Is The Holy Spirit a Person? Is The Holy Spirit a Person?
Bill McDowell  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September-October 1970

MILLIONS believe it fervently. Some of the world's greatest minds have pondered and written about it. So why shouldn't you also believe and accept the doctrine of the trinity - that the Holy Spirit is a person, just like God the Father and Jesus Christ? But wait! What did they believe and what h ...

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Why Bring the Bible into THAT? Why Bring the Bible into THAT?
John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1985

I REMEMBER the first article I ever read in The Plain Truth. It was back in 1959. The magazine had been coming to our house for several months, but I had not taken much notice of it. Then one evening my mother or someone left a copy lying open at an article about space travel-a subject I was becomin ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter IX   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

DIFFICULTIES IN DOCTRINE: We have already seen many rules and principles for solving Bible difficulties in this thesis. If these rules are followed when studying doctrine, little difficulty should be encountered. But a few additional guidelines can be given that will prove helpful. ...

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God's Temple in Prophecy God's Temple in Prophecy  -  Chapter III   
Leroy Neff  -  Reference Book   -  March 1961

It seems that almost no one really knows the correct length of the temple cubit. This most important problem must now be solved. All the measurements of the temple are directly related. Some of the authorities have said that the exact length is not known now. Others have various theories or ideas ...

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Should a Christian raise tobacco? Should a Christian raise tobacco?
Letter Answering Department - 900 Series - Letter Number: 906   -  1960

Frequently the question is asked, "Should a Christian raise tobacco?" The tobacco industry is a million-dollar business. Hundreds of farmers supply tobacco for the tobacco consumers. But, is it right in God's sight to be a tobacco grower? This is a question faced by farmers who want to o ...

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TWELVE RULES for Bible Study TWELVE RULES for Bible Study
David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1964

Why is the Bible the most misunderstood book in all history? The most twisted, distorted, maligned, misrepresented and lied - about book there is? Because people refuse to believe it means exactly what it says! Apply these simple basic rules and you will begin to really understand the plain truth of ...

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Your Bible Questions Answered Your Bible Questions Answered
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  August 1963

Question: Matthew 15:17 "... whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught," seems to indicate that there is no difference between clean and unclean meats - that all meat is clean to eat. Would you explain this? Answer: Notice the context - and ...

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How to Solve Bible Difficulties How to Solve Bible Difficulties
Robert C Boraker  -  Good News   -  January 1980

Sometimes puzzling questions crop up when you study the Bible. You can find the answers if you search for them. Agnostics and atheists attack the Bible by claiming it cannot be divinely inspired because of its seeming contradictions, discrepancies and absurdities. You may have been confronted with t ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter I   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

WHY DIFFICULTIES? The Bible is God's divine revelation of the most necessary, basic knowledge of all life. It is the very FOUNDATION which mankind could not otherwise discover. It is the revelation of God's mind, will and character. And God is far greater than man in knowledge, wisdom and spirit ...

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Roger G Lippross  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 30, 1979

As of today, Monday January 30th, the presses are still rolling, the Gospel is still going out. In spite of opposition from powers in the highest places, the 45th anniversary issue of the Plain Truth is now being mailed out from our printer in Kentucky. Whether we print the next issue of the Pla ...

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Roger G Lippross  -  Pastor General's Report   -  February 20, 1979

Last week was a very busy week, one of the reasons being that we've had a member of our printer's technical staff from Kentucky working with us here in Pasadena. This man (Bob England) is actually paid by the printer but his job is to look after our interests in Kentucky. We had meetings and ...

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Is Hell Only Here on Earth? Is Hell Only Here on Earth?
John R Schroeder  -  Good News   -  September 1974

THE time: the 1870s. The place: Atlanta, Georgia. The topic of conversation: hell. "I'm afraid I'll die and go to hell..." "You are pretty healthy - and maybe there isn't and hell." "Oh, but there is, Rhett! You know there is!" "I know there is, but it's right here on earth. Not after w ...

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From Ministerial Services From Ministerial Services
Pastor General Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  June 13, 1978

Retention of Expense Reports: We've had the question raised lately as to how long you should keep your expense reports. It is recommended that you keep them as long as you retain your tax returns. The minimum is 3 years and you might want to keep them for 5 years in case you should ever want to co ...

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Discover Your Bible Discover Your Bible
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  December 1973

THE book called "The Holy Bible" is the most maligned, criticized, and misused book ever compiled. "You can prove anything by the Bible," is a commonly held belief. No volume in history has ever been subjected to so much scrutiny as this Book of books. Is the Bible really of any ...

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Your Bible Questions Answered Your Bible Questions Answered
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  September 1963

Question: "Since the soul is not immortal and since the body remains in the grave until the resurrection - how do you explain the APPEARING OF SAMUEL TO SAUL - AFTER SAMUEL'S DEATH?" (I Sam. 28). Answer: This scripture has puzzled many - and it was written to do exactly that! We read in ...

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