Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  August 1982

If hell does exist, where is it - and can those who are there ever get out? Will those in hell leave hell at the time of the resurrection - or are they confined eternally to hell, so that they shall be UNABLE to take part in the resurrection? What did Jesus mean when he said in John 5:28-29: ". ...

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Soviet Economic Crisis: Prelude to United Europe? Soviet Economic Crisis: Prelude to United Europe?
Keith W Stump  -  Plain Truth   -  January 1986

The Soviet economy is in trouble. The political — and prophetic consequences are major! IN Moscow, the feeling is growing that the Soviet Union is rapidly nearing a turning point. The reason? A seriously sick Soviet economy. While there is no immediate danger of economic collapse, the dismal picture ...

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Question Box Question Box
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  December 1951

Question 1: Is It Right to Give Xmas Presents to Children If I Explain It Isn't from Santa Claus? Question 2: Are Communism, Fascism and Nazism the Three Unclean Spirits? Question 3: Will Christians be Taken Into Captivity? Answer 1: The giving of presents in itself is all right but the fact you a ...

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After 54 Years - Christ's Apostle Was Still Ahead of His Time! After 54 Years - Christ's Apostle Was Still Ahead of His Time!
Worldwide Church of God  -  Good News   -  May 1986

Fifty-five years ago next month - in June, 1931 - Herbert W. Armstrong was ordained into the ministry as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Five years earlier he had been challenged into a diligent study of the Bible. "By spring, 1927, my mind had been swept clean of the religious beliefs I had carele ...

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Old Testament Writers: World-Famous Scholars! Old Testament Writers: World-Famous Scholars!
Lynn E Torrance  -  Good News   -  March 1968

Critics today claim the Bible is a collection of myths and fantasies written by ignorant shepherds and dirt farmers. Yet history proves these Biblical writers to be the greatest scholars of all time. What is this proof? Why has it been suppressed? Read this eye-opening article and find out! ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 19, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - July 19, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  July 19, 1961

I am having to write you this letter from England with a heavy heart. WHY, Oh WHY does it have to be, dear Brethren, that of all the opposition, persecution, and trials I have to meet and hurdle over, the most discouraging and disappointing experiences have to come from a few of you who profess to b ...

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Were You Called to the Were You Called to the "GOOD LIFE"?
Albert J Portune  -  Good News   -  July-September 1973

The primary target in life for some has become the things of this life - its fulfillment and its security, its rewards and satisfactions. Without realizing it, we often let this happen. But this is extremely dangerous! Just what are God's primary purposes for His people? How much should we ex ...

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Ancient Mythology Ancient Mythology
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  1974

Man alone of all creatures, harbors an insatiable interest in the past. The Luna of pyramids and statues has captured lives and fortunes. We remain as convinced as ever that knowledge of the dead will help provide knowledge and help for the living. Yet, despite man's efforts, antiquities still gua ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 25, 1957 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 25, 1957
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 25, 1957

Intense pressure of work has delayed the writing of this most important letter a full month. Now the situation is getting critical. I am writing from Gladewater, Texas, in the midst of the spring Festival which God ordained for His Church — which was kept by Christ, by the Apostles, by the Gentile c ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 11, 1961 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - December 11, 1961
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  December 11, 1961

Here we are in the very thick of the most frenzied Christmas shopping splurge in American history. Unemployment has gone to a new LOW. People are enjoying incomes at record levels —they have more money to spend than ever before—and they are in a spending mood right now—with this "Christmas spir ...

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Stories From The New Testament: Chapter 12 - A Birthday Party Ends in Tragedy Stories From The New Testament: Chapter 12 - A Birthday Party Ends in Tragedy
Shirley King Johnson  -  Good News   -  December 1982

The 12 disciples might well have felt some apprehension, though they may not have said anything, when Jesus announced to them that He was going to visit His mother. It was in Nazareth, after all, that the leaders of the synagogue had wanted to kill Him. Jesus, however, seemed unworried about possibl ...

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The Astounding Purposes of Sex! The Astounding Purposes of Sex!
Donald D Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  May 1980

WHY has this world's "Christianity" failed to understand the purposes of sex revealed in the Bible? Do you know why God created humans male and female? Do you know that God did not have to make humanity as He did if reproduction were His only purpose? God was the first great sex educator ...

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MINISTUDY: The Role of Righteous Angels Today MINISTUDY: The Role of Righteous Angels Today
Richard H Sedliacik  -  Good News   -  May 1982

In Genesis 1:1 we are told that "God created the heaven and the earth." But physical matter - this earth, the stars, the galaxies - was not the first thing God created. 1. What did God create before bringing the material universe into existence? Job 38:4·7. What are these "stars"? Rev. 1:20. In Job ...

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Where Are World Events Headed? Where Are World Events Headed?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Telecast   -  August 30, 1984

Recently in the news, warnings of a nuclear winter. Now, we're warned that a nuclear war would produce an earth-covering cloud. It would cover the entire earth, anywhere from one to maybe 3 billion people would be destroyed by the nuclear weapons themselves, and the rest would starve to death beca ...

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Willpower!! Willpower!!
Raymond F McNair  -  Good News   -  September 1966

Here is a revealing article-showing how to overcome "the pulls of the flesh" - how to gain victory over human nature! Here is how you can eradicate SIN from your character and develop Godly WILLPOWER! WHY ARE some neglecting prayer? Why do some let down in their Bible study, become lax in ...

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