Stanley R Rader  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1980

ROBERT OGUIER was seized, bound and eventually led to a small room. A band of "professionals" came into the room. One of them tried to convince him to change his religion. Mark Levitt was seized, bound, a hood put on his head and taken to a small attic. He also was visited by professionals ...

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Spare the Child... Spare the Child...
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  March 1976

"Spare the rod and spoil the child," says the old axiom. Is spanking - corporal punishment - the most important aspect of effective child rearing? In an age when child beating is at an unhealthy high, perhaps it would be better to spare the child! Dr. Rowine Hayes Brown, medical director of Cook Cou ...

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The First Resurrection Is a Better Resurrection! The First Resurrection Is a Better Resurrection!
Dennis G Luker  -  Good News   -  July 1967

Do you understand God's Plan of Salvation through the three resurrections? If you had a choice, in which resurrection would you choose to be? This article explains which resurrection God has chosen for us, and why it is a better resurrection! "I WISH God hadn't called me in this age. I wish ...

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Teaching Children to Have Faith in God Teaching Children to Have Faith in God
Selmer L Hegvold  -  Good News   -  April 1980

The faith of little children can warm the sternest heart. But where, as children grow up, does that faith go? Don't fail, as parents, to nurture your children's faith in God! Little Denice lay bundled in blankets, propped up in a corner of the couch in the living room. Her face was flushed ...

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Lesson 24 - The Plain Truth About GOD'S HOLY SABBATH Lesson 24 - The Plain Truth About GOD'S HOLY SABBATH
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

What is God's PURPOSE for His weekly Sabbath? Why do so few understand that keeping the Sabbath brings special BLESSINGS? Let's learn HOW and WHY New Testament Christians are to keep God's Sabbath day holy. ...

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The Seven Cities of Asia Minor The Seven Cities of Asia Minor
Ambassador College  -  Study Tools

Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea - The word Ephesus means "desirable." It is also said to carry the meaning of "having relaxed" or "let go." It was considered the most desirable city of the province and of Asia Minor. It was located ...

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Vern L Farrow  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1971

As public education moves into the decade of the seventies, it is plagued by one of the worst dilemmas of recent years - the seemingly insoluble question of SEX EDUCATION. Many ask, do we need it? Who is really responsible for it? Is it working? Just what is the story anyway? The battle over sex edu ...

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Is Every Day Just Like Any Other? Is Every Day Just Like Any Other?
John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1976

"Tomorrow's just another day since you went away; tomorrow's just another day to cry…" So goes a popular country and western song of a bygone era. And to the average person, one tiresome, monotonous day does indeed seem to melt into another. Deeply distressed and discouraged over the d ...

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Coming Soon: A WORLD AT PEACE! Coming Soon: A WORLD AT PEACE!
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October-November 1981

I have continually said that Jesus Did not come the first time on a "soul saving crusade." This is not yet the time when God is trying to save the world. Rather, we are now near the END of the 6,000 years during which God sentenced the world to go its own way, form its own governments, its ...

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Why The Church? Why The Church?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 14, 1978

The real purpose and function of the Church has not been understood. This article brings the eye-opening TRUTH. When Jesus Christ returns to earth in supernatural splendor, power and glory, He is coming to His TEMPLE. But where is that temple – when will it be built? Many students of the Bible have ...

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What Is the PURPOSE of the Resurrection? What Is the PURPOSE of the Resurrection?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1955

Why is a resurrection necessary if man has an immortal soul? If we are saved by the death of Christ, why did Jesus have to be resurrected? Today we live in a time of world revolution. We begin to hear talk about the END OF THE WORLD! Today we face a DUAL question! Not only regarding man, but now als ...

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WELFARE - A Social Disaster? WELFARE - A Social Disaster?
Ronald A Kelly & Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1971

Plans are now being considered which may make the United States the world's foremost welfare state. Yet, the welfare problem won't be solved. Just what is the best way to help the poor? Nations have always had their poor - the elderly, the sick, the unemployed, the incapacitated, the uneducated, ...

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Old Testament Personalities: NOAH Old Testament Personalities: NOAH
Arthur A Ferdig  -  Good News   -  February 1980

About the time of Adam's death, the earth was experiencing a great population explosion. With life spans of eight hundred and nine hundred years, people could produce dozens of children during a normal lifetime of marriage. The natural death rate was low as well. Adam's was the first rec ...

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Introduction to Bible Chronology Introduction to Bible Chronology
Garth Wardrop  -  Study Tools   -  May 12, 1986

Summary of Bible Chronology - 3980-3050: Adam lives 930 years (Gen. 5:5) - 3850-2938: Born in Adam's 130th year, Seth lives 912 years (Gen 5:3, 8) - 3745-2840: Born in Seth's 105th year, Enosh lives 905 years (Gen 5:6, 11) - 3655-2745: Born in Enosh's 90th year, Kenan lives 910 years (Gen 5:9, ...

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Satan's Great Deception Satan's Great Deception  -  Part 6   
C Paul Meredith  -  Reference Book   -  1959

We now shall see how Satan, knowing of the Messiah's coming — the One who would come to make peace between mankind and God — produced counterfeits hundreds of years before He came. It did not take Semiramis, inspired by Satan, long to incorporate this into her Mysteries and identify this title wit ...

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