Why? Why?
Dibar K Apartian  -  Sermon

I feel like coming home, you know? I used to be a Pastor or Co-Pastor or perhaps an assistant here or just a laymen, I don't know, for about 2 years under Dr. Hoeh and Mr. Richard Rice and a who else Dr. Hoeh [laugh], anyway so, except we used to get up early in the morning to get here was 10:30 i ...

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Fathers Fathers
Joel M Lillengreen  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  1979

You know this has been a real hard hitting feast and I know that for me the messages that have been given throughout this festival have been hard hitting in my life. I've received something from each speaker that I feel in both the sermonette as well as the main sermon, but I hope that it's not ...

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Bible Like a Jigsaw Puzzle Bible Like a Jigsaw Puzzle
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  July 4, 1981

Now I have been speaking the last several times I've been here, and in other Churches also, going right back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden. God has been revealing new truth to us. It's not new truth. It's truth that's been new for a long, long time. But God's truth is always new, ...

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Apostasy Foretold! Apostasy Foretold!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now I know it's almost impossible to believe - yes, it's shocking, it's astounding, but nevertheless it's true - the Gospel that Jesus brought to mankind was lost to our Western world within the first two or three centuries, way back there nineteen hundred years ago! What you and I grew up s ...

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Lesson 11 - Exodus 1-18 Lesson 11 - Exodus 1-18
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study 100-Lesson   -  November 3, 1998

Well good evening; it is very good to see all of you here for the Bible Study. We're getting into the book of Exodus this evening. Now a couple of the handouts that I've handed you, I would like to make a little comment on. One is a map and we will refer back to that a little later, but what we ...

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The Big News The Big News
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

The big news seems to go unnoticed while our attention is swept this way and back by the liberal news, the local news, the latest sports scores, the political squabbles, the dock strike, the joblessness, the latest flood or tornado, maybe the national news. But what does it all mean? The big news is ...

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Prepare to Greatly Reduce Your Standard of Living Prepare to Greatly Reduce Your Standard of Living
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1980

It's time you knew the real meaning of the present inflationary spiral, rising interest rates, and fears of entering a severe depression. There is far more to all this economic concern than appears on the surface. Its roots even penetrate back into ancient history and biblical prophecy. Where are ...

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Where Is The True Church? Where Is The True Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics

What about this whole church question - as it concerns YOU? WHERE IS the original true Church which Jesus Christ founded - the one the living Jesus Christ STILL HEADS today? That is the question that haunted me, back in 1926 and early 1927. I had been reared, like many of our readers, in one of the ...

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The Bible Story - Volume I The Bible Story - Volume I  -  Chapter 12
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1982

WHEN Jacob's sons began taking the grain out of their sacks, each was shocked to find a bag of money there. It was the same amount each had paid the Egyptians. When Jacob learned about this, he was worried lest his sons be considered thieves and taken back to Egypt. I have already lost Joseph and ...

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The Awesome Human Potential The Awesome Human Potential
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  October 16, 1982

Well brethren, it's hard to realize that another feast has come and gone, but I am sure you were all elated. All the reports that I have had from all the feast sites were simply wonderful and everybody says best feast ever and we hope that next year will be and I think it did slightly excel the ye ...

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The Meaning of Trumpets The Meaning of Trumpets
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon   -  Trumpets   -  September 13, 1977

Greetings everyone; nice to be back here in Houston again, have the opportunity to be here on a Holy Day. We've had a custom in the Church from year to year to ask "why are we here?" Someone answered this one time by saying, "because you're not all there". I don't think that's the reason we+ ...

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Emotions Emotions
Ray A Meyer  -  Sermon   -  1978

Keep your hearts with all diligent for out of this are the issues of life. Those words of wisdom are found back in Proverbs the 4th chapter and verse 23. Very short little sentence but its impact with an incredible amount of meaning which affects our lives daily, directly and both directly and indir ...

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The Anticipation Cannot Equal the Realization The Anticipation Cannot Equal the Realization
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  September 1985

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Recently I sat down and allowed myself to reminisce for a few moments on my life. It has been a RICH life, full of the joys of accomplishment and also full of opposition and bitter persecution. My mind went back to age 19, when I had a job just a few miles north o ...

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Steps to Overcoming Steps to Overcoming
John H Ogwyn  -  Sermon   -  Unleavened Bread   -  April 15, 1995

Well, brethren here we are on the first day of the Day's of Unleavened Bread, the beginning of the seven-day festival that God commands us to keep, we read of it back in Exodus 12, we read of it in Leviticus 23, we read of it in various places in Numbers 33 and Deuteronomy 16 and other locations i ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 60   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

A Giant Leap to Europe! WE NEED, now, to go back a few years, to fill in some interesting parts of the story concerning the opening of Ambassador College in Pasadena. The reader will remember that a few of the church members at Eugene opposed the founding of the college. When I signed the lease-and- ...

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