Why People Leave The Church Why People Leave The Church
Leroy Neff  -  Sermon

My wife and I were called into the Church and started attending in 1951 and I think that in 1951 when I went to the Feast of Tabernacles, at least for part of the time, I think it was a weekend in Belknap Springs, we had one person who is here in this audience, it might have been more than one. Is t ...

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Revelation 12 Revelation 12
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  April 18, 1981

Well, greetings to all of you. This is the third time I've spoken here since I've come back to Pasadena, but the first time to the Church. The other two times were at college forums. I've had a little attack of the Asian Flu again. I seem to get that about once every seven or eight years; and ...

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A Voice Cries Out: Why? A Voice Cries Out: Why?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  July 27, 1981

We Can: Send men to the moon and back, produce computers, robots, develop science and technology, learn secrets of physics and chemistry, build industries. But We Can't: Solve our troubles, eradicate evils: Within family and home, Within industries and factions, Government, domestic or foreign pro ...

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If You Die Will You Live Again? If You Die Will You Live Again?
C Paul Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1957

You are going to be surprised by the NEW FACTS you will learn about life after death in this article - facts you may NEVER have been taught, but information your Bible has ALWAYS contained. Is death the end of everything? Just what IS the chance of YOUR coming back to life, of living again? ...

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Keeping God's Feasts - Yesterday and Today Keeping God's Feasts - Yesterday and Today
Ronald D Kelly  -  Good News   -  September 1985

Many have regarded the feast days merely as Old Testament customs - archaic curiosities from way back in "Bible times." But God's festival celebrations are always up to date. Here's how to keep them in the 20th century. Sometimes it's hard for certain people to see the Bible as up to date. To ...

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Why Become Perfect? Why Become Perfect?
Norman A Smith  -  Sermon   -  April 10, 1955

Because I just merely ask them, how do you know what happens after death, is there any life after death? Do the dead know anything or are they unconscious? I said science can contribute nothing, there are many ideas, the pagans have some superstitious ideas, there's this so-called Christian idea, ...

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Family Family
John A Halford  -  Sermon   -  October 24, 1987

Our children are grown up now as obviously some of yours are, Becky is a junior at Ambassador College, aged 20? something like that, and Judy is a freshman at Ambassador College and aged 18 or something like that. Both of them are thoroughly American and have not forgotten where they were born, in f ...

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Does Your Appearance Count? Does Your Appearance Count?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  December 1966

How important is grooming? Is God concerned about your dress and appearance? Can you be spiritually clean and at the same time be physically unclean? Here is what the Bible says about it. HAVE you ever been revolted by the appearance or dress of another person? Did you ever see a woman with unusual ...

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Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  May 1962

Many of our young men are being faced with needless draft problems. Here is a brief article showing how to avoid them. A FEW months ago, a man from God's Church who was in the military reserves was called back into service. After being assigned to a unit, he found himself in all sorts of trouble a ...

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Mankind Can Destroy Himself Mankind Can Destroy Himself
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

...In 20 minutes lay waste an entire enemy continent without warning, in one night, that's the world that you live in. And you'll notice that the Eternal God who created man and created this earth and put man upon it and gave us the air to breathe in the atmosphere that we were made for. He said ...

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Onward Christian Soldiers Onward Christian Soldiers
Roderick C Meredith  -  Sermon   -  January 13, 1979

Well, that is really a hard act to follow, as I'm sure you know. I don't want any voting here, but how many of you think that I will finish on time? We're getting back to like old times, I'm not going to keep you until a quarter of 6 though, I promise, we had that situation last week of cour ...

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Rulers With Christ Rulers With Christ
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon

Back in the first chapter of Luke you will find a little scripture that's kind of tucked away by itself and yet it's one of the reminders of what our purpose is, why we come to Church on the Sabbath, why we have Holy Days, why God had the Bible written down for us so we would all have copies of ...

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To All Pastors of Churches Worldwide To All Pastors of Churches Worldwide
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 17, 1978

Greetings from headquarters! Some exciting new developments are occurring of which you will all soon become fully informed and involved! Following up my lengthy letter accompanying the last Pastor's Report, intended to be a kind of "goals and purposes" reassessment of priorities, I would like to d ...

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Roger G Lippross  -  Pastor General's Report   -  June 11, 1979

Most religious books published commercially in the United States, are distributed through the various Christian booksellers associations. Unfortunately, The Incredible Human Potential has been refused entry into this private distribution system because parts of the book are not complimentary to the ...

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Pastor's Report Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  August 28, 1979

The day of miracles is not past. God still heals and answers prayers. Over the past few months, some very interesting and encouraging letters have been received telling about healings and answers to prayers. Also, Mr. Gerald Waterhouse is back on the speaking circuit and we've got the mail to prov ...

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