Man's Insoluble Problems Man's Insoluble Problems
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  July 9, 1982

There seems to be no solution in sight today to the frightening world troubles with nuclear World War III threatening to blast all human life off this planet. Now the United States and the Soviet Union are not going to get together and solve it, the United Nations is not going to solve it, modern sc ...

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Why Baptism? Why Baptism?
Brian Knowles  -  Tomorrow's World   -  April 1972

Is this really "baptism"? This article explains the correct method according to the Bible. Is water baptism necessary for salvation? Does it matter how it is done or who performs it? Are there any pre-conditions to baptism? Does the Bible sanction infant baptism? ...

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Sherwin McMichael  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 18, 1979

Recently, three Feast of Tabernacles sites have been severely threatened by hurricanes! Savannah, St. Petersburg and Biloxi have all faced exposure to these dreaded storms. St. Petersburg escaped, but Savannah and Biloxi experienced damage — threatening our observance of the Feast of Tabernacl ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  June 25, 1979

Dear Fellow Ministers: Greetings, this time from smoggy Pasadena! I hope all of you out there in the field are in good health and keeping up the good work. All of us here are fine, except for the smog and human problems which will always be with us. ...

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I'm Just Following Orders I'm Just Following Orders
Gary L Alexander  -  Good News   -  December 1973

WASHINGTON, D.C., 1973. Squirming before a Select Senate subcommittee, dozens of men of unimpeachable loyalty to President Nixon are found guilty of "zeal in a righteous cause" following the break-in and cover-up of the Democratic headquarters at Watergate. Multiple other high-level appoint ...

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Lawson C Briggs  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1978

In these days of doubt and challenge to traditional beliefs, it's hard to know what to accept. Was Jesus Christ a myth as some say? Or did He truly exist? Can He be found in history? Is there any way to know? Many evidences based on recorded historical fact show that Jesus of Nazareth did live, th ...

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Some Teachings in the Bible are a Little Hard to Understand Some Teachings in the Bible are a Little Hard to Understand
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1984

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Some of the teachings in the Bible are a little hard for the average thinking mind to understand. James tells us to count it all joy when trials, ordeals, reverses, beset us (Jas. 1:2). Troubles a JOY? That's pretty hard to accept, isn't it? And, for the avera ...

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Stanley R Rader  -  Pastor General's Report   -  August 14, 1978

There has been a systematic effort to destroy the reputations of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and those closest to him. This effort was spearheaded by Garner Ted Armstrong, but aided and abetted by those seeking favor with him. Mr. Armstrong has written and spoken about this during the past few months, ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  June 1951

Question 1: Should a Woman Wear a Covering on Her Head? Question 2: Does Ezekiel 38 and 39 Mean An Invasion of Canada and the United States by Russia? Question 3: Should We Sell Dogs and Tithe the Income Therefrom? Question 4: What Should I Do If My Husband Will Not Tithe? I Have No Money of My Own ...

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Are Christians Again to Be MARTYRED? Are Christians Again to Be MARTYRED?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1956

It's time you learned of the fiendish, diabolical torture NOW being planned in the name religion. YOU are among its intended victims! Here's the truth! Imagine - if you can - a time when millions of Christians in the United States and Britain will be MARTYRED - and that within the next 16 years! ...

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Are Christians Again to Be MARTYRED? Are Christians Again to Be MARTYRED?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1956

It's time you learned of the fiendish, diabolical torture NOW being planned in the name religion. YOU are among its intended victims! Here's the truth! IMAGINE - if you can - a time when millions of Christians in the United States and Britain will be MARTYRED - and that within the next 16 years! ...

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Raymond F McNair  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 11, 1978

This update on Ambassador College is intended to show: 1) where A.C. had drifted, 2) what Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has done - and is doing - to put the College back on track, and 3) the future direction of the College - where we go from here. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has frequently written and spoke ...

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Ending Your Financial Worries Ending Your Financial Worries
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  May 30, 1984

Financial worries today plague almost everyone, the struggle to make ends meet is one of the greatest problems of the average person or family today. There is a reason and yet most people don't know anything about that reason they don't realize it at all, you can be free from it, there are laws ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 27, 1979

Greetings again from Pasadena: We are all fine here, and appreciate the many encouraging calls and letters that continue to come in from so many of you and also your brethren out in the field. Now that the receiver has been gone for some time, things seem more normal here at headquarters, and we are ...

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From Ministerial Services From Ministerial Services
Ted Herlofson  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 27, 1978

PLEASE ANNOUNCE: Due to the overwhelming number of requests for the Bible Hymnals, we are sorry to announce that the supply of hymnals is now exhausted. Any further requests for hymnals can not be honored and your check will be returned to you. Hymnals will again be offered to the members at a futur ...

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