The History of Europe and the Church The History of Europe and the Church   Part Ten         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1984

IT IS the spring of 1945. The fighting in Europe is over. Never has war been more destructive. The human and material losses are incalculable. The staggering enormity of the tragedy gradually becomes clear. The appalling cost in human lives totals more than 40 million civilian and military deaths. E ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1968 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 25, 1968
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 25, 1968

Once again I greet you from our campus in England. I had to make a sudden unexpected trip over here with our chief legal counsel from Pasadena to make certain organizational adjustments in the college and the Work as it operates in Britain, Europe and Africa, as a result of the recent devaluation of ...

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The Bible Story - Volume II The Bible Story - Volume II  -  Chapter 17
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1961

THE PLAGUES OF EGYPT, GOD AGAIN spoke to Moses after Moses and Aaron had to leave Pharoah's court. "In the morning," He said, "Pharaoh will go out to bathe at the edge of the river. He won't want to receive you in court so soon again, so go along the river bank till you reach his ...

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If... Then You Are Saved! If... Then You Are Saved!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now we've just been seeing that there are millions of people today, just like those of a little over 1900 years ago, who believe on Jesus Christ and yet they don't believe Christ at all. They don't believe Jesus Christ but they do believe on Christ. They've heard the scripture quoted: " ...

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The The "Average, Everyday Housewife" - No Higher Calling!
Ronald D Kelly  -  Good News   -  February 1981

Will positions in God's Kingdom be based on the jobs individuals hold in this life? How do we qualify for rulership in the world tomorrow? Should we assume the top leadership positions in God's Kingdom will be occupied only by those who were men in this human life? Will women be eternally relega ...

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See You Next Year! See You Next Year!
Norman L Shoaf  -  Good News   -  September 1981

To inherit God's Kingdom, we need to endure to the end of this age, relying on God's power to help us. The Feast of Tabernacles always seems to be over too soon. You sing the last, emotional hymn, perhaps with tears in your eyes. Somebody gives the final prayer. You linger as long as possible in ...

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Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1978

Think very carefully and then, honestly and truthfully, count how many couples you know who are truly happily married. I don't mean families who are "sticking it out" for the sake of the children; I don't mean people who are putting their best foot forward for the sake of appearances; ...

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Coming Out of Sin Coming Out of Sin
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  Unleavened Bread   -  April 12, 1985

Do we really understand why we keep them? And do we understand this particular festival of the Feast of Unleavened Bread thoroughly? You know, we have an entirely different situation today than they did in the days of Jesus and the first original, first century, apostles. I think that we have heard ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 17, 1946 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - May 17, 1946
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  May 17, 1946

I have just completed arrangements for continuing the EVERY- NIGHT broadcasts right thru the summer — now THE YEAR 'ROUND — and also for enlarging The PLAIN TRUTH to twice its present size, on better paper, two colors, and soon to come out EVERY MONTH! That, to all our Co-Workers, I'm sure will ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 25, 1955 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 25, 1955
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 25, 1955

Here is a letter I am sending to some 75,000 people who receive The PLAIN TRUTH and our other literature, but are not Co- Workers. I just thought that YOU, TOO, might like to read this letter — so here it is: I may have never written you before, but you have written to me, and now I just want to sit ...

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What Your Life in God's Kingdom Will Be Like What Your Life in God's Kingdom Will Be Like
George M Kackos  -  Good News   -  September 1982

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the time when you will begin experiencing sonship in God's Family. Here is a glimpse at that everlasting, joyous life. You, if you are a truly converted Christian, have chosen a unique and difficult course to follow. You have separated yourself from the way of thi ...

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SEVEN PROOFS of The True Church of God - Proof Three SEVEN PROOFS of The True Church of God - Proof Three
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  July-August 1968

Are you SURE you're a member of the ONE TRUE CHURCH? Are you really in the ONLY CHURCH ON EARTH Jesus Christ RULES? Have you thoroughly and carefully PROVED it? Your LIFE - your future - your SALVATION depend on it! FAMILIARITY breeds contempt. A simple principle. ...

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Lesson 1 - The Space Age - What Does It Mean? Lesson 1 - The Space Age - What Does It Mean?
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 58-Lesson   -  1971   Revision 50M171

Why should we want to STUDY the Bible? Is the Bible up to date in the Space Age? Exactly what IS the Bible, and HOW should we study it to really UNDERSTAND it? This lesson gives you the ANSWERS from your Bible! WHAT ARE WE? Were we put on earth for a PURPOSE? If so, what is that purpose? Why are so ...

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Tap the Power of the Universe! Tap the Power of the Universe!
John A Halford  -  Good News   -  August 1985

The forces binding matter together point to the immense power of the Creator God. That great God offers to share His power with us to help us overcome. One night, long ago, King David looked up into the vastness of space. As he meditated on the power and majesty of the God who created the Universe, ...

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An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation with Solutions to Bible Difficulties  -  Chapter VIII   
Robert C Boraker  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

DIFFICULTIES IN PROPHECY: Some people may consider the study of prophecy as being a specialized type of study and too difficult for them. But the subject is both necessary and of absorbing interest when rightly pursued. The apostle Peter (II Pet. 1:19) exhorts the believer to give heed to the "light ...

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