Is the Bible a CATHOLIC Book? Is the Bible a CATHOLIC Book?
Paul W Kroll  -  Good News   -  March 1964

Was the CATHOLIC CHURCH responsible for the preservation of the Bible? Did God use that church to write and compile the New Testament scriptures? Since we accept the Bible as a divine revelation of God - we must KNOW the answers to these VITAL AND BASIC questions! THE ROMAN Catholic boast is, "The p ...

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A Frank Analysis of the POWER SWITCH in BONN! A Frank Analysis of the POWER SWITCH in BONN!
Raymond F McNair & Frank Schnee  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1969

West Germany's new Chancellor is the well-known Willy Brandt, former mayor of West Berlin. What kind of man is Herr Brandt? What does he stand for? How will his policies affect West Germany, Western Europe and the world? Bonn, West Germany. Herr Willy Brandt was narrowly elected Chancellor of West ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1954

Question: What Doer "Not Under the Law, but Under Grace" Mean? Answer: Does grace do away with the law? If you keep the law, have you "fallen" from grace? Most people are confused by those who claim to expound the words of Paul. You may hear one group quote one set of scriptures telling of the law, ...

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Here's What You Need to Know About THE MEAT YOU EAT Here's What You Need to Know About THE MEAT YOU EAT
Dale L Schurter & Eugene M Walter  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1970

Where does the meat you buy in your local grocery or supermarket come from? How is it produced? Why is it becoming more difficult to find really GOOD meat today - even at high prices? And what is the solution to this growing problem? Meat consumption is at an all time high. The average person in one ...

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Deutschland unter Gott! Deutschland unter Gott!
Hans Biegleiser  -  Good News   -  February 1968

It's more difficult than you might think for a concentration camp victim to repent. Concentration camp life sears the mind. It burns out love and tenderness immediately. Even normal human concern quickly falls by the wayside. Only love of self is left, swaddled in layers of consuming hatred, bitte ...

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The Story of Man - The Decline of Judah The Story of Man - The Decline of Judah
Basil Wolverton  -  Tomorrow's World   -  March 1971

HEZEKIAH, ailing king of Judah, was speechless to see the shadow of his giant sundial gnomon moving backward at a rapid rate. Whether or not the king realized it, it required a most awesome situation to cause such an unusual sight - a sudden reversal in the earth's direction of rotation! But it wa ...

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Do You Want the BAPTISM by FIRE? Do You Want the BAPTISM by FIRE?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1957

By popular demand we are reprinting this article from the October 1953 issue. Often we receive letters asking, "I want that baptism with the Holy Spirit and FIRE." Or: "I have the baptism with the SPIRIT - now I want that FIRE!" Do such persons know what they are asking? A Common ...

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You Can Conquer Discouragement You Can Conquer Discouragement
Richard J Rice  -  Good News   -  July 17, 1978

Discouragement is one of the most powerful and devastating emotions known to man. Like the withering effect of a scorching wind, it can leave us weak, helpless, fruitless and lifeless. Discouragement is a negative force that stifles growth, drains enthusiasm, inhibits drive, disorients one's mind ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 25, 1972 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 25, 1972
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 25, 1972

I have just returned from a most eventful and successful six weeks' trip (which I had expected to last only three weeks) to find that rumors have reached the press concerning the absence of my son, Garner Ted Armstrong, with many false rumors and baseless conjectures. Also many letters from you Co ...

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A Handbook of Church History A Handbook of Church History  -  Chapter V - Series: 4   
Dean C Blackwell  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1973

Articles of Ancient Confession of Faith: The articles of their ancient confession of faith, they have listed here. Article one, we believe and firmly hold all that which is contained in the twelve articles of the symbols which is called the apostles' creed, accounting for heresy whatsoever is disa ...

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Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1984

This present world crisis is identified as the biblical "time of the end." Here is the proof. Why shouldn't we have world peace? Why not beat weapons in to plowshares and pruning hooks? Why not live in a world of justice and universal prosperity? Such a world is described repeatedly by prophets in ...

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By the Way... Honesty Is the Only Policy By the Way... Honesty Is the Only Policy
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Youth Magazine   -  February 1984

YOU are taking a final exam on which you need at least a B in order to make a decent grade in this math course. You haven't studied much, and Sue, an A student, sits in front of you with her exam paper where you can see it. It would be so easy to copy her answers, and you're pretty sure they'r ...

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HOW TO BE Saved! HOW TO BE Saved!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1955

Millions have been led to think they are saved, who are only deceived, and don't know it! - Here is a frank, daring article, making the truth PLAIN! It's difficult to believe, but it's true - in today's religious confusion "millions have supposed they had salvation spiritually - they ha ...

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SCIENCE: NOAH'S FLOOD - Is it Believable? SCIENCE: NOAH'S FLOOD - Is it Believable?
Robert E Gentet  -  Good News   -  December 1973

Is the Flood merely a Hebrew myth? Does the biblical record of the Noachian Deluge and the Ark make sense in the light of modern, scientific findings? DURING the past few hundred years, the credibility of the Bible has come under serious question. Many have found it difficult to believe ...

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Eugene M Waller & Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1969

The U.S. is plagued with spiraling inflation. Americans and Britons find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Why? How can you, personally, best cope with the rising cost of almost everything? Inflation is, after Vietnam, the U. S. Government's biggest worry. For years this insidious econo ...

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