TALK about the BIBLE when you visit one another! TALK about the BIBLE when you visit one another!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  January 1962

Some brethren assume they should not TALK about the Bible when visiting one another, unless a minister is present. Let's understand when and how we should talk about the Bible - and to whom! HUNDREDS of you brethren still have no local church. Yet you can and do visit one another. Because God forb ...

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BOMBAY...Vision of India's Future BOMBAY...Vision of India's Future
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 22, 1975

On a recent visit to India, Mr. Herbert Armstrong was told by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that the foreign press always portrays the problems of India with great detail but hardly ever reports the positive steps India is taking to solve some of their problems. It's surely true that in India all o ...

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GN Focus: What Is Your Reaction Time? GN Focus: What Is Your Reaction Time?
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  August 1984

The incredibly powerful computer we use to help us do the work of God's Church today has a serious handicap. It is too slow. To be fair, not all parts of our computer are too slow. You probably know that a computer is actually several different machines linked together. The part that does the comp ...

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No! You Can't Earn Your Salvation! No! You Can't Earn Your Salvation!
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  June 1976

Does salvation come by works of law? If so, no one will ever be saved! One of the greatest continuing debates in the ecclesiastical world has been the question of "law versus grace." Are Christians saved by the keeping of various laws - or are they saved by grace apart from any law-keeping? ...

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A Timeless Message to Teenagers A Timeless Message to Teenagers
Scott Ashley  -  Youth Magazine   -  April 1981

I ALWAYS THOUGHT the Bible was for adults. Until I became one. Then I thought it was for older adults. After all, it contains some pretty heavy reading that isn't always the easiest to understand, much less live by! It only discussed adult behavior, adult problems and adult solutions - or so I tho ...

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How to Make the Sabbath a Delight How to Make the Sabbath a Delight
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  October-November 1982

God's Sabbath should be a delight and pleasure to God's people. You need to understand how it can be so for you. Throughout history, the vast majority of people have not experienced the pleasure that comes from keeping God's Sabbath correctly. Indeed, most people have not realized that this la ...

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Worldwide News May 22, 1978 Headlines Worldwide News May 22, 1978 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  May 22, 1978

Mr. Armstrong announces new school; Wayne Cole vice chancellor; Dr. Robert Kuhn director - HWA back in active leadership - HWA to broadcast on Sunday radio and TV - Mr. Armstrong directs sale of Texas campus - College graduates class of '78 - HWA reassigns personnel - Moscow setting Africa aflame ...

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The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation The Plain Truth about the Protestant Reformation  -  Chapter IX   
Roderick C Meredith  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1956

John Calvin now enters the Reformation drama. Although influenced by both Luther and Zwingli before him, the powerful impress of his mind and personality shaped the doctrinal system of the reformed congregations for generations to come (Kurtz, p. 304-305). Like Luther and Zwingli before him, Calvin ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 20   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

The First Sermon: THIS chapter of the Autobiography is being written in Rome. It dawns in my mind that there is intriguing significance in the fact that I should be here at the very time when this chapter must be written. The Apostle Paul wrote some of the books of the Bible here in Rome. It was the ...

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PROVE ALL THINGS Be Ready Always to Give an Answer PROVE ALL THINGS Be Ready Always to Give an Answer
Richard J Rice  -  Good News   -  August 1979

Suppose a pollster from the George Gallup organization came into your neighborhood and asked: "If you had to pick the ideal family, who on this block would you choose? Which neighbors are always there to help when the need arises? Who has the happiest, most well-mannered children?" Would yo ...

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How to Turn Your Snapshots into Photographs How to Turn Your Snapshots into Photographs
Nathan Faulkner  -  Youth Magazine   -  May 1981

Photography is a great way to capture those fun times at the Feast, a YOU activity, a church dance or SEP so you can enjoy looking back on them later. But haven't you ever wondered if the company that develops your film is sending you back the wrong pictures? They certainly don't look like the s ...

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Worldwide News August 01, 1977 Headlines Worldwide News August 01, 1977 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  August 01, 1977

Floods, blackout hit in East; disasters affect area brethren - 'WN' moving offices - Ministers meet in the outdoors - Korea looks to U.S. for peace - Tours stimulate growth in Latin world - Retiree finishes degree at 65 - Enough Time for Jenny - Local church news wrap-up - He's making it as a ...

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What About GOD - revealed knowledge? What About GOD - revealed knowledge?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1969

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - IN TEN YEARS the world has experienced a KNOWLEDGE EXPLOSION! Its fund of knowledge - especially in technological, scientific, and medical fields - has DOUBLED. The world's TROUBLES also have doubled in the same decade. But what about GOD-revealed knowledge? Tha ...

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Hebrews Series 14 - Two Commissions Hebrews Series 14 - Two Commissions
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now the Church has been given two great commissions or two functions: The first one that is stressed first is go ye in all the world and proclaim the Gospel - (Mark 16:15). And that's the message that God sent in this world by Jesus Christ. That the message the world has rejected. The world accept ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 29   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

The Real Beginning of Present Work: THE MEETINGS held by Elder S. A. Oberg and me in the "Hollywood" district of Salem, Oregon, ended on July 1st, 1933. Just prior to this date I received an invitation that was to result in the start of the great worldwide Work of today. This invitation came from Mr ...

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