When a Man From Space Visited Earth... Revisited When a Man From Space Visited Earth... Revisited
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  September 1976

QUESTION: "In your article 'When a Man From Space Visited Earth,' you stated that the best kept secret was that Jesus Christ did not know His Father would turn His back on Him when He was crucified. How could this be, since Jesus inspired King David to write in Psalms 22:1 that He would ...

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Basic Horse Sense for Horseback Riding Basic Horse Sense for Horseback Riding
Scott Smith & Joe Maupin  -  Youth Magazine   -  September 1982

In the movies, riding a horse can look so easy. The hero jumps out of the window onto the back of his horse and sets off at a full gallop, jumping tall fences on the way. Well, those stunts aren't really as easy as they look, and if you're going horseback riding for the first time, it might be w ...

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How Great Is Your Calling? How Great Is Your Calling?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Sermon   -  December 21, 1957

Mr. Armstrong is back in full swing in the work. He's working hard, he's busy all the time, and he's in good health. I think you'll all rejoice in that. Perhaps you may have heard that last week, but I have been with him a good deal the last couple of weeks, and I know that he is. He's goi ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 09, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - August 09, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  August 09, 1961

Tomorrow Mrs. Armstrong and I are to sail back to the United States, and I find the situation in our business office such that I must get off a letter to you before leaving England. In this great work of GOD—the most important activity on earth today—we simply must keep pace with the rapid accelerat ...

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Are You Qualifying or Disqualifying Yourself? Are You Qualifying or Disqualifying Yourself?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles

Well greetings all of you future kings and priests that are going to have these wonderful spiritual crowns, you're going to rule the world, you're going to teach the world the way to peace, to happiness and to joy and to real accomplishment. You know when this Church first started and it started ...

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Eugene M Walter & Dale L Schurter  -  Special Topics   -  1970

The good earth is under siege. Its crops are being attacked by increasing myriads of insects. Fighting back is man. His weapons - a bristling arsenal of more than 50,000 commercial chemicals. How did it happen? Is there no way out of this unending struggle? "Chemical warfare" is a fact of ...

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Acts 3:1 - 5:42 Acts 3:1 - 5:42
Dean C Blackwell  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  1979

Well the other way is to save a Nazarene and the Paulicians and Waldensians where your line of ancestry going back to the book of Acts, the only trouble is what was a Nazarene? Well every book you will ever read about them in, there all, that's one of the most accurate things in Church history, to ...

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The Bible Story - God Chooses David The Bible Story - God Chooses David
Basil Wolverton  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1966

"While Saul and his soldiers were on their way back north, following their triumph over the Amalekites, Samuel received a message from God. (I Samuel 15:1-9.) "Samuel, I am not pleased with the man I set on the throne of Israel," the Creator informed the elderly prophet. "He has ...

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God's Sacred Calendar 84-85 God's Sacred Calendar 84-85
Worldwide Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1984

Cover: Mr. Armstrong with his wife Loma began to announce the gospel during Great Depression. The biblical solar-lunar calendar, combined with the Roman calendar so widely used by today's Christian-professing world. HERE IS the true calendar for all mankind. Its principles go back to the very firs ...

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News & Reviews News & Reviews
Youth Magazine Staff  -  Youth Magazine   -  December 1981

Proverbs: Messages for Today - Do Your Back (and Your Looks) a Favor: "Will Rogers said he never met a man he didn't like." remarked the eulogist at a funeral not long ago. "But when it comes to the man we're honoring today," he went on, "we could say that he never met a ...

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Relationship With God Relationship With God
Guy L Engelbart  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 23, 1978

You know Mr. Antion was talking about our moving to Cleveland when I saw him last month in Pasadena, in September, and we were talking about the moving, of course he used to live in Akron for a number of years with his family and he said, Guy I really feel sorry for you moving to Cleveland and he sa ...

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True Gospel - Part 4 True Gospel - Part 4
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1980s

It's an amazing eye-opening thing to review the actual life of Jesus Christ, to see what He did proclaim, what He did preach, to open our eyes to what really did happen and what He did teach and proclaim, what was His Gospel, because the gospel of Jesus Christ is not man's gospel about Christ, i ...

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Forgiveness And The Family Forgiveness And The Family
Norman A Smith  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 12, 1979

Back in 1495, 3 years after Columbus discovered America, in a obscure spot in Switzerland near where Baron is located today, a couple of brothers had a disagreement, the father had just died and the sons argued over possession of the property, their names where Hans and Curie, Curie it seem had rema ...

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Romans 1-5 Romans 1-5
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  June 6, 1980

We were finishing up the book of Galatians that I think we had finished that in about two studies. And, I think if anyone had understood Galatians, that they would understand Romans. But I thought it might be good if we would go through Romans this time. It's a little longer book. And I think that ...

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To Fight or Not To Fight - PROTESTANTS CONFUSED! - Installment Six To Fight or Not To Fight - PROTESTANTS CONFUSED! - Installment Six
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  August 1963

Over four hundred differing opinions come from the ranks of the Protestants. How can you know which is right? A FAMOUS LEADER in the Protestant Reformation wrote the startling statement that it is "God who hangs, breaks on the wheel, beheads, strangles and WAGES WAR!" How different, how opposite, fr ...

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