What Is Human Nature? What Is Human Nature?
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1976

Hello, how are you? My name is Mr. Smith. How do you do, sir? How are you? I'm fine, thank you. What's the next logical question you ask someone? It's usually, what do you do? Now, you've met hundreds of people in your life, and so have I. Every time you meet someone, you first are finding o ...

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ASTROLOGY - What's It All About? ASTROLOGY - What's It All About?
Ambassador College Production  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Do the stars and planets have a mysterious influence on human destiny? Is astrology science or myth? Can astrology really predict man's character, his love life, business deals, forming, even surgical operations?  "THIS IS the dawning of the age of Aquarius," the popular song went. The song t ...

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What's Wrong With the World's Economy? What's Wrong With the World's Economy?
Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1971

What are YOU most concerned about? If you are typical, it is not the threat of hydrogen bomb war, the space race, crime, or even the Vietnam War. The average American, Canadian, European, Australian citizen is most concerned about making ends meet FINANCIALLY. But WHY are the most prosperous nations ...

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Gary L Alexander  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1971

Forty million Americans and ten million Britons are plagued with excess weight. Are you one of them? How about your children or relatives? Here's what you can do about it. Before you begin reading this article be sure you understand this point: You CAN lose weight no matter how obese you are. One ...

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Our Awesome UNIVERSE! Our Awesome UNIVERSE!
Garner Ted Armstrong & Paul W Kroll  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1968

Where did the matter of the universe come from? Did it appear in some mysterious way? Has the universe always existed? Is the universe infinite? Do astronomers know the basic answers of WHY this universe is - WHERE the laws governing it came from? When you look up into the starry heavens on a dear n ...

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Paul W Kroll and Raouf el-Gammal  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1971

Today, the Soviet Union is the dominant power in the Middle East. By contrast America and Britain have few friends in this critical corner of the world. To a casual observer, it might appear that the Soviet Union blundered its way into the Middle East. The lesson of history tells us otherwise. The K ...

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Principles of Healthful Living, Part Two Principles of Healthful Living, Part Two
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Good News   -  May 1984

Millions suffer sickness and infirmities because they fail to apply natural laws! You need to know and use these valuable principles of good health. The health of the average Citizen of one of our industrialized Western countries is in a sorry state! And more and more are continually adding themselv ...

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Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2 Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Volume 2  -  Chapter 63   
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Book   -  1987

First Evangelistic Campaign in British Isles. Now I should like to get back once again to the year 1952. In recent chapters I have been covering the development of Ambassador College, the growth of The Plain Truth, the progress of the broadcast up to the ABC network transcontinental, on through the ...

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To Ruin a Marriage To Ruin a Marriage
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1973

You want to follow these simple rules to wreck your marriage, there's a guarantee they'll work—simple rules. Every one of them is easily adapted. Anybody can follow these rules. As a matter of fact, they're so easy to follow, most people have been following these rules without realizing they w ...

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Is America Losing... The Battle for Economic Survival? Is America Losing... The Battle for Economic Survival?
Gene H Hogberg & Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  June-July 1970

Beset by crime, campus riots, strikes, inflation, recession, and the agony of nine years of Vietnam, most Americans are utterly unaware of a global battle now under way which they could be losing by default. Within and without, the awesome American economy is facing serious challenges. Internally, t ...

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God Loves a Cheerful Giver - Part Two God Loves a Cheerful Giver - Part Two
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Good News   -  August 1975

In the last issue we saw how the Bible is literally packed with analogies, examples and parables about the right attitude and approach toward money. Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave example after example about talents, pounds and pennies. In this article we'll show you where "your treasure" ...

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The Origin of Medical Practice The Origin of Medical Practice  -  Chapter V   
Charles S McMichael  -  Ambassador College Thesis   -  1969

DISEASE is proved to have been a constant, ever-present menace to man from the earliest times. Even the most modern ailments � cancer, heart and vascular disease - threatened the average man in ancient civilizations! Yet, we have learned that even in those dim, distant eras, the scourge of disease ...

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Is America Losing... The Battle For Economic Survival? Is America Losing... The Battle For Economic Survival?
Ambassador College  -  Special Topics   -  1970

Beset by crime, campus riots, strikes, inflation, recession, and the agony of nine years of Vietnam, most Americans are utterly unaware of a global battle now under way which they could be losing by default. Within and without, the awesome American economy is facing serious challenges. Internally, t ...

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MYSTERY BLOB threatens to engulf evolution! MYSTERY BLOB threatens to engulf evolution!
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  March 1969

How do you eat with no mouth? How can you crawl with no legs? How to digest food with no stomach? To respond to touch with no sensory organs? And how reproduce, without reproductive organs? Believe it or not, all this, and much more, is accomplished by the "simple" amoeba. "Simple&quo ...

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The Modern Romans The Modern Romans
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1976

And greeting friends around the world, news you hear in this world today is not usually very good. And whether you're talking about the presidential election year and the millions of wavering voters wondering what's going to happen in the economy in 1977 or at the nuclear arms race, the Middle E ...

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