Just What Do You Mean - KINGDOM OF GOD? - Part I Just What Do You Mean - KINGDOM OF GOD? - Part I
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1962

Is it the CHURCH? Is it something "set up in the hearts of men?" Is if the British Empire? Is it "the God within you?" Is it "the Millennium?" Each of these is widely taught - yet none is right! The shocking TRUTH is here made PLAIN! Why cannot the churches agree on wha ...

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Help the Underdog! Help the Underdog!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  April 1960

It is natural to sympathize with the underdog - the fellow who is persecuted or "picked-on." Let US understand again how this applies in God's Church. HAVE you ever had what is known as a "suffering hero" complex? Chances are, you probably have. Most of us have it once in a great while, but quickl ...

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1966 Envoy Unique! 1966 Envoy Unique!
David Jon Hill  -  Good News   -  September 1966

THE ENVOY - like so many other facets of this burgeoning Work of God - grew over the years from a very modest college annual into its present unique form. It stands in a field of its own. There is no other book of its type in the world! It has served many purposes. It has been student annual - WORLD ...

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The Bride Of Christ The Bride Of Christ
Ronald D Kelly  -  Sermon

Mr. Armstrong has been talking quite a lot recently, noticed it in the mail you've been receiving. You also should have noticed it in both the films. And I was sitting there next to Mr. White, both last night and this morning kind of jiving him a little bit and kidding with him on my behalf. I sai ...

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Greatest Feast EVER! Greatest Feast EVER!
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  October 1962

In SEVEN major gatherings around the world, God's people rejoiced in the greatest spiritual Feast in centuries! And SEVEN more ordinations took place! "THOU shalt observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days... and thou shalt REJOICE in thy feast" (Deut. 16:13-14). Believing in obedience, God+ ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 31, 1959 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 31, 1959
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 31, 1959

Again GREETINGS! Here is another month ended—we had to send another $18,000 payment to the Behlen Manufacturing Company eleven days ago for the July payment—yet all of the members of the Church of God in the United States, now several thousand of us, have only SENT IN ONLY $11,190 for the whole mont ...

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What Determines Our Reward? What Determines Our Reward?
Raymond F McNair  -  Sermon   -  January 20, 1996

I would like you to turn over with me to Isaiah chapter 40, Isaiah chapter 40 beginning now with verse 9, "O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that brings good tiding, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah ...

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Just one more thing: Children and the Sabbath Just one more thing: Children and the Sabbath
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  February 07, 1983

Every parent has problems controlling his or her children occasionally, even in Sabbath services. One member quite seriously told her minister, "I know I'll miss the next two years of services now that I have a new baby." Is this the fate of parents with young children? Are new mothers a ...

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Worldwide News December 06, 1976 Headlines Worldwide News December 06, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  December 06, 1976

Mr. Armstrong readies for trip; ankle better - 'Plain Truth' beefed up; 'GN' to be discontinued - Teen picks up prize for a song - Talks held with Prime Minister Ian Smith - Jose Iturbi: bullheaded, but disciplined - Painting helps unwind - Family museum holds years of memories - Ginger grow ...

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Just one more thing: Let's talk about it Just one more thing: Let's talk about it
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  January 21, 1985

If conversation is a lost art, nowhere is the loss more keenly felt than in the family. Up against the tyrannies of tight schedules, pervasive television and video watching and all the other stresses of modern life, some families only go through the motions of communicating. Daily, teens write to Yo ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1968

Question: "Explain, if you will, the parable of the ten virgins - five of whom were wise - and five foolish." Answer: The WORK OF GOD, proclaiming to the whole world the good news of the KINGDOM OF GOD, was started by one man - Jesus Christ. Jesus chose and called His disciples. The word & ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 29, 1967 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - October 29, 1967
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  October 29, 1967

NEWS FLASH: The Pope at Rome and the Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church vowed last Thursday to reunite their two Churches, which have been divided for 900 years. This is significant news. Far more significant than the world realizes. It means events leading to the unprecedented Great Tr ...

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Why Do Some Pillars Fall? Why Do Some Pillars Fall?
Victor Root  -  Good News   -  January 1982

The apostle Paul wrote that God's people should be "stedfast, unmovable" (I Cor. 15:58). How can we develop this quality of stedfastness? Every visitor to the ruins of ancient Persepolis in southwest Iran is struck by the sight of 13 soaring stone pillars. Of 100 original columns in Dari ...

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You Will Have to Experience the Feast of TABERNACLES! You Will Have to Experience the Feast of TABERNACLES!
Charlene Glover  -  Good News   -  December 1951

THE BUSTLE of excitement was great here in Pasadena as students and church brethren alike prepared to leave for beautiful scenic Oregon and the Feast of Tabernacles. Some left by train, others by cars, while others went by chartered bus with no outsiders to disturb. On the night of the 15th of Octob ...

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Warning Warning
Kenneth M Martin  -  Sermon   -  1984

A very pleasant good morning to you all, it's a real opportunity to be able to speak when in Pasadena and any of the Church congregations. Mr. Tkach mentioned to me the other day that I would have the opportunity to speak in the Imperial A.M., I was very, very gratified because it gives me an oppo ...

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