What Will You Be Doing In The NEXT LIFE? What Will You Be Doing In The NEXT LIFE?
Ambassador College Production  -  Booklet   -  1969

Are YOU one who won't be there — because you're deceived into a false salvation? Nothing is more misunderstood than the difference between "GRACE" and "WORKS." Here is one of the most important booklets ever published. THIS OUGHT to disturb you — a pointed question put to me by a man in Middlese ...

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What'll You Be DOING In the NEXT LIFE? What'll You Be DOING In the NEXT LIFE?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1969

Are YOU one who won't be there - because you're deceived into a false salvation? Nothing is more misunderstood than the difference between "GRACE" and "WORKS." Here is one of the most important articles ever published. THIS OUGHT to disturb you - a pointed question put to me by a man in Middlese ...

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Why Today's World is in revolt ...and the answers! Why Today's World is in revolt ...and the answers!
J Lacour  -  Tomorrow's World   -  May-June 1970

Crime "Ancient" Solution for a Modern Problem - Statistics from the FBI show a rise in virtually every major type of violent crime. Families have to cower behind locked doors. Homes are secured with ingenious new locking devices and complex electronic warning systems. Society has to resort to traine ...

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The Real Jesus The Real Jesus  -  Chapter 9   
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Book   -  1977

Following the choosing of the disciples in John I, the scene immediately shifts in John 2 to a marriage celebration in Cana of Galilee, during which Jesus performed His first, and perhaps most famous and controversial miracle. Let us first read the biblical account in the book of John. Jesus' moth ...

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The Changing Years PREPARE NOW! The Changing Years PREPARE NOW!
Ronald D Kelly  -  Plain Truth   -  February-March 1985

It's time we all understand our natural life cycles. Those of you who are women face far more today than was expected of your mothers and grandmothers. Not only must you be an up to date homemaker, wife and mother, you must also cope with the mounting pressures of financial responsibility and keep ...

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How YOUR FUTURE Is Determined How YOUR FUTURE Is Determined
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  February 1971

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - SOME OF our readers of TOMORROW'S WORLD are unemployed right now. Others may be in danger of losing their jobs. Not since the closing of the Great Depression have so many been without jobs. Yet as a recent article in The PLAIN TRUTH pointed out, in 1969 there wa ...

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DEATH Then What? DEATH Then What?
Patrick A Parnell  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1981

What happens at death? How final is it? Is there life after death? It's time we understand. No matter who you are whether the young girl down the street, the fellow on the block, the butcher or mailman, carpenter, maintenance man or secretary- sooner, or later, you are going to die! You may be bea ...

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Lesson 31 - What Is The Lesson 31 - What Is The "Mark of the Beast"?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1967   Revision 12M768

WHAT IS THE "MARK OF THE BEAST"? Do YOU realize the "Mark of the Beast" is about to be ENFORCED as it was during the Middle Ages? You must be sure this brand is NOT upon YOU - lest you SUFFER the consequences! Yet millions of professing Christians today have unwittingly allowed t ...

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Abraham and Sarah Abraham and Sarah
Arthur A Ferdig  -  Good News   -  April 1980

The lives of this remarkable man and woman began 352 years after the flood - about 251 years after the nations were scattered from Babel. Abraham (originally known as Abram) was the son of Terah: He was born in the city of Ur, in Chaldea (c. 2017 B.C.), the ninth generation of Shem, son of ...

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Job and You - Part 1 Job and You - Part 1
D Paul Graunke  -  Good News   -  September 1976

Is Suffering Always the Result of Sin? The title of this article could just as well be "Job, God's Favorite - or God's Fall Guy?" or "How Much Can a Man Take and Keep His Faith?" or "Will a Man Be Religious Only if God Blesses Him?" or "Why Do Men Suffer?" or any number of others. This i ...

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What'll You Be Doing in the Next Life? What'll You Be Doing in the Next Life?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  September 1969

Are YOU one who won't be there - because you're deceived into a false salvation? Nothing is more misunderstood than the difference between "GRACE" and "WORKS." Here is one of the most important articles ever published. THIS OUGHT to disturb you - a pointed question put to me ...

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Let God Handle It! Let God Handle It!
Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  April 1980

Are you resisting God because you don't understand some facet of His truth? Obedience to your Creator must come through faith. The Bible, in no uncertain terms, relates the stories of two different kinds of people: those who questioned God and disobeyed His orders because they were displeas ...

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Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation? Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation?
C Paul Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1958

Is there a "great controversy" between God and Satan - God doing His best to get everybody saved - Satan trying to keep them lost - with time now fast running out on God? WHAT ABOUT the millions of people living NOW in communist Russia and China where Christianity is suppressed? ...

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Christ Puts Church On Bible Form Of Organization Christ Puts Church On Bible Form Of Organization
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  June 5, 1978

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong announces organization of God's Church on Biblical pattern. THE LIVING JESUS CHRIST, Head of God's Church, has set God's Church in order – setting it back on the track of God's form of organization. To understand WHY and HOW, all members need to read carefully, and s ...

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The key to the Book of Revelation The key to the Book of Revelation
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1972

MYSTERY Book of all the books! If the Bible as a whole is the Book that NOBODY understands (except the very "elect"), certainly the REVELATION is the one Book IN the Bible least understood of all! Yet this Book is the very KEY to understanding of all the prophecies! CAN it, then, be understood? It c ...

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