The Meaning of Trumpets The Meaning of Trumpets
Dean C Blackwell  -  Sermon   -  Trumpets   -  September 13, 1977

Greetings everyone; nice to be back here in Houston again, have the opportunity to be here on a Holy Day. We've had a custom in the Church from year to year to ask "why are we here?" Someone answered this one time by saying, "because you're not all there". I don't think that's the reason we+ ...

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Are You Ready? Are You Ready?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Feast of Tabernacles   -  October 15, 1981

I want to read to you something I hadn't intended to use. This is my mother's favorite text in the Bible. (She died at age 95 and a half. I'll be up to matching her pretty soon. I'm in my ninetieth year now.) The 133rd Psalm — Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell toget ...

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Pastor General Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  October 03, 1978

One of the highlights of this year's festival will be a special audio-visual presentation titled "Ambassador Foundation... Magnifying the Church." Color slides, music and commentary by Art Gilmore are being combined on film for this 30-minute program specially prepared for showing at each U.S. ...

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A Period Of Lull A Period Of Lull
Harold Way  -  Sermon   -  November 1, 2008

Brethren, we live in a period of Church history that we all, I'm sure, understand that is unprecedented and is seemingly filled with confusion. A time when one could very easily, you might say, focus or lose focus and simply throw in the towel, thinking, "Well, what is the use? Why put up with the ...

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God Commands That We Avoid Certain Ones! God Commands That We Avoid Certain Ones!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  February 25, 1980

IS GOD HARSH? Does God call on us to mistreat those disfellowshipped for sowing the seeds of discord in God's Church? NOT AT ALL! Let us UNDERSTAND THIS! Do we expect Jesus Christ to have friendly fellowship with SATAN? Do you think Christ is unjust in not treating Satan with what you might call L ...

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Your Children FUTURE GODS? Your Children FUTURE GODS?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  October-November 1980

Do young parents realize the supreme blessing - and responsibility - of having children? New knowledge is revealed in this article - even more important than a matter of life and death! THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT marriage and the FAMILY relationship has not been realized - even in God's Church! T ...

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Jim Thornhill  -  Pastor General's Report   -  November 15, 1978

Youth Contributions: Income from our youth is holding up well. Normally, after school starts, the youth contributions to the Church drop off sharply. This year the figure is continuing to hold at five to six thousand dollars per week. This week a total of 143 letters contained $5,900.00, averagi ...

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Mr. Armstrong Speaks At SEP Again Mr. Armstrong Speaks At SEP Again
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  August 13, 1979

I flew up to Orr, Minn., again to speak to the second contingent at SEP - Summer Educational Program. This winds up the second camp at Orr for the summer of 1979. I found this second group (of teenagers) slightly larger than the first contingent, to which I spoke three weeks before. This SEP program ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 60   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

A Giant Leap to Europe! WE NEED, now, to go back a few years, to fill in some interesting parts of the story concerning the opening of Ambassador College in Pasadena. The reader will remember that a few of the church members at Eugene opposed the founding of the college. When I signed the lease-and- ...

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Worldwide News May 08, 1978 Headlines Worldwide News May 08, 1978 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  May 08, 1978

HWA announces administrative changes - Mr. Armstrong gives directives - Ministers to move, open churches this summer - Saratoga Springs new Feast site - Will the United States' allies go it alone? - Mexico welcomes transfers - Inventions help farmer - Don't drink and drive - Youths receive recog ...

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Worldwide News May 9, 1977 Headlines Worldwide News May 9, 1977 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff  -  Worldwide News   -  May 9, 1977

Why the Work will sky rocket from now - Area coordinators meet to discuss ordinations - Day of fasting and prayer set for Church worldwide - GTA speaks to 3,000 at Lake of the Ozarks - More trouble ahead for U.S. - Four sites In Britain open to Feast transfers - He toils for six days, rests on the s ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  May 21, 1979

Greetings from Pasadena. We are all fine here and in good health. The Personal Appearance Campaign, concluded here last night, went very well and we had about 550 average total attendance — even though we had earlier discouraged most of our Church people from coming. However, realizing that wi ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 1  -  Chapter 32   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1986

Campaign Gets Under Way Despite Opposition: YOU'LL never get far, Mr. Armstrong," said a resident of the Jeans neighborhood whom I met on the roadside one day. It was during the time I was holding three meetings a week at the Jeans school house, 12 miles west of Eugene, Oregon. This followed the s ...

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John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1983

We take our readers, in this article, to Czechoslovakia, a nation locked in the heart of Europe. One day recently, while in Prague, a Czech friend asked me, "Is it true that workers are starving in America? We have heard that there are now soup lines in Detroit." "I am afraid someone ...

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John's Message for Today John's Message for Today
Greg R Albrecht  -  Good News   -  December 1983

As an elderly apostle, John confronted many of the same problems that face God's Church today. What can we learn from his mission and message? For almost 40 years mankind has lived under the threat of the bomb. To what degree the hideous weapons that man has devised might be used is unknown, but t ...

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