Can You Believe BOTH The BIBLE and EVOLUTION? Can You Believe BOTH The BIBLE and EVOLUTION?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  January 1955

SO MANY are saying today, "You can believe BOTH the Bible and evolution." But this is emphatically not so! The Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia defines evolution as "opposed to creation" - the only PROOF of God. Huxley said it was "directly antagonistic to Creation," adding, "Evolution makes it i ...

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How You and I Came to Be Here How You and I Came to Be Here
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Sermon   -  May 16, 1981

I think I have a very important message for you today. I want to speak on how you and I both came to be here. Jesus Christ started the Church a little over 1950 years ago (or just about that) in the year 31 A.D. The Church jumped the track of the truth that He had given them between 53 and 70 A.D. T ...

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The United States And Britain In Prophecy The United States And Britain In Prophecy  -  Chapter 10   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1980

BIRTHRIGHT WITHHELD 2520 YEARS! THE MOST REMARKABLE FULFILLMENT of biblical prophecy in modern times was the sudden sprouting forth of the two mightiest world powers - one, a commonwealth of nations forming the greatest world empire of all time; the other, the wealthiest, most powerful nation on ear ...

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Who Will TEACH? Who Will TEACH?
Vern L Farrow  -  Plain Truth   -  February 1969

Colleges are plunging deeper into the quagmire of confusion, revolt and anti-intellectualism. But the turmoil on campuses is only the visible tip of the iceberg. Unseen is the massive subsurface impact on society today's students will have as they enter a variety of influential careers. Thousands ...

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David Jon Hill  -  Good News   -  April 1961

Events are plunging toward the eventful climax of Christ's return. How will you know the REAL CHRIST when he comes? Is the Pope ignorant of the plain Bible statements that label him "the Antichrist"? What deception will Satan use to keep the world from realizing the Pope's true identity? God's ...

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How to Understand the Bible How to Understand the Bible
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  November-December 1983

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - THE ADVANCE news of tomorrow's world is good news! This news is reported, before it happens, in the Bible. An entire third of all the Bible is devoted to foretelling world events. Why doesn't the world know about it? ' The main course of history, up to now, ...

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Are You a Conformist to Christianity? Are You a Conformist to Christianity?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

My friends why is that today we are in such religious confusion? Why is it that there seem to be more than one Jesus Christ being proclaimed today? And why is it that the message that Jesus Christ brought is not known today? And people believe exactly the opposite, and they can become very much rile ...

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Gerhard O Marx  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1967

Is Easter really Christian? Here are the surprising facts! Can you believe it? The observance of Easter is never once commanded in the Bible! Don't take our word for it! Notice! "There is NO indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament!' So states the Encyclopedi ...

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Which Shall We Obey? The Civil Government or God's? Which Shall We Obey? The Civil Government or God's?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1979

Certain dissident voices have been raised, since Jan. 3, deceiving God's people about obeying the government of man! Do WE UNDERSTAND that the GOVERNMENT OF GOD once ruled the entire earth? Do we understand that Satan's major thrust is to turn us against the GOVERNMENT OF GOD? That go ...

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Key to Northwest European Origins Key to Northwest European Origins  -  Appendix I   
Raymond F McNair  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1963

The ORIGIN of the peoples of NORTH-WESTERN EUROPE has occasioned much controversy! As a result, a considerable amount of confusion has been generated over the question of the racial affinities of the various branches of those peoples who inhabit primarily the coastlands, islands and peninsulas of No ...

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Ten Reasons Why I Don't Keep Christmas! Ten Reasons Why I Don't Keep Christmas!
David Jon Hill  -  Tomorrow's World   -  December 1971

Sour grapes? A bah-humbug Scrooge? Anti-establishment? Irreligious? NO! None of these. Here's a plain speaking-out about a holiday nearly everybody keeps, religious or non-religious, and nearly no one seems to really understand why! Read this personal-experience article for understanding. It's p ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1963

Question: "My son and daughter are of high school age. What instruction should I give them regarding dating and the modern custom of 'going steady'? I know they need the benefits of social contact with those of the opposite sex for their personality development, yet I recognize the danger o ...

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ON WINGS OF SONG Sex, Drugs, Vulgarity ON WINGS OF SONG Sex, Drugs, Vulgarity
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1980

Far too many of today's songs advocate obscenity, premarital sex, illicit sex, drugs, the occult, even revolution. Most caring parents would be shocked if they knew what their children are being told to do-all to the sound of music! Public and parental pressures, we are told, keep deviant films an ...

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The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 61
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1964

INTEGRATION IN ISRAEL, WE NOW MOVE FORWARD over two hundred years from Job's time. It is a few years after the Israelites' conquest of most of Canaan. Joshua has become more than a hundred years old, and is aware that his life is nearing an end. (Joshua 23:1.) Realizing that it would be wise to ...

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Your Human Potential Is Incredibly Greater Than You Have Realized Your Human Potential Is Incredibly Greater Than You Have Realized
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1979

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - Don't sell yourself short! The possibilities that lie ahead for you are transcendently greater than you have ever come to know! When I was an adolescent of sixteen, as I have said and written many times, AMBITION was aroused in me. It was on my first summer vaca ...

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