Just one more thing: Giving thanks Just one more thing: Giving thanks
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  December 22, 1980

Giving thanks is something we've been doing a lot of lately. As a Church we observed a special Sabbath of Thanksgiving Nov. 15. We Americans have just celebrated Thanks giving - remembering that God has given us great blessings - that it is not because of any goodness of our own that our country h ...

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Quest/78 Launch In Africa Quest/78 Launch In Africa
Robert E Fahey  -  Pastor General's Report   -  November 14, 1977

During the last 18 months, Mr. Herbert Armstrong has visited the governmental leaders of most of the 10 states that comprise Southern Africa. As a result of the wide Publicity and attention Mr. Armstrong's visits and message have received here in Africa, AICF and the Church have become prominent i ...

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Give Yourself a Give Yourself a "FINANCIAL PHYSICAL"
Robert D Ellsworth  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

If you are like most people, chances are you have spent more hours playing the high-finance and real-estate game of Monopoly than you have in seriously analyzing your own REAL LIFE financial situation. Here's a good way to check up on your financial picture. IT'S AMAZING how many peopl ...

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Why The Firstfruits Why The Firstfruits
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Pentecost   -  May 26, 1985

Why are we the firstfruits? WHY? I'm not talking about what, when, or how, or anything else; but why? We are the firstfruits to become teachers to teach others. The Church is school. And we are to be taught the way of God, the way of life; and to be taught of God's program - of God's program t ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  March 1958

Jesus commanded: "Man SHALL live by EVERY Word of God," How can we prove that He included the Old Testament in that command? - that He meant ALL the Bible? DID YOU ever observe people going to Sunday School or Church on a Sunday morning? And did you ever notice what a large portion of them ...

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John A Halford  -  Pastor General's Report   -  November 22, 1978

Mr. Rader, Treasurer of the Worldwide Church of God, and Assistant to Mr. Armstrong was the guest speaker at the November 8th meeting of the Sabbatical Minister's Club. The meeting was attended by about 30 of the sabbatical ministers currently at HQ, and their wives. One of the main purposes o ...

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Daniel's Daniel's "2300 Days" Prophecy Revealed at Last!
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  June 1960

In the 8th chapter of Daniel is an amazing prophecy. Some believe it was fulfilled in 1844. Others believe it was fulfilled by Antiochus Ephipanes. Daniel could not understand it. Yet it stands revealed for us today! THE TIME has come to reveal an amazing prophecy for the latter days! You need to un ...

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Why Only a Few Chosen Now? Why Only a Few Chosen Now?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  June 5, 1982

Now then I'm coming to the most important part of all. Jesus said, "I will build My Church." But He said also John 6:44. Read it in your Bible there. I've read it so many times. John 6:44 No man CAN come to me... There's only one door to God, and that's Christ. There's no other way you can ...

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If I Were the Devil If I Were the Devil
David L Antion  -  Good News   -  April 1968

If you could see and hear Satan, how would he act and talk? Maybe you are listening to him and don't know it! Read this unusual article and learn to recognize the Devil's line! IF I were the Devil I'd be an expert at overthrowing people. Don't forget I caused Israel to be overthrown many tim ...

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But by Prayer and Fasting But by Prayer and Fasting
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  April 1979

In special connection to the crisis suffered by the Work, Pastoral Administration Director Roderick C. Meredith shares this timely message with the entire membership of the Worldwide Church of God. These are trying times. Make no mistake about it, we need God's help and His direct intervention - n ...

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Roderick C Meredith  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 08, 1979

Greetings everyone! I know a lot of people have been drawn many different directions the last few days, but many are very loyal and encouraging. I hope all of you are trying to be loyal and encouraging through the trials we're going through. And we certainly all need each other's prayers. Bre ...

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Do You Show Due Respect For Your Minister? Do You Show Due Respect For Your Minister?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  May 07, 1979

Are you on a "first-name basis" with your ministers? Read here of my own experience on a "first-name basis." I WAS rather astonished to learn, just today, that in many of our churches the members are on a "first-name basis" with their local pastors. Let me tell you my own experience in that regard. ...

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Galatians 1 & 2 Galatians 1 & 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  November 28, 1980

We're going to begin once again in the book of Galatians while we took it about 2 or 3 months ago we did not yet record, or at least a good recording that could be sent out to the Churches and we want to send this out, and the brethren all need this, because there is so much misunderstanding on th ...

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Why Do the Churches Observe SUNDAY? Why Do the Churches Observe SUNDAY?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  April 1957

Sunday was NEVER observed by the inspired, original New Testament Church. But today it is almost a universal custom among professing Christians! Why? The incredible TRUTH about the origin of Sunday observance is published for the first time in this intriguing article. HOW AND WHEN did Sunday replace ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1982 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1982
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 25, 1982

I have just returned from a very busy trip to Honolulu, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Thailand, Manila, Philippines, and Tokyo, and am writing in flight to Big Sandy, Texas, to speak before the college and Church there. Then on to Atlanta, Georgia, to speak to a combined group of about 3,000 brethren. I think ...

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