The U.S. in Prophecy - Part 2 The U.S. in Prophecy - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Well greetings friends. This is Herbert W. Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow. And, yes, there is good news ahead. But today's news once again is not good. I've been telling you that top scientists say that we have come to the time when all human life can be destroyed. No human l ...

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Questions And Answers Questions And Answers
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1977

God urges people not to have feelings of racism but to understand that God is the designer of all of human flesh. And he says in his word, he has made mankind all of one blood that a white person in desperate need of a blood transfusion could adjust very easily utilize if it's the same type, type ...

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The Origin of LIFE - Part I The Origin of LIFE - Part I
Kenneth C Herrmann  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1956

Have scientists found evidence that life evolved from dead matter? Are the first fossils simple and primitive as the theory of evolution demands? You and I are supposedly end products of an evolutionary process. This concept is taught as truth in almost all of our educational institutions today. But ...

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What Is Uppermost In God's Mind? What Is Uppermost In God's Mind?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1977

What is most important - above all else - in the mind of God right now? Does it make any difference to YOU what is IMPORTANT to God - what is important to Him above all else in your life? It should! For what is MOST IMPORTANT to Him IN YOUR LIFE will decide your happiness or unhappiness from here on ...

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The Bible Story - Volume IV The Bible Story - Volume IV  -  Chapter 50
Basil Wolverton  -  Ambassador College Publication   -  1964

THE CONSTITUTION OF ISRAEL, THE Israelites continued to camp on the plains east of the Jordan river for many days. Water was plentiful. There was an abundance of grass for the animals. Living was also a little more pleasant for the people because of the shade trees in that area. Meanwhile, the peopl ...

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The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers The Bible Answers Short Questions From Our Readers
Plain Truth Staff  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1968

Question: "Explain, if you will, the parable of the ten virgins - five of whom were wise - and five foolish." Answer: The WORK OF GOD, proclaiming to the whole world the good news of the KINGDOM OF GOD, was started by one man - Jesus Christ. Jesus chose and called His disciples. The word & ...

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Rules of Success - Part 7 Rules of Success - Part 7
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now this is the seventh of a series on the Seven Rules of Success. Do you know that everyone could be, should be, happy? You can't be very happy if your life is a failure. Why are most people unhappy? Why are most people failures? Most people do not apply a single one of these seven rules that are ...

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We Will Have World Peace We Will Have World Peace
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

Now, let's look into tomorrow. Let's look into the world today and what's going to happen in the immediate future as well as tomorrow's world. Because while there is good news for the world tomorrow and we're going to have world peace, we're going to have universal prosperity. We're go ...

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Should a Christian Fight? Should a Christian Fight?  -  Chapter II   
Leroy Neff  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  May 1962

War has been one of the greatest scourges of mankind. Almost everyone hates war, but almost no one has been able to avoid its terrible effects. How terrible is war? Does anyone really know? Can anyone put into words the untold suffering and misery that it brings to so many millions of people? The te ...

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When Will God Save Mankind? When Will God Save Mankind?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  December 17, 1979

There's no partiality with God, brethren, let me tell you that. The reason God has drawn some. I said that He only draws those He's drawing to have a part in preparing for the Kingdom of God. He's not drawing them just to get them saved. Everyone is going to be drawn to salvation in the end. W ...

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Christ's True Gospel Christ's True Gospel
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast

And now continuing, my friends, in the actual life and the ministry of Jesus Christ to see why it is that He taught something entirely different than that we hear today. You know that's the most astonishing thing of this time. That what we have accepted as the gospel of Jesus Christ is something a ...

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Just one more thing: Toy guns teach war Just one more thing: Toy guns teach war
Dexter H Faulkner  -  Worldwide News   -  August 5, 1985

"Bang, bang, you're dead." It's only a kids game, right? Wrong! Studies show that toy gun play is closely associated with violence and hurting others. Playing with toy guns prompts aggression and antisocial behavior, which may include kicking, fistfighting, pushing and shoving, damagin ...

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The Bible Myth Or Authority The Bible Myth Or Authority
Herman L Hoeh  -  Special Topics   -  1966

WHAT is the Bible? Does it have a purpose? Can it be proved that the Bible is an inspired revelation from God for man? How can you be sure? And how can you know that if there be an original inspired revelation, given directly by God to His prophets and apostles, it has been accurately preserved? ...

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The French-Speaking Peoples In Prophecy The French-Speaking Peoples In Prophecy  -  Introduction   
Dibar K Apartian  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1961

The origins of the histories of the French-speaking countries, as those of all the nations of the world, represent an insoluble mystery for historians and ethnologists. They recognize frankly that the annals of ancient history are very obscure. "History doesn't know the origin of any people" remar ...

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How Much Can You Do? How Much Can You Do?
John R Schroeder  -  Tomorrow's World   -  April 1972

DARWIN, Hitler, Lenin, Marx, Stalin! Just five men. Yet each in his own time profoundly altered the course of world history. Charles Darwin developed a theory of evolution - and now nearly all modern education is based on that unproven, unfounded premise. Hitler bathed Europe and Africa in blood - a ...

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