Called to Rule in the Kingdom of God Called to Rule in the Kingdom of God
Roy O Holladay  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 6, 1979

You know, a few years ago, I gave a sermon on the Kingdom of God. And I explained in that sermon basically how we're going to become gods, how we're going to rule the world tomorrow. The fact that we are going to be kings and priests, and I sat down after giving that sermon, and I sort of patted ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  April 1961

The greatest Passover since apostolic days is just ahead! Last year, some brethren "forgot" this commanded assembly! STUDY this article - and REMEMBER the Passover! "LET me color this one, Mommy!" said little Mary, holding a hard-boiled egg in her tiny little hand. "Mommy" was busily preparing ...

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The INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL... The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part IV The INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL... The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part IV
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  April 19, 1975

Was humanity put here on earth for a purpose? Winston Churchill said to the American Congress: "There is a purpose being worked out here below," implying a higher power above working on earth. But why? What caused the placing of humanity here, and what is that purpose? Where are we going, and what i ...

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Ambassador College Envoy 1980 Ambassador College Envoy 1980
Ambassador College Production  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1980

The Envoy 1980 Ambassador College Pasadena, California, Administration and Faculty. Thirty-three years ago Ambassador College began in a miraculous fashion. With four students, eight faculty members and very little money, an institution was created that would chart a new course in higher education, ...

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The Need For Spiritual Knowledge The Need For Spiritual Knowledge
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  August 29, 1981

Brethren, we are in very serious times now (whether you realize it or not). We are very close to the end of this world. The world itself doesn't realize that at all! We're in a world of awesome progress today. The progress in this world: the things that the world has accomplished and done are ab ...

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Children's Corner: Lazy Kathy Children's Corner: Lazy Kathy
Vivian Pettijohn  -  Worldwide News   -  April 29, 1985

"Kathy!" her mother called as she stuck her head inside Kathy's room. "Time to get up, honey! I need you to help me." Kathy opened her eyes. Then, when her mother left, Kathy rolled over and pretended to go back to sleep. A few minutes later Mrs. Winfield came back, frowning wh ...

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Worldwide News October 13, 1975 Headlines Worldwide News October 13, 1975 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  October 13, 1975

Festival coordinators' meeting evaluates Feast of Tabernacles - Second AICF concert draws turn-away crowd - Family dies in airplane crash while returning from Festival - Festival finalists Pasadena-bound in YOU contest - Artist says Ambassador sculpture is 'one of my most successful works' - N ...

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Where World War III Will Be Fought! Where World War III Will Be Fought!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1963

Here is a moving, on-the-spot report from our Senior Editor now on tour. Read the exciting news of long-prophesied events now under way in the Middle East - and how they will soon affect YOUR FUTURE! Beirut. Lebanon. I just escaped being detained in revolt-ridden Syria by the skin of my teeth! I was ...

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Personal from the Editor Personal from the Editor
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1963

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - ONCE AGAIN, you are holding an enlarged, improved PLAIN TRUTH in your hands. This time, four more pages have been added, with - at last, after 29 years - a heavier full magazine-weight cover! While the next, or February, number will be the 29th anniversary of The ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1978

For many years there has appeared in the annual Ambassador College catalog a section captioned "Foundational Policy." As you will see in my "Personal" ("The Deadly Leaven of Higher Education"), Ambassador College had been systematically infiltrated in the past seven to ten years by the leaven of "in ...

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How to Bail Out The Twentieth Century How to Bail Out The Twentieth Century
Paul W Kroll  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1972

We have discovered how to prevent heart attacks but not war. We can send astronauts to the moon and bring them back, but we can't bring our armies home. Is there a way to begin all over and make the Twentieth Century the First Century of the New World Tomorrow? In 1968, A leading American publicat ...

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Will Germany Fill the Breach? Will Germany Fill the Breach?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1978

Of all the trends in the world today, possibly the most important is the continued waning of American strength, the diminution of U. S. power, the lack of U.S. resolve. The United States today is in a position of retreat around the globe. Its guiding watchwords seem to be "give up," " ...

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Shirley King Johnson  -  Worldwide News   -  January 21, 1985

Oh, the joy of running loose on the farm! Major thrust his nose deep into grass beside Grandfather's windmill. All the sweet smells of little creatures filled his nostrils - rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks. Suddenly one scent was fresh. Yelping his delight. Major followed the scent back and forth ...

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The Gospel and the Church are Concerned with Government The Gospel and the Church are Concerned with Government
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

The Gospel and the Church are concerned with government. God, in creating people, has a program in mind and He made us first physical. So, first it started with the first Adam, the first man was called Adam. But then the spiritual phase of God's whole program begins with Jesus Christ, and Christ i ...

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The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 52
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1964

THE PROMISED LAND, THE TWO Israelite scouts sent to the city of Jericho were eating at Rahab's inn when officers banged loudly on the door. "Two officers have come from the king of Jericho to arrest you!" Rahab whispered to them. "They're impatient and I must go to the door at onc ...

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