - Major Prophets Isaiah 36-49
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study 100-Lesson   -  November 3, 2001

Well good evening, it is very good to see all of you here at Bible Study, seems like it's been ages since we've had Bible Study with the Feast coming in there we skipped a month, but we're back on our series going through our survey of the Major Prophets, in the book of Isaiah, covering this e ...

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Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1966

Will science succeed in landing men on the moon? - and returning them safely to the earth? Here is a full-color report of how U.S. scientists propose to do if - and what God has decreed about man's intrusion in to space! The race for the moon has suddenly taken a BIG leap forward. Soviet space sci ...

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Diary of the African Baptizing Tour Diary of the African Baptizing Tour
Harold L Jackson  -  Good News   -  March-April 1972

For the second consecutive year God has made it possible for a team of His ministers to tour Africa and reach those few people He is calling on the "dark continent." This year Mr. Harold Jackson and Mr. Robert Morton traveled twenty-five thousand miles, reaching the capitals of sixteen different ...

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Dear Youth 85 Dear Youth 85
Youth Magazine Staff  -  Youth Magazine   -  April 1985

Question: I am a 15-year-old girl and have a big problem. Some kids at my school have been spreading some very bad rumors about me to all my friends. This is destroying my reputation and upsets me very much. Answer: We can understand your concern. After all, the old saying that sticks and stones may ...

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The Bible Story - Joseph's Adventures In Egypt The Bible Story - Joseph's Adventures In Egypt
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1959

Jacob was now on his way back to Canaan to see his father. But he was very much afraid of what his brother Esau would do. For Esau had planned to kill him when he left Canaan twenty years before. Fearing the worst, Jacob arranged for Rachel and her son Joseph to stay the greatest distance behind. Th ...

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Journeying by Jeepney Journeying by Jeepney
Thomas C Hanson  -  Youth Magazine   -  September 1984

It's a colorful, uniquely Filipino way to travel. Before going to the Philippines last fall I read that something called a jeepney is a common form of transportation there. Little did I realize that I'd soon see dozens of them, all decorated in different ways. What are jeepneys? They are brightl ...

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RELIGIOUS UNION Key to World Peace? RELIGIOUS UNION Key to World Peace?
Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  September-October 1982

The threat of nuclear annihilation is prompting religious bodies and their leaders to cooperate as never before in search of an elusive world at peace. Look back on the important events of this year. What do we see? Fear of war dominated the front page of newspapers. Fighting in the Middle East and ...

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Lesson 58 - The Life and Letters of Paul - Ephesians & Philippians Lesson 58 - The Life and Letters of Paul - Ephesians & Philippians
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study 100-Lesson   -  March 4, 2003

Ok, well good evening, it's very good to be here for the Bible Study this evening, we're going to continue our survey of "The Life and Letters of Paul" and we're continuing our survey through the prison Epistles letter, we're going to look at 2 of those letters this evening Ephesia ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 13, 1959 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 13, 1959
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 13, 1959

Here it is, almost the middle of August. I wonder if we are really awake to what is taking place. Once again Mrs. Armstrong and I are on a train, on a business trip to Houston, Texas. TREMENDOUS things are happening in the world. If we are not asleep, we can just see world events hurling us rapidly ...

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When School is Out... WHAT THEN? When School is Out... WHAT THEN?
Vern L Farrow  -  Plain Truth   -  April-May 1970

Tens of thousands of teen-agers - facing summer vacation with nothing to do - will soon spill onto city streets. The vast majority will waste three months. All too many will end up in trouble. Are YOU a teen-ager? Why not make YOUR summer vacation payoff? Not many years ago most communities looked ...

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The Bible Story - Volume III The Bible Story - Volume III  -  Chapter 47
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1963

BALAAM'S FOUR PROPHECIES, NEXT morning after the feast king Balak of Moab sent his entertainers back to their homes. But he continued onward to the west with Balaam, Balaam's two servants and the Moabite officers and servants. The caravan journeyed on to a mountain overlooking the site where the ...

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Does Your Appearance Count? Does Your Appearance Count?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  March 1982

How important is grooming? Is God concerned about your dress and appearance? Can you be spiritually clean and at the same time be physically unclean? Have you ever been revolted by the appearance or dress of another person? You may have seen, in a public place such as a supermarket or a movie theate ...

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