Richard J Rice  -  Pastor General's Report   -  June 25, 1979

Although the bad publicity, negative comments, and the receivership crisis have had an impact on our members and co-workers, MOST are still standing behind Mr. Armstrong, helping "hold up his hands." We wanted to share this positive side of the coin with you, as it is reflected in our mail. ...

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A Great Week For Mail! A Great Week For Mail!
Richard J Rice  -  Pastor General's Report   -  April 17, 1978

The mail count for the week ending April 14th was the best we've had in the last eleven months! According to our preliminary count nearly 53,000 letters were received for the week, bringing our monthly total for April to about 93,000 letters. The year-to-date total now stands at 590,000 letters. ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 01, 1986 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 01, 1986
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 01, 1986

Once again the time has come to send each of you your receipt for tithes and offerings — for 1985. I want you to realize the magnitude of the accomplishments you have helped make possible this past year — yet I wonder if it is humanly possible to comprehend just how great is the work the living Chri ...

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Is Jesus God? Is Jesus God?   Table of Contents         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1955-1974

Millions do not know what Christ really was! Shocking though it is, millions of sincere believers are deceived by a diabolical deception. Was Christ human, or divine? Read the truth about this vital subject that has puzzled millions. Is Jesus God? What is the real answer? Is Jesus God? Is He the sam ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 04, 1985 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 04, 1985
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 04, 1985

The time has come to send each of you your receipt for tithes and offerings for 1984. I want you to realize the magnitude of the accomplishments you have helped make possible — yet I wonder if it is humanly possible to comprehend just how great is the Work the living Christ is accomplishing through ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  June-July 1979

In a recent issue of The Good News I mentioned that often I have said to the public, on the air or in The Plain Truth, "Don't believe what I say because I say it, but look into your own Bible and believe what you see there." But then I said in this article that I do not say that to our ow ...

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Preparation For Passover Service - A Suggestion Preparation For Passover Service - A Suggestion
Ron Stoddart  -  Pastor General's Report   -  April 17, 1978

(Editor's note: The following suggestion from Ron Stoddart may arrive a little late to be taken advantage of this year, but we thought we would include it this time in case some of you receive this Pastor's Report before Passover and wanted to give Ron's idea a try.) ...

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Joseph W Tkach  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 25, 1979

The count for the Holy Day offering is not yet complete and will not be for another day or two. However, with 293 Churches, the results so far are very encouraging. To date the Offering has almost duplicated last year's offering. However, with 42 Churches yet to call in this year's Trumpets offe ...

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Wilbur A Berg  -  Pastor General's Report   -  March 05, 1979

It has come to our attention that some brethren in various states and even students here at the college have been allowing their minds to run rampant by equating our receivership problems with specific fulfillment of end—time prophecy. Some feel that the great tribulation has already begun, while ot ...

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Rod Matthews  -  Pastor General's Report   -  August 14, 1979

July has been the best month for income in Canada for about three years! A 24% increase for the month puts the year-to-date income figure at +11%. Coupled with -4% on expenses, the financial picture is looking very healthy as we move into planning fall programs. ...

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Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  January 1974

QUESTION: "I heard a well known evangelist say Christ never had an evil thought. Hebrews 4:15 immediately came to mind. Please explain this verse." ANSWER: The Apostle Paul wrote in Hebrews 4:15, "For we have not an high priest [Jesus Christ] which cannot be touched with the feeling of our ...

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Ted Herlofson  -  Pastor General's Report   -  September 18, 1978

Mr. Rader's Video Cassettes - There are approximately 100 video cassettes of Mr. Stan Rader's presentation still in the field which have not been returned to the television department. The value of these cassettes is about $1,500. We would appreciate very much your taking the time to get you ...

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Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  February 1975

QUESTION: "Mr. Armstrong constantly says the way of the world is the way of get, and the way of God is the way of give. He says the definition of love is outgoing concern. Christ said to love yourself (Luke 10:27). Here is the question: Can a person have outgoing concern for himself?" ANSWE ...

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Suggestions From The Field Suggestions From The Field
Ted Herlofson  -  Pastor General's Report   -  July 18, 1978

The following remarks about member moves from Ron Lohr, Pastor in Tampa, Florida, concern a problem that is fairly wide-spread and especially affects us here at Pasadena. Pastors in the area tell me that an average of between one and two persons a week end up here without funds and with nowhere to g ...

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Dear Fellow Ministers in Christ Dear Fellow Ministers in Christ
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Pastor General's Report   -  April 24, 1978

Greetings from Big Sandy! I am presently "in between Holy Days" on the Big Sandy campus tending to many details relative to the opening up of Ambassador College this autumn. We particularly enjoyed our visit with the Youngstown-Akron area churches and a larger than expected crowd for the f ...

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