The Fruits of the Spirit: Joy The Fruits of the Spirit: Joy
Dibar K Apartian  -  Good News   -  March 1979

Can you be truly happy and joyful in a world of confusion, sadness and corruption? Can you be so without false pretention? Yes, you can and you should, if you are a true Christian. Joy is an attribute of God. It is of God. It is a "fruit of the spirit" - the second fruit after love - followe ...

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Which Old Testament Laws Are in Force Today? Which Old Testament Laws Are in Force Today?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  August 1972

Here is how you can know which laws in the Old Testament were changed, or are no longer necessary, and which we are commanded to observe today! NEW MEMBERS in God's Church often ask, "When I read the Old Testament, how can I know the difference between the ceremonial laws no longer binding on the ...

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The Plain Truth about CHRISTMAS! The Plain Truth about CHRISTMAS!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1934

SHOULD CHRISTIANS OBSERVE CHRISTMAS? What is its real origin? Does it really celebrate the birthday of Christ? What does the Bible say about the Christmas tree? Where did we get our Christmas? Did we get it out of the Bible? Or did Christ or the Apostles institute it? Is it truly a Christian institu ...

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Unity Unity
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  February 4, 1984

Psalm 133:1 How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! You know, the world has been trying to get together in unity ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden about 6,000 years ago. It's been a goal that has been striven for to bring about inter-racial, internation ...

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Gene H Hogberg  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1984

The outcome of the U.S. national elections this autumn will have great bearing on the future of the Western world. Europeans especially are watching. Will incumbent President Ronald Reagan- riding high in popularity polls- be returned to office? How strong a showing will his Democratic challenger ma ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 21, 1974 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 21, 1974
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  May 21, 1974

It was an overwhelming, smashing SUCCESS! Beyond our most optimistic hopes! This may be the BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT NEWS about the progress of GOD'S WORK since it began, more than forty years ago! Our biggest problem — how to get Christ's true Gospel Message proclaimed to the great-population Ge ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 31, 1947 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 31, 1947
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 31, 1947

I have just returned to Pasadena from a five-day's trip back to Eugene, Oregon, and my heart has sunk as near the depths of despair as is possible for one of FAITH, at what I have found on returning. It seems that due to the biggest Christmas-shopping spree in history, most of our co-workers and l ...

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Teach Your Children to Pray Teach Your Children to Pray
Arch Bradley  -  Good News   -  January-March 1973

Christ taught His disciples to pray. But have you instructed your children in this important part of life? This article will show you how. "AND THE child Samuel grew on, and was in favor both with the Lord, and also with men" (I Sam. 2:26). Put your son's or daughter's name in this ver ...

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God Speaks Out on God Speaks Out on "The New Morality"  -  Chapter 4   
Ambassador College Department of Theology  -  Book   -  1964

WE NEED to understand, now, precisely what was this pagan interpretation of sex. We need, also, to know the facts of its origin. What was the real source of this attitude of "shame" which flowed on the tide of the Babylonian Mystery religion into the Roman world, now wearing the label "Christianity" ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  January 1959

Question: Please notify me when the annual Holy Days occur this year. I need to notify my employer in advance so that my vacation can be made to coincide with the Festivals. Answer: It is always a good plan to let your employer know when you need your vacation. Your employer usually does not need to ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 20, 1943 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 20, 1943
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 20, 1943

GREETINGS! brethren, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Again I am writing the Good News-LETTER on the train, in the very heart of the awe-inspiring and magnificent Canadian Rockies. We are on our way home, again filled with JOY and reverent GRATITUDE for the continuing blessings of ...

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Romans 1-5 Romans 1-5
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  June 6, 1980

We were finishing up the book of Galatians that I think we had finished that in about two studies. And, I think if anyone had understood Galatians, that they would understand Romans. But I thought it might be good if we would go through Romans this time. It's a little longer book. And I think that ...

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Does It Matter Which Days We Observe? Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  September 1960

Some brethren need to WAKE UP from their spiritual laxity and begin to perform what Jesus commanded! OUR BAPTIZING; tours have discovered a dreadful spiritual condition among some brethren. They have found, for example, that some have been carelessly neglecting Jesus' passover command: "DO th ...

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What's the Use of Working? What's the Use of Working?
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  July 1957

Here, reprinted from the November, 1951, issue, is the answer to an important problem that arises in the minds of many brethren. "I AM STRIVING to win the prize of God's great Kingdom. Why must I be forced by circumstances to spend my time working for a living when my chief concern is to aid ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1983

What makes the earth so special in our solar system? Why is life here unique? Our good green earth sits rather near the far edge of a vast galaxy we call the Milky Way. And our sun is just a small to average star In the Milky Way. Planet earth is one of nine known to revolve around the sun. Yet the ...

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