A Bridge Around the World A Bridge Around the World
John A Halford & Rod Matthews  -  Good News   -  August 1980

The island nation of Tonga sits astride the International Date Line in the South Pacific Ocean. When the sun sets Wednesday, September 24, the 25 Tongan members of the Worldwide Church of God will be the first people in the world to begin observing the 1980 Feast of Tabernacles. But only the ...

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Good News Format And Subscription Policy Good News Format And Subscription Policy
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Pastor General's Report   -  June 13, 1978

Effective with the June 5 edition of The Good News, all head of household members of the Church will receive the GN free of charge. This publication is intended to be sent to members only. However, the June 19 issue will also be sent to all Co-Workers as a special issue. Requests for subscription an ...

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What Should I PRAY About? What Should I PRAY About?
Lynn E Torrance  -  Good News   -  August 1961

Is it wrong to pray for oneself? about how to make "ends meet"? about how to overcome? Just what should one pray about? MANY do not know what to pray about. We are often asked, "What can I pray about?" Some say, "I ask God to forgive, to guide and direct me. I ask God to bless the work, the minister ...

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Christians Must Have ZEAL Christians Must Have ZEAL
Selmer L Hegvold  -  Good News   -  January 1981

Lukewarm water has a soothing effect on a bather's nerves - it helps relax a troubled mind. But it's not good for you to be neither hot nor cold spiritually - a lukewarm Christian! Lethargy is all too prevalent in the Church of God today! Many brethren complain of flagging interest and drive in ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 37   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

A Costly Lesson Pays Off! BEFORE going on to the year 1937, I'd like to backtrack again for just a moment to point out some very important lessons. Our Sons Start School, by September, 1935, we were living in a small church-owned house on West Sixth Avenue in Eugene, Oregon, as I have recorded ear ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  July-August 1985

For many, miracles are a barrier to believing the Bible. Did Jesus' miracles really happen? Nearly 40 miracles are recorded in detail in the gospel accounts in the Bible. Beyond these, many more are reported in summary form. Later, the apostles are recorded doing even greater works than Jesus did. ...

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I Corinthians 16 & II Corinthians 1-3 I Corinthians 16 & II Corinthians 1-3
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  October 10, 1980

So now we have come to the 16th chapter of I Corinthians the last chapter. Now remember there are 16 chapters if I would write anyone a letter as long as I Corinthians all 16 chapters, now remember that's just one letter that Paul wrote to the people up in Corinth and I tell you I have taken about ...

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Worldwide News January 30, 1978 Headlines Worldwide News January 30, 1978 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  January 30, 1978

Norfolk and Seattle named sites for 1978 Feast of Tabernacles - Astronaut speaks in Pasadena - Brethren snowed in; Pocono roof caves - Stanley Rader changes posts - Carter's budget 'conservative'? - News chief keeps watch - Historic Savannah Feast site in cradle of southern hospitality - Livin ...

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Worldwide News July 04, 1977 Headlines Worldwide News July 04, 1977 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  July 04, 1977

Herbert W. Armstrong writes... Just what is our mission? - Accreditation denied Ambassador; candidacy continued for two years - Ministers confer in Britain - Canada YOU begins activities - Mr. Dart visits with ministers - U.S. policy clouds Asia's future - Why many don't understand Pentecost - M ...

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The Battle Lines Are Drawn - Are You Ready for Action? The Battle Lines Are Drawn - Are You Ready for Action?
Neil Earle  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

The Church of God is locked in a titanic struggle with the forces of Satan. But our victory is assured - if we will only follow these steps. December 13, 1939, dawned clearly in the mild, ruffling swells Of the South Atlantic. H.M.S . Exeter, with her sister cruisers Ajax and Achilles, were pa ...

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Against the Gates of Hell Against the Gates of Hell  -  Chapter 3   
Stanley R Rader  -  Reference Book   -  1980

One cold January day in 1917 Herbert Armstrong journeyed out to a tiny crossroads hamlet thirty miles southeast of Des Moines to visit an aunt who was recovering from a bout with Pneumonia. His mother had written asking him to see how her twin sister, Emma Morrow, was faring. Dutifully, he went. The ...

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1982 Feast Of Tabernacles to be Largest Assembly on Earth 1982 Feast Of Tabernacles to be Largest Assembly on Earth
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  April 12, 1982

Begin now to focus your mind on the most joyous eight days of this year — to be anticipated and enjoyed by the LARGEST number of people to be gathered at any convention, assembly or festival on earth. More than 100,000 happy brethren will share this time of rejoicing. Stop and THINK of the real PURP ...

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ST. VALENTINE'S DAY Christian Custom? - or Pagan Superstition? ST. VALENTINE'S DAY Christian Custom? - or Pagan Superstition?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1966

Where did St. Valentine's Day come from? You might suppose school teachers and educators would know. But do they? How many of were ever taught the real origin of Valentine's Day? - were ever told in school why you should observe the custom of exchanging valentines? The Silence of Educators. Teac ...

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Sanctity of Marriage - Part 2 Sanctity of Marriage - Part 2
Carn A Catherwood  -  Sermon

I want to do kind of an extension to the sermon I gave 2 weeks ago. One of the most disgusting things that occurred, has occurred in a long, long time in the Church of God and it began during the liberal era, which is now over, was this de-emphasis on the sanctity of marriage, and we forgot that mar ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 15, 1982 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 15, 1982
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 15, 1982

Begin now to focus your mind on the most joyous eight days of this year — to be anticipated and enjoyed by the LARGEST number of people to be gathered at any convention, assembly or festival on earth. More than 100,000 happy brethren will share this time of rejoicing. Stop and THINK of the real PURP ...

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