Are You Frustrated? Are You Frustrated?
Jack R Elliott  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1957

Do you need help in overcoming unhappiness and frustration? In this article, the Professor of Psychology in Ambassador College helps you to better understand these human characteristics - and what to do about them. Do you have difficulty in dealing with other people? Do others oppress you? Do you wi ...

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Millions Do Not Know What Christ Really Was! Millions Do Not Know What Christ Really Was!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Special Topics   -  1963

Shocking though it is, millions of sincere believers are deceived by a diabolical deception. ANTICHRIST IS HERE ALREADY! Perhaps YOU have been misled! Was Christ human, or Divine? Read the TRUTH about this vital subject that has puzzled millions. Your very SALVATION depends upon it! Real "UTOPIA" is ...

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The NUCLEAR FAMILY will it survive the 20th century? The NUCLEAR FAMILY will it survive the 20th century?
Brian Knowles  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1977

"I think marriage is a sort of dead end," a senior college coed stated. "I have seen so many couples who were very happy when they were just living together. Then they decided to get married, and after that things really got to be a drag. I don't know why… I think if Bill and I were ...

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The Real Meaning Behind the News - FRENCH CRISIS ROCKS EUROPE The Real Meaning Behind the News - FRENCH CRISIS ROCKS EUROPE
Colin A Wilkins  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1968

Here is an on-the-spot report of the French riots, what caused them, and what they mean for the future of Europe and the world. Paris, France. For a while Paris had the appearance of a city under siege. As we drove from Le Bourget airport at night, traffic gradually came to a standstill in one of th ...

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The Missing Dimension In Sex The Missing Dimension In Sex  -  Introduction   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1981

Sex in the Eighties - Where Have Six Decades Brought Us? THE WORLD HAS EMERGED FROM the age of hush! A moral revolution has swept the world! Few under thirty have any conception of what the previous 4,000-year-long world was like. Few over thirty are aware of the extent to which the "New Morali ...

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In Which World Are You? In Which World Are You?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  August 19, 1982

I had just turned on television, the NBC Tonight Show was on and Johnny Carson was interviewing a movie star and suddenly I thought will who else pray tell but a show biz personality could Johnny Carson interview anyway? Who else was of any importance, or would be considered of importance to the vie ...

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Faith of the Founding Fathers Faith of the Founding Fathers
John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1976

How many know that Thomas Jefferson compiled a book based on the four gospels? It is widely assumed by cynics today that most If not all of the founding fathers did not really believe in God. This challenging article unearths many authentic, but little –known quotations relating to their religious b ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 13, 1980 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 13, 1980
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  September 13, 1980

Last night I went to sleep thinking of you dear Brethren in Australia, praying for you. And I awakened thinking about you, and while you and your welfare in our common Lord and Savior Jesus Christ are on my mind, I sit down even before breakfast to write to you — lest other responsibilities and conc ...

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The Plain Truth About Healing - Part 2 The Plain Truth About Healing - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August-September 1977

Is the day of miracles past? Does the living God heal sickness and disease upon believing prayer today? This is the second in a series of articles on the subject of miraculous divine healing. We come now to the biblical teaching on the subject of healing. And I can best bring this to the reader by r ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1983

As troubles mount, West Germany faces an uncertain future. Where will that future lead? Bonn, West Germany it is time for the world to awaken to the far reaching significance of developments here! The abrupt collapse last autumn of the Social Democratic coalition that had governed this country for t ...

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How to Be a Teenager How to Be a Teenager
Ronald D Kelly & John W Robinson  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July 1969

What spans the generation gap? Why are so many youths unhappy - frustrated and indifferent? What is the source of real happiness? Where do you get the answers? WHAT should a young person get out of life? Fun? Excitement? Thrills? Happiness? What do you look up to? What type of person do you want to ...

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What Will You Be Doing In The NEXT LIFE? What Will You Be Doing In The NEXT LIFE?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1969

Are YOU one who won't be there — because you're deceived into a false salvation? Nothing is more misunderstood than the difference between "GRACE" and "WORKS." Here is one of the most important booklets ever published. THIS OUGHT to disturb you — a pointed question put to me by a man in Middlese ...

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Christian MANHOOD - Is It a Christian MANHOOD - Is It a "Lost Cause"?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1970

What was Jesus Christ REALLY like? Why are so many of His characteristics MISSING in our modern Christianity? Do you know what constitutes true Christian Masculinity? What a confused scene! Here was a place of worship - a temple, actually - and yet it was filled with the smell of manure and the sigh ...

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Now Revealed: The True History of the Early Christian Church Now Revealed: The True History of the Early Christian Church  -  Glossary   
Ronald D Kelly  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1967

In the world today there are 961,122,000 professing Christians. "Christianity" is by far the LARGEST single religion on earth. Islam, the second largest, is not half as big. But how many in the Western world, which calls itself "Christian," understand what REAL CHRISTIANITY is? How many really KNOW ...

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Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation? Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation?
C Paul Meredith  -  Special Topics   -  1958

Is there a "great controversy" between God and Satan - God doing His best to get everybody saved - Satan trying to keep them lost — with time now fast running out on God? WHAT ABOUT the millions of people living NOW in communist Russia and China where Christianity is suppressed? ...

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