Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1982

Where did you get your concepts of God? Here is a surprising truth that may shock you! You may have heard the emotional evangelist ask on television: "Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ tonight? Do you feel his presence in your heart?" Is an emotional "feeling" the WAY you come to ...

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Special Bible Study: God's Holy Days in the New Testament Special Bible Study: God's Holy Days in the New Testament
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  September 1982

What do you mean, "New Testament Holy Days"? Weren't the "Holy Days" Old Testament, Jewish observances, done away with at the cross? Here is a comprehensive look at the practices of Christ, the apostles and the early Church. I well remember the first time I heard Herbert W. Arm ...

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What DO Churchgoers Believe? - and WHY? What DO Churchgoers Believe? - and WHY?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Tomorrow's World   -  February 1970

A very large segment of American and British life attends church on Sunday mornings. WHY do they go? WHAT do these churchgoers BELIEVE, and WHY? The plain truth is a little shocking - and illuminating! NOTHING is so astonishing as the truth! It is often stranger than fiction. Most people who attend ...

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Russia in Prophecy Russia in Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now, for the past two or three weeks, we've been going through the prophecies, what's going to happen to the United States. But I think we're all very much concerned also about what's going to happen to Russia. So now let's come to the prophecies of Russia. We've been getting into a lot ...

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Here's How to Recognize God's True Ministers Here's How to Recognize God's True Ministers
Roderick C Meredith  -  Tomorrow's World   -  July-August 1970

How would you KNOW if a God-called man like Peter, Paul or John were to conduct a ministry today? In today's Babylon of denominations, sects, cults and "weirdo" ' hippie groups, is there a way to be SURE if a man is truly speaking as a minister of the Eternal God? IF THIS were the year 30 A.D., ...

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Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1982

A large segment of American life attends church on Sunday mornings. WHY do they go? WHAT do these churchgoers BELIEVE, and WHY? The plain truth is a little shocking- and illuminating! Nothing is so astonishing as the truth! It is often stranger than fiction. Most people who attend church regularly, ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 22, 1960 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 22, 1960
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 22, 1960

Look what has happened these last six months! Here we are with the first year of "the sixties" almost gone already. We told you the sixties would sweep this world on to the very brink of the END! These last six months have seen more world happenings fulfilling prophecy—and preparing the wa ...

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The History of Europe and the Church The History of Europe and the Church   Part Four         
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1983

JUSTINIAN'S Restoration of the Roman Empire in the West in A.D. 554 is a landmark in history. For a brief moment, both "legs" of the old Roman Empire East and West are under his personal control. But Justinian's history-making restoration barely survives him. With the great Emperor's death, th ...

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Five Doctrines Which Identify God's Church Five Doctrines Which Identify God's Church
Gary L Alexander  -  Good News   -  July 1974

WHY were you born? After death, then what? What is man's destiny? These are the most important questions of your life, yet they are often lost in the shuffle of most religious debates. A cloud of superstition has crept over the main denominations of Christianity. This cloud of counterfeit ...

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Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1983

Justinian's restoration of the Roman Empire in the West in A.D. 554 is a landmark in history. For a brief moment, both "legs" of the old Roman Empire- East and West are under his personal control. But Justinian's history-making restoration barely survives him. With the great Emperor' ...

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HOW and WHEN Church Festivals were Changed HOW and WHEN Church Festivals were Changed
Herman L Hoeh  -  Good News   -  November 1952

Here is the astonishing eye-opening history, thoroughly documented, now published for the first time. FOR CENTURIES a continuous and violent controversy has raged over the observance of religious days. This controversy still exists today. Multitudes of conflicting sects claim that Sunday, with its e ...

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Did God Set Fire to York Cathedral? Did God Set Fire to York Cathedral?
John A Halford  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1985

INTERNATIONAL DESK - EARLY in the morning of July 9, 1984, York Cathedral caught fire. The wooden vaulted roof of the south transept was destroyed. The interior suffered extensive damage. Only the determined efforts of more than 100 fire fighters saved one of Europe's largest Gothic cathedrals fro ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 24, 1952 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - June 24, 1952
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  June 24, 1952

This month we published an issue of the PLAIN TRUTH. So I send you The GOOD NEWS in the form of a GOOD NEWS LETTER for June. Things are moving so fast both in prophesied world events, and in the progress of God's great work, it's hard to know what to say first. Once again I am enroute to east Te ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 13, 1964 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - January 13, 1964
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  January 13, 1964

Do you realize the real significance of Pope Paul VI visiting Palestine? Events that are very soon going to totally ALTER THE WHOLE FUTURE OF YOUR LIFE are happening so fast right now, that it is hard to keep up with them. Just four days ago a TREMENDOUS EVENT occurred at Bonn, Germany. Chancellor E ...

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Do You Really KNOW the True God? Do You Really KNOW the True God?
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1962

What KIND of God do you worship? Where did you get your concepts of God? Here is the TRUTH on this vital subject! "Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ tonight? Do you feel His presence in your heart?" asked the emotional evangelist. That's a good question. But is an emotional "feeling ...

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