Five Doctrines Which Identify God's Church Five Doctrines Which Identify God's Church
Gary L Alexander  -  Good News   -  July 1974

WHY were you born? After death, then what? What is man's destiny? These are the most important questions of your life, yet they are often lost in the shuffle of most religious debates. A cloud of superstition has crept over the main denominations of Christianity. This cloud of counterfeit ...

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Real Jesus Book Reviews Real Jesus Book Reviews
Pastor General Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  January 23, 1978

Following are a couple of reviews of Mr. Ted Armstrong's new book, which we thought you'd be interested in reading. THE REAL JESUS by Garner Ted Armstrong. Sheed Andrews and McMeel. 280 pp. $8.95. The Armstrongs, by their radio programs, have engendered much comment and even enough opposition to ...

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Was Jesus Christ BORN AGAIN? Was Jesus Christ BORN AGAIN?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1963

Here are Scriptures to baffle most professing Christians. How could Christ, Himself, have been born AGAIN - WHEN? One year ago, in The PLAIN TRUTH of February, 1962, appeared an article captioned "Just What do You MEAN - BORN AGAIN?" It warned: "Don't be too sure you know! Many reli ...

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The Abomination Spoken of by Daniel The Abomination Spoken of by Daniel
John H Ogwyn  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  1998

This evening I would like to turn our attention to something in the scriptures that certainly pertains to the events of the last dates. Some of you may have seen the news item that was released in the last couple of weeks. There is a group in Israel know as the Temple Mount Faithful who have been in ...

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The Bible a Guided Tour The Bible a Guided Tour
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics

Most of us have a Bible, and we plan to read it one day. But we keep putting it off. Or maybe we start, but give up after reading a few chapters. Why? Maybe because the Bible seems to be such an intimidating book. It even looks difficult to read, with its hundreds of pages of small type and old-fash ...

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Are God's Festivals to be Observed FOREVER? Are God's Festivals to be Observed FOREVER?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  March 1959

Granted that the Holy Days were commanded to be kept forever. But were not physical sacrifices also commanded forever? - and they are not being done today? Read here the surprising answer! WE HAVE heard all our lives that Israel was commanded to observe physical sacrifices and various ablutions fore ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1978

"And on earth peace, good will toward men." This is one of the most oft-quoted scriptures, particularly at this season of the year. A prayer of hope. A ray of light in a dark world. And, unfortunately, a so far unfulfilled promise! The scripture applies to Christ, the Prince of Peace, and is more co ...

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Christ the Creator Christ the Creator
George P Ritter  -  Good News   -  December 1974

Much has been written and said about the life and times of Jesus - the man. But how much is known about the activities and accomplishments of Jesus Christ before His human birth? JESUS CHRIST Superstar, do you think you're what they say you are?" So go the words of the song in the rock ...

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What is it to be What is it to be "SPIRITUAL"?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March-April 1942

How often do we hear one say, "He is so SPIRITUAL; ...or, "Those people are not very spiritual." What is it to be "spiritual" - do you know? We need, just now, to be warned against being deceived into a false standard of spirituality. We need to examine the true scriptural s ...

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Vital Keys to Fervent Prayer Vital Keys to Fervent Prayer
Neil Earle  -  Good News   -  June-July 1983

Here's how your prayers can be propelled by urgency and zeal, drawing you close to God and producing dramatic results in your life! Why have the psalms of King David of ancient Israel consoled and elated thousands of people through the centuries? Psalm 72:20 tells us: These scriptures record David ...

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Passover Season Examination Passover Season Examination
John H Ogwyn  -  Sermon   -  Passover   -  March 1999

The Passover season and Mr. Halshawing going through in the Sermonette talked about the matter of examination. You know there are different ways that things can be examined, the Scriptures back in I Corinthians 11 talk about that, you know supposedly things are being examined regularly on an ongoing ...

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Guilt: Christian Motivation or Spiritual Neurosis? Guilt: Christian Motivation or Spiritual Neurosis?
Ivan L Sell  -  Good News   -  June 1976

We have all, at one time or another, experienced feelings of guilt. The intensity of these guilty feelings runs the gamut from a temporary pang of conscience over running a stop sign to an obsessive fear that we may have committed the "unpardonable sin." But whatever degree of guilt we fee ...

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Test Your Emotional Maturity Test Your Emotional Maturity
David J Albert  -  Good News   -  January 1985

How well do you react when you are confronted with difficult problems and trying personal circumstances? Emotional immaturity is a hidden enemy in many homes! It robs personal relationships of harmony and joy, and is a root cause of conflicts, selfishness and anxieties. Why is emotional immaturity s ...

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Can Man Heal? Can Man Heal?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Can men heal the sick today? Does God heal the sick today? Well, I'm not trying to cover the entire truth about it, but just that part here is where we're going through the Scriptures in our series in which we're going through the New Testament to find the true gospel that Jesus Christ brought ...

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God's tabernacle has meaning for today God's tabernacle has meaning for today
Mario Seiglie  -  Worldwide News   -  November 4, 1985

"The theme of God's tabernacle runs through the Bible like a continuous stream. The tabernacle, and its expanded form as the Temple, stands in the center of God's plan. But what meaning does the tabernacle have for us today? With a better understanding of the tabernacle's parts, many scri ...

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